You have to give Dyer his due - and that's £65k a week at the lowest estimate - the guy has some brass neck! Get this for a quote!
"The fittest I've been since I became a West Ham player was at Wolverhampton on the first day of the season and I showed in that 70 minutes that I was on the pitch what I can do."
So, by Dyer's OWN admission he was not fit to play 90 minutes WHEN HE JOINED US or at any point BEFORE he broke his leg and hasn't been fit to play 90 minutes since! Brilliant! So yes Kieron, we saw what you could do, complete a whole 70 minutes on the football pitch - and, of course, you were then unavailable for the next 2 games after that extraordinary effort!
You couldn't bloody script it! And what does this tell us about the idiocy of Turds, Egg and Duxbury? Did they decide that there was no real need for a medical when they signed him?
I despair!
Talking of Dyer I hope you are with me and are counting down the days of this horrendous Labour government. That entire BS back in 1997 about things can only get better. They have set this country back years and remember the only Sun headline that did for Kinnock, will the last one to leave please turn off the lights, well that headline could come true if they get re-elected. Would love to know your thoughts Fanno, bet you are one of these champagne socialists?
Have to ask what the hell what curbishley thinking buying dyer, he was never fit while up here in newcastle (and still somehow managed to get a payrise despite him being a serial crock, hes good at getting cash off fools no doubts there) talented player when hes fit but he never is these days
Hes just a lazy useless spade and he needs to be put down and used for glue
With his injury record, we must have been the unluckiest club in the world for him to be fit around the time of his medical....that is assuming he did one....and passed.
1847 bet you're full of brains with an excellent job and live in an wonderful home and a superlative part of your neighbourhood... but then of course you don't, if you did you wouldn't feel so inferior and threatened by the colour of someone's skin.
2002, I have left his offensive comment up so yours makes sense. This moron comes on here every day and posts mindless racism. What I would give to take him down to an estate in Brixton and give him a megaphone linked to an amplifier. Of course, the coward would run a mile if he came face to face with somebody who can fight back. Apologies to anybody offended by his comment.
TW I voted Tory at the last election because Blair lied over WMD. I was appalled that, in a democracy, we still returned a man to power who gave false reasons for leading us into an illegal war.
I would have had to vote Labour had Iain Dale won the open Primary for my constituency but, fortunately, the good Tories of Sandhurst and Bracknall gave him the bum's rush.
So, it WAS my intention to vote Tory this time around but, the truth is, Brown and Darling have managed the economic downturn brilliantly. Brown really did lead the World with Quantative Easing, although I was proposing it in my local before he announced it. People go on about our deficit but when the stock in the banks recover, we will recoup the bulk of it. I'm pissed personally because I had shares in A&L, Barclays, Halifax and B&B and I will never see that money again, but that's the risk you take. Yes Brown deserves his share of the blame for allowing the banks to operate the biggest pyramid scheme the world has ever seen but the Tories wouldn't have done anything different would they?
So who will I vote for? Brown. If the Tories win and cut, we will dip back into recession.
I always vote BNP as i want England for the English and not all these low life drains on our society. I am racist and proud like 95% of people in all races and creeds. Im just honest. Keep England English
What do you understand by the term English? Is Rio Ferdinand English? Stanislas? Cole? Would you send Diamanti and Zola home or are they ok because they have white skin? Genuine questions.
What "type" of English are you? A Celt? Or an Angle? Or a Saxon? Or Norse perhaps? Or maybe a Norman? Do you speak Welsh, the native tongue of England before the Angles drove native speakers into Wales? Or do you favour Old English, before the introduction of Norse? Or how about modern English which has more in common with French?
And what do you think of our Norman nobility or indeed our German Royal Family?
What type of "English" are you exactly?
English is anybody born here who works and makes a contribtion to this country and does not just come over here and drain the NHS and demand a council house and free handouts as this country is a totl soft touch. People born here should take priority than somebody arriving here in the back of a lorry claiming asylum and being given everything without ptting anything back in this country. Look at the area around Upton park. What a total dump and then look at the type of people living there. Not rcis just a statement of fact.
I am a racist but like i said so are most people
So is Keith MacDonald English?
"SNEERING sponger with seven kids by seven different girls said yesterday after getting an EIGHTH pregnant: "Why should I pay for them?" Randy Keith MacDonald, 24 - who has already dumped the latest mum- to-be - scoffed after lumbering taxpayers with a £1million benefits bill for his brood: "I don't see my kids."So why should I pay? I'm young, free and single." The jobless scrounger's..."
Candidate for BNP I'd imagine Stani!
Candidate? He's bloody leadership quality! :)
@hf 2024, with all your intellect you can't even tell that this poster is probably no more racist than you are, he probably has friends who are black and Asian etc. Like the Americans (Spector et al) can play football they do not understand it, not really. The same could be said of your understanding of football and life in general.
Your kind of wisdom is you knowing that you know everything! Get my drift?
BNP Rule...Dagenham. And they are welcome to it!
For the love of god Harriet Fanno - please please please do not go to any more games - we haven't won one since you purchased your mini season ticket - you're a bock sir, a jinx, and a Jonah
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