Interesting that when talking about the Image Rights issue, Sullivan said, "What we can't have is a situation where a guy goes back to France and then in two years' time they [HMRC] say to us, 'You've given him £1m in image rights, we want 40 per cent of that.'"
Please note, Sullivan did not say, "for example", he said, "where a guy goes back to France". So who is going back to France in the summer then? Well it could be Ilan of course, but unless his face has been used in a new campaign for the film, "The Invisible Man", he can't be owed a million pounds yet. So is it Ilunga or Faubert?
My money is on Faux Pas (whose departure I predicted when S&G took over). He joined during the Eggert era, is on an absurd salary for an average quality rightback and has been photographed a lot because it is easier to snap slow moving or stationary objects. If France is indeed his next destination, we are not going to recoup anything like the £6m Curbishley paid for him.
Perhaps we could design a new West Ham Monopoly game. "Go, to France, go directly to France, do not pass go, do not collect £1m in image rights".
I know this might sound crazy but maybe, just maybe, he was giving a hypothetical example and you're reading something into nothing.
An other shite player about to split from west spam.you hamsters told us he was the dogs balls and he turned out to be just balls.that reminds me,do you ballbags remeber when you got the two argies and you were on talksport saying you were going to win the prem.jokers btw hammersfan your doing a great job belittling your Little club couldn't do better myself.:-0
1835 are you a "wenger out" "ancelotti out" (unless we win everything) brigade or part of the "Harry will win us the Champions league not bankrupt us" mob
well done bobby z & fulham!
1755, maybe. But why choose France? It would be much easier to pursue somebody in France than, say Egypt. Stupid hypothetical to use. Still, at least he didn't use Italy!
This is poor journalism to be fair mate and your blog post is very misleading
Why is that Scott? Do explain. Faubert will go in the summer because he is on a huge wage. Sullivan just let le chat out of le sac accidentally.
So you know exactly what Faubert is earning do you?
Your title suggests that Sullivan has said a player is leaving, actually, what he's said is that should a player leave, we'd possibly end up having to pay their image right's tax too.
I'm not here to slate you or call you whatever - I'm really just pointing out that this appears on NewsNow and the title is misleading.
For the record, Faubert is a very very good player being played out of position, he has shown what a capable player he is going forward.
Your predictions are nothing worth shouting about mate. Players come and go from clubs and if faubert does not go in the summer can you please remind us? Doubt you will it wouldn't suit your smugness.
Others will remind me, rest assured of that. And WHEN I am right I will be smug.
Scott, he is on 55k per week.
Please show us proof that Faubert is on 55k a week, i very much doubt it, im sure it will be closer to 20k. Maybe the reason he said France was that it is the closest european country to us? Kepp up the good work Columbo.
Did someone called this journalism? It's speculative rubbish on someone's blog without any foundation at all.
Total rubbish from someone screaming for his spot in the limelight.
Jamie, how dare you speak in that way about West Ham's Tolstoy?
Ady, you clearly have no idea what happened under Turds and Egg. Faubert was told not to join us by the French national manager. Why do you think he came? £20k a week? He could earn that in France.
smug - it isn't attractive and I'm not sure why anyone would derive pleasure from it? unless of course you're lacking in confidence, self worth etc.,
You would struggle to be smug if you were lacking in self confidence and a sense of self worth. That would be a contradiction. You have no concept of how good it feels to be smug because you have never had anything to feel smug about. Move the s.
It's an inferiority complex.... you have an overwhelming need to feel superior on this board - which is why you spout such utter tosh and crap - the reason behind it all is because you feel bad about yourself in the real world - which is why smugness in the virtual word is so appealing for a no mark like yourself.
Simple really you smug mug!
But the problem with that argument is that I am smug about my real life too. This blog is a bit of entertainment. I enjoy the interaction and, most of all, I enjoy the anger and bile of people like yourself, jealous no marks who can't even write a crappy little blog so go on to other people's crappy little blogs to tell them that their blogs are crappy and little. Still, by riding on my back, you get an audience I suppose.
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