Interesting. Hughes is still out of work and one of his coaching team has just been appointed to replace Ludo Miklosko. I don't know if Miklosko has walked, been pushed or is jumping from a sinking ship, but it seems an unfortunate coincidence that his replacement, Hitchcock, is a Mark Hughes man. Have meetings already taken place? Is Hughes buillding his team in expectation of Zola walking perhaps?
Is a Mark Hughes stalking horse replacing hung like a horse Ludo I wonder? At least the guy is appropriately named. Hitchcock? What I witnessed on Saturday was much more horrific than anything that ever happened in the Bates motel!
Apparently he's going to make a cameo appearance in each match but most punters won't even spot him!
What, like Dyer?
LOL very good!
Ludo retired as he has health problems.
Hitchcock knows Zola from his time at Chelsea.
That's how simple it is without trying to stir up a load of shite that is just guess work at the very best.
I still think we should get Paul Whitehouse as manager. He'd do a splendid job. Here's the evidence:
If the link doesn't work, type 'Harry and Paul football manager' in youtube. It made me cry laughing
anyone but Zola! quite simple.
Ah, that explains it. I seem to remember Hitchcock now. Little guy for a keeper wasn't he? Used to wear a bright yellow or red shirt? Agaile but wasn't very good in the air if I remember rightly? Perfect for Green then! Another great Zola decision?
Little guy, HF? Maybe not - - - -
"It reminded us about a story we heard from Wilkins’ days as Gianluca Vialli’s assistant at Watford. Vialli’s style of management of this struggling, cash-poor club used to involve as many expensive lunches, washed down with fine wines, and “training” trips abroad. On one such trip to Italy. The manager and his assistant maintained their usual commitment to man-management and rigorous training sessions with a long lunch, followed by a nap on the loungers by the hotel pool.
The players decided to have a little fun at their expense. Goalkeeping coach Kevin Hitchcock was known at the time for having one of the biggest wangs in football. He was persuaded to teabag Butch. Hitchcock stood behind Wilkins’ lounger and unzipped his cock. He then, from behind, laid it out across Wilkins face so that his plums flopped across Butch’s face and the tip of his penis rested in his assistant manager’s open mouth."
From The Spoiler
Bishop and Morley will be applying for jobs now!
daily sport ....here he comes
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