David Sullivan has given a ringing endorsement to the author of this blog. Many critics have wrongly asserted that Hammersfan is no fan of West Ham at all because he never gets out of his arm chair and attends games. Well now Sullivan has blown that boat out of the water. There are a "million" West Ham fans, apparently, who never get to a game. And if we all chip in £100 each, then our club will be saved and, within 7 years will be doing what Chelsea can't, knocking Inter Milan out of the Champions League. Sullivan, the East End Confucious Come John Maynard Keynes says:
'We need the help now of our million armchair-supporters because we know they are just that - supporters. Come to a game before the end of the season, buy something from the club shops, visit our website or use a West Ham credit card. We need everyone to do something for the club we all love.'
Well bugger me with a Crossed Hammers Rabid Rabbit, I have done all of that since the beginning of December! My son has a West Ham wallet and a crossed Hammers necklace (both bought from the Official Club Shop as stocking fillers), I have used my West Ham credit card and we are both season ticket holders! I've done my bit - and some - to save the club. If the other 999,999 armchair fans do their bit, Murdoch's Sky is the limit!
So come on you so called Hammers, dig deep! The West Ham embossed wallet is fantastic value! The crossed Hammers necklace should be worn around every neck. Dig deep for David!
Sod Sports Relief, just ring the club and pledge your £100 to Sullivan Relief. You know you want to! And just think, in three years time you can put down a deposit on a flat in The Boleyn Mansions!
Why does this website not appear on newsno any longer????
Why do you keep asking that question when it does? What a moron!
ive spent more money on west ham then i have on most things in the last 10 or 15 years and where has it got me. shit team. over paid paid players. relegation or relegation battles. selling how best players to the likes of micky mouse clubs like tottenham. what difference has it made.
Duxbury left with a huge pay off, Brown is a multi-millionaire, Dyer will never have to work again, Curbishley pocketed nearly £2m in compensation, Redknapp has a mansion on the South Coast, Davenport has pocketed £250,000 for being shit...money well spent mate, money well spent.
Oh, and not forgetting the £5m we are paying each year for the next 4 years to Sheffield United!
no other club in england would get 35000 crowds like we do if they had to put up with the crap with had to. west ham should count themselves lucky that they have got a massive fan base like hows.
what do we ever get back for the money we spend. nothing thats what.
we get to be miserable every saturday.
even dagenham and redbridge fans take the piss out of us these days. i wouldn't mind but most of them are west ham fans. what chance have we got.
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