Well this blog kept warning you that Duxbury was a liar and that a fire sale was planned, but the Three Monkeys Brigade kept calling me a Spud and a liar and a traitor and a fool. Well now Sullivan has confirmed what I was saying all along. I quote:
"The strategy for survival was in place in case there wasn't a takeover, and we were told that it meant that £8 million worth of players had to be sold in January, which would have meant a player like Scott Parker or Carlton Cole going, or maybe even both."
"Then in the summer, the club would have needed to sell £16 million worth of players to carry on surviving, having budgeted to finish 10th in the Premier League, but it might have been more like £20 million if they had been relegated."
"It would have reached the stage where the club would have had no one left of any consequence, but when people are desperate they had to design desperate measures."
"For West Ham it wouldn't have been long before they would have run out of players to sell. Yet Straumer had put in £7.9 million to keep the club afloat on top of all the debts."
So how does that tally with Duxbury's and Bernhardt's claims that everything was under control exactly? Now some may argue that Sullivan is talking himself up here and paving the way for a firesale of his own come the summer, but remember, Straumer still own 50% of the club so Sullivan would be taking a bit of a risk if he was telling porkies.
I'm not saying there isn't an ulterior motive: I fully expect the high wage earners to be offloaded in the summer anyway. But I do believe what Sullivan is saying about the Bernhardt-Duxbury strategy to keep us afloat. And if Sullivan is telling the truth then Duxbury was taking the fans for complete mugs - which is exactly what I was telling you all along!
Why did he give those interviews to Kumb and Dale? As I told you at the time, because they were happy to carry his propaganda without asking searching questions.
Two lessons should be learned here: Never trust a man who smiles in a crisis! And never trust a Blog that, when ordered to do so, drops its trousers and takes it up the backside from the man at the top!
I really think you should lay off Duxbury a bit. Compared to Peter Storrie hes a saint haha.
There's another one! How is he still in a job?
Honestly, the audacity of some people. Peter Storrie watching the game at Burnley as if nothing has happened. Moreover, he pretends to be staying out of loyalty to the Club and the supporters. If the Pompey fans believe that then it is no wonder that Arry and Pete are getting away with murder. Of course, the real reason he is still around is to cover his tracks for as long as possible.
I think the key phrase in the statement is 'if there was no takeover'. We know of at least 2 other bonafide bids alongside Sullivan and Gold's.
Sullivan has been acting like the second coming of Christ since the moment his bid was rubber stamped... every day comes with a new revelation of the trouble he saved us from. Much as I was unsure about Cellino and Fernandes, I'm starting to think maybe they'd have been better owners (and a site less annoying).
I think Scott was very cute and i would love to have made love to the sexy boy.
That looks very much like an overt sexual comment to me... prepare to be censored.
Duxbury a liar? no! surely not, my faith in humankind is forever shaken
So you're slagging off Duxbury for allegedly planning to sell players, but then accept that we will have to sell players anyway under Gold and Sullivan?
Methinks you just love a bit of gay midget porn! BUSTED!
What's good for the goose is good for the gander! You slag off Duxbury for not doing something, yet will allow G&S to do exactly that thing this Summer?
Behrami, Green, Upson, Ilan, Boa Morte, Davenport, Dyer, Gabbidon, da Costa, Franco and a lot of young pros will be sold and released! FACT!
I bet you will find excuses for all of them leaving though. Why?
Because you will never admit to being wrong.
You are the sort of fan who thought Anton was here because of his brother and so booed him even when he was our best defender!
You are the sort of fan who decided Harewood was lazy because he is black and so booed him even when he was our top-scorer!
You are the sort of fan who is killing West Ham UNITED!
hear here
Debt was £140+m in May 2007. Duxbury begins to run the club on his own as the Icelandics fall apart.
It's already down to £90m in February 2010. Duxbury leaves the club.
By August 2011 it will be under £50m.
Duxbury started to move us in the right direction. The truth hurts! I'd suggest you either accept it, or use your propaganda a little more tactly. People remember.....
When Gold and Sullivan next fuck up (McCarthy = Fuck Up 1), you will be reminded, since you are their chief PR Man!!!!
boring - fcuk me man who gives a shit now. Move on and stop trying to prove your petty self right all the time. Crap blog
Fanno is a cock.
Oh give it a fucking rest will you?
Everyone knew Duxbury was a liar he'd proved that on several occaisions. Those who believed him were not necessarily naive but maybe had a little faith, blind maybe, but this is still better than jumping down the neck of anyone and everyone connected to the club that he supposedly supports.
Everything is a personal mission for you to prove us right. You always predict the worst and when it does happen or was proven a possibility you just can't wait to tell us how right you were like a smug git.
The demise of the club seems to bring as much a smile to your face as the success would a normal fan.
You are an ambarassment to the club.
You love criticising the club and are always demanding answers. Well it's easy to just lash out, why can't you at least do it contructively? There is no balance on your site, it's one way traffic and people only read it now to hear what drivel you come out with next.
You are a miserable hit-whore.
Up until this blog on Duxbury I was unsure if you really were a West Ham fan and found many of your blogs unnecessarily devisive. However you have hit the nail on the head here and I wonder if Dale and Kumb will have the decency to answer your allegations.
Well Done ! COYI
Look the way football is going we should be greatful for slippery duxbury and for the gold and sullivan takeover. now we need to forget about the last few years and concentrate on the future whatever that maybe, if we sell green andor upson then good riddence, if they don't want to stay with the club that made them england regulars then lets pocket the cash or give zola some xtra players, but lets put aline under the last few seasons and back the new owners and zola.
How can we move on when Hammersfan is so insistant on bringing up the dirt and bragging about how he knew about it all along? He is obviously a very bitter, negative and pessimistic being.
If you keep looking back, you won't see where you are going.
This Duxbury chap lies better than I do and Peter Storrie would make a better Chancellor than Darling
Football is the new Politics
You've got your time frame muddled up, I'm afraid.
Duxbury's claim that he wouldn't be pressurized into selling players in the January transfer window was made about 2009.
Sullivan is talking about 2010.
That would be January 2009 when we sold Bellamy then? And Duxbury wasn't a liar then? Interesting reasoning! I think you will find that the interviews with Kumb and Dale followed that! Then, of course, we heard in September that the situation was not as bad as some were making out. Through December, there were a series of statements made that we were not desperate for new investment and confirming that there was no need for a fire sale in January. I accept that Berhardt had taken over the bullshit megaphone by that stage, laregly because Duxbury's crebility was fraying at the edges.
It's quite amazing the way abuse was directed at me when I was warning about Duxbury's deception, but now I am being told that everybody knew he was lying! Of course, it would be asking too much to expect people to say, "Fair enough, you called it right all along!" It's okay guys, I know that you know that's the case; you just make yourself look even smaller and even more stupid by refusing to admit it!
1216, you can move on whenever you like! You don't hhave to read this blog and even if you read it, you don't have to believe it!
The idea that you move on by wiping the recent past out of mind is incredibly stupid. Sullivan and Gold need very careful watching. Despite what one idiot claims, I am a very long way away from being an apologist for the Porno Boys. I take a lot of what they say with a pinch of salt and will continue to do so. Do I trust them? Do I hell as like! We let them sell the stadium at our peril. As long as we have a ground, we have a club. Lose the ground and God help us!
We study the past to understand the future. Duxbury used the media to deceive and G&S may well be doing precisely the same.
Sorry, I don’t follow your reasoning either. As you say the interviews with KUMB and Dale’s WHTID did follow the sale of Bellamy, so his talk of player sales related to the then current squad. Furthermore, it is worth looking at what Duxbury said at the time:
“So we've had to enter a period where we've had to reduce our debt through player disposals and making sure we're self sufficient”. (Perhaps this is the reference to Bellamy that you’re looking for.)
“As far as the banks are concerned, they just want their money back. As far as I'm concerned I want to create a team that's competitive and can actually win so it's a balancing act between player disposals, getting rid of the fringe players that we agreed with Gianfranco but keeping the team competitive.”
I think he’s pretty open and upfront about this - - it's a balancing act - - - . He didn’t promise that there would be no transfers of players but he inferred that he would do his best to hold onto the players the football manager wanted to keep.
Not wishing to be too pedantic mate, but he implied; you inferred. He also said that the manager would decide who would be sold. Any sales would be based on "footballing decisions".
My points are:
1) You say he comments related to player sales in December 2009. But we sold Bellamy in 2009 so his claims in December 2008 that we did not need to sell anybody were untrue.
2) After the sale of Bellamy, he gave his interviews to KUMB and Dale and misled fans by claiming the situation had been "stabilised". Yes he said that the squad would be pruned but in line with the manager's desire to work with a smaller group of players. The inference many made was that Zola had the final say on who was sold. The "statements" given to KUMB and Dale, which were very carefully worded, were designed to mislead whilst leaving the door open for a future fire sale, as I pointed out at the time. I received tons of abuse at the time when questioning the integrity of the "interviews" and for suggesting that fans were being duped. That's exactly how it has worked out. Unfortunately. As I stressed at the time, I would have been delighted to have been proved wrong. Sadly, that was never going to happen.
LOL. I think you're coming round to my way of thinking. (Shock, horror)
"carefully worded - - - - whilst leaving the door open for a future fire sale, "
Not a liar, then?
LOL If you like. Just an incompetent and duplicitous bastard then!
Mind you, he was proved a liar over the Tevez affair - which cost us £25m!
Think you'll find an independent FA inquiry found West Ham not-guilty of any other breaches of FA and Premier League rules, after the initial Tevez verdict and before the end of the 06/07 season!
Just because a dithering old mental case (Lord G not Gold and Sullivan) claimed otherwise, doesn't mean they're right!
If they were wrong, why did Duxbury agree to a £25m settlement out of court? I was highly critical at the time. Of course, that was BEFORE the independent panel found us innocent. So, what does that make Duxbury, apart from an incompetent pillock! Why did he pay up? Because he was terrified of being exposed! He put his reputation before the club!
Because it would have been left to the courts and we'd have had to pay it there and then!
Given we were found guilty in the first place (later cleared by the inquiry) how could we have taken a chance on an appeal or letting the courts decide etc.?
What if they'd demanded £40m right there and then? Administrated! Liquidated! Whatever you like!
At least negotiating it meant we could pay it over 5-6 years!
Pay what didn't need to be paid! Unless Duxbury knew he was guilty of course! Which ever way round the circle you go, you end up back at the same point: Duxbury gave the oral cuddles and lied about it. He then panicked and stumped up £25m of the club's money to avoid public exposure. Tell me, why are you so intent on defending him? He's gone now!
Cuddles he was later cleared of, as you well know, but refuse to admit as it makes you WRONG! :-)
Sad times Fanny, you are being torn like a virgin on here! :-)
He was not cleared of the oral cuddles! The commission decided no further punishment was applicable. That doesn't mean he was cleared of the cuddles. No cuddles, no compo to Sheffield United. Back round the circle.
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