So, on the surface, Hull have simply decided to win ugly by appointing ex Hammers gargoyle Ian-My-Best-Ever-Goal-Was-In-My-Own-Net-Dowie as manager. But far more significant than the appointment of Dowie is the speed with which Turds fell off their radar. When Brown was shown the door, all the clever money appeared to be on Curbishley replacing him, but within 24 hours, Pearson was categorically denying that Turds was on his short list. From favourite to complete non runner in so short a space of time seems a startling turn around. How can we explain it?
Well how about this for a scenario? On Saturday, Curbishley spoke to Sullivan after the thumping at Chelsea and Diddy David told him that he had been unable to persuade Gold that it was the right time to change the manager. Assurances were given that, one way or another, Zola would go before the end of July but Curbishley, when he asked, was told he was free to consider a short term position in the interim. Unbeknown to Sullivan, Pearson had already been in touch with Turds after news broke of the fight between Barmby and Bullard, asking him if we would fancy the Hull job, but Turds had replied he would only be interested in a position until the end of the season.
Pearson was happy with that, sacked Brown and told the press he was confident of having somebody in position quickly to manage the club through to the end of the season. Word then got out that Curbishley had been approached and Sullivan blew a gasket. Curbishley received a call asking him what the fcuk he was thinking of and Sullivan told him, in no uncertain terms, that if he took the Hull job and kept them up, at the expense of West Ham, then he could forget about ever returning to Upton Park. Faced with the prospect of having to tow his caravan north on a permanent basis, Curbishley promptly pulled out of the Hull job, after receiving a firm promise from Sullivan that he would be appointed West Ham manager before the end of July. Pearson was suddenly left high and dry and was reduced to appointing Dowie with nobody else available or willing to take the job.
It would still be hugely ironic if Dowie, a figure of contempt (if not hate) for many Hammers fans, were to keep Hull up at our expense. Then Sullivan might wish he had let Pearson have Curbishley after all!
Why are you so convinced CURBISHLEY is going to be WESTHAM'S next manager?
Because I have supported the club for 40 plus years and know that if we can get it wrong, we will get it wrong. I am not the only one with these suspicions Essex. The compromise compensation payment was sorted very amicably and Sullivan was rumoured to want Curbishley back before the take over was completed. Why didn't Curbishley take the Hull job if he is not on a promise?
How much did CURBISHLEY get in compensation ,does anybody know? I just get the impression SULLIVAN is fed up to the back teeth of all this money haemorraging from the club and is just trying to tighten the purse strings the least painful way possible.If that meant getting CURBISHLEY off his back by quickly resolving the compensation issue,so be it,he was just prepared to cut his losses.
As far as CURBISHLEY not taking the HULL job,he probably is reasoning he has more ambition than taking on that sinking ship.
Settled on half of what he was supposedly entitled to as I read it. Something doesn't add up witht the Hull job. Pearson definitely thought he had somebody lined up, then it went pear shaped. The facts add up. My money is on Curbishley leading us into next season - unfortunately!
Curbs wont come back and you know nothing. Honestly we need a blqck manager to pander to the local ghanaian community around upton park. Lets appoint Robbie earle the man has it all and he is an ethnic to boot.
LOL. Now I can see why you thought of me! Wasn't Ian Dowie training as a rocket engineer before his football career took off?
you really should be a fiction writer, a shite one, but a fiction writer nevertheless.
I think the one reason why G&S will not appoint Curbishley is because they must be able to see what he was complicit in during Eggert's time....surely?
Also, was Curbishley's settlement gaining interest? Maybe that could be why G&S wanted to get it sorted.
But if it happens the way you said HF, I'll give you a medal.
Hull are going down by the way.
....no Marty, he was starring in the Goonies!
Glad I found this post as I was strting to think I was the only person who had spotted that this might be happening.
The part you missed was how quickly the constructive dismissal claim was settled and how complimentary Curbs was about the new owners. Curbs has also been on record (one of the papers over the weekend mentioned it) as saying he will be back in work for the start of next season and has started scouting players.
Tie this together with the strange goings on at Hull and you get quite a compelling case which is ultimately built on nothing but circumstantial evidence.
I've said this many a time before, I would love to have Curbs back because he is the man to take us forward under such difficult circumstances. I seriously can't think of anyone better than him at keeping us in the top ten on such a small budget.
Many complain that his style of football is boring but in all honesty, it is 10 times better than what we are seeing now and there were some crackers played under Curbs if you remember rightly.
Bring back Curbs and give him the chance he fully deserves.
WTF would they pay him compensation then give him his Job back - was £2 mil was it not ??
A psychic (pronounced /ˈsaɪkɨk/; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—"of the soul, mental" (or in hf's case mental soul), also called a sensitive[1]) is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception, or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the appearance of such abilities. It can also denote an ability of the mind to influence the world physically and to the telekinetic powers professed by those such as Hammers Fan also known as Fanno.
So fanno WHAT IS the score for this weekend?
I'll have as big a bet as you want re Curbs coming back. A mutual friend of ours can be the go between!
I only bet on things I want o happen Aycliffe. Which is why I struck that double on Newcastle to go down and England to win the World Cup.
A psychic (pronounced /ˈsaɪkɨk/; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—"of the soul, mental" (or in hf's case mental soul), also called a sensitive[1]) is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception, or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the appearance of such abilities. It can also denote an ability of the mind to influence the world physically and to the telekinetic powers professed by those such as Hammers Fan also known as Fanno.
So fanno WHAT IS the score for this weekend?
Aycliffe btw are you available as a go between for other affairs too?
LOL Aycliffe, the Terry Waite of westhamfans.org! What do you require of the Church Intermiadiary? Carefull mate, you could find yourself chained up in a dungeon somewhere in deepest Dagenham!
Apologies about the typo above, I know there is only one L in careful!
TurdsOut, you are getting repetitive.
TurdsOut, you are getting repetitive.
The amount of compensation due to Curbs just reduced the purchase price paid by the new owners so they don't hold that against him surely?
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