Well said Scott Parker! There I was thinking that we lost against Bolton because we defended like blind lepers and attacked like paraplegics, but apparently I was wrong. Nor was it down to poor team selection or flawed tactics. They were spot on. Franco was clearly worthy of selection ahead of the pacey Ilan and we obviously have no need for a left footed left back. Nor was it down to the inability of Parker himself to bury the ball in the net when clean through, or to hit his first half shot with any more venom than a slow worm. My suggestion (some weeks ago now) that he and Behrami are unprofessional because of their failure to improve their shooting was obviously wrong. Wiltshere is a kid but still gets into the box to score of course, but Parker and Behrami can't be expected to do that can they? Nor was it down to a lack of natural width and an inability to direct a cross onto a West Ham head. Lee could do that for Bolton but why would we want to bother with such crude tactics like getting to the byline and pulling back a cross? That sort of thing went out with Redknapp and Sissons...or Mark Ward...or Etherington!
No, it was all down to me and the other fans apparently. According to Scotty, our edginess made it difficult for the players. Well bugger me with a pneumatic drill; and there was me thinking that it was the players' job to put on a performance for the fans who pay the players' wages!
Here, here hammersfan
That's all
Scott Parker actually said that "individual errors were to blame for the defeat" and.. "I just felt the fans were a little bit restless and rightly so because we didn't really give them anything to go on."
He went on to say that it made things more difficult. Which is entirely logical, if cheering a team on helps motivate them, then wouldn't the opposite be true?
wot he actually sed was it made it more difficult then it was he duznt actually blame the fans u moron go support spuds oh wait u alredy do
not like you to twist the truth to make a point is it HF?
most of us have already read his actual quotes, not the cut and pasted versions such as those you have used, so we know exactly what he said.
you are a tedious bore.
Parker is by far the best player we have. I am sure he understands better than everyone that the biggest fault for this pathetic performance falls on the shoulders of those that actually could do something about it. Zola, and of course those on the playing field wearing claret and blue.
But I maintain that the most pathetic display was from Zola who put beyond any doubt that he can't think like a manager. He is a coach will always no more than that. He was talking to the cameras after the match saying that Tomkins will learn from his mistakes. As if that is what matters now! He probably also expects that Franco will come good after he gives him a few more matches. Can someone please inform Gianfranco that this is neither about Tomkins or Zola or any other player. It is not even about him. This is about the survival of West Ham; it not most surely not about the personal development career path of individuals (young or old).
17:59 think you'll find it's hear hear - you know as in sound
The usual case of using a sledgehammer (or in this case a large drill) to crack a nut. A fairer account is by 18:28 above.
hf you've scrapped the barrel this time, you are warped and this "article" is garbage, probably one of your worse
i watched the game on saturday, i wasnt sick, i felt sick, i tried to watch some football on the tv later on, i feat sick, sunday came and went, i couldnt watch any football, you know, i felt sick, the differance from feeling sick and being sick is you just cannot easily make things better. did our team feel sick when thay woke on sunday morning, then why the bloody hell wernt they back on the training field, all together, trying to learn how to play as a team, as a west ham team who fight with a bit more conviction than what we saw on saturday. i will always be an hammer but im feeling very worried about our club right now, maybe too many of the wrong kind of people involved.
I think in his attempts to try and convey to us that the team needs our support all the time, Parker used two words, 'restless' and 'edginess', that were probably a little bit too strong. Lucas Neill came out with a similar thing, but better worded, when he was captain and some of our own 'fans' booed Luis Boa Morte off the pitch.
I think when we're in the ground, the fans should try and be as positive as possible because that's the clever thing to do, especially during the game. Even though it is very difficult in our current situation to do so.
Certainly, Parker is one person we cannot fault in terms of effort.
it's funny seeing you get all riled up now that you've actually been there. Scott's not blamed the fans, he blamed the mistakes made on the day, he's just pointing out that when the crowd are on edge it filters through. I know it's hard but positivity from the fans is what's needed at home. I am aware of the perilous reality we find ourselves in but we can have the post mortem when the patients actually dead
I agree with scotty that our negative hearts and hence responses can have a bearing the team...
but for me for many of these negative thoughts come from many years of our beloved team "snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory" both on and of the field. On days like Saturday all I can do is channel the frustration toward the referee and or linesmen.
Well Hammers Fan (are you really) Somethings you say about Parkers shooting is spot on but most thing you rant on about are a joke and makes you come across as a complete Tosser
The predictable response from many - many of whom probably weren't there to witness it! (Is the guy 100% gall? LOL)
The fact is, the fans were well up for it at kickoff and responded to the first Bolton goal by repeated chanting in support of the team. The roars of encouragement that accompanied the kick off after that first Bolton goal inspired me with hope! But what response did we see from the players? Within minutes, we offered Bolton a second goal on a plate and, at that point, a guy in the row in front of me said, "I've 'ad enough of this, I'm going for a pint" and never returned! Edgy? The fans had every right to be furious! I disagreed with the booing that greeted the half time whistle but you could not fault the encouragement that was audible as the second half got under way, nor the hope evident following the second half sending off. When the goal went in, the place lifted off and the fans were doing their best to suck the ball into the net. But how did the players respond? They were absolutely clueless apart from the Stanislas shot against the bar. For God's sake, with 10 men, Bolton hit our bar when it was easier to score! Three things summed up our incompetence in the second half: Stanislas taking a free kick from just outside the box against the wishes of Diamanti - why? how?; Stanislas, a professional footballer, failing to beat the first defender with a corner; and Green, a terrible kicker of the ball, taking the last free kick of the game (on the half way line) and drilling it towards the tiny Dyer whilst all the big guys were on the opposite side of the penalty box!
Yes the fans expressed anger at times but they were MORE THAN JUSTIFIED in doing so. Zola was the only guy in the ground who thought that Franco was a better option than Mido or Ilan and the only guy who thought it worthwhile for Franco to come out for the second half. There was absolute unanimity around me that he should have been off after 20 minutes! When you see Tomkins and Faubert run into each other and knock the ball into touch with no Bolton player within 10 yards of them, what are the fans supposed to do? When you see Behrami overhit pass after pass, what are the fans supposed to do? When Franco looks slower than Tristan, what are the fans supposed to do? When Davies mugs Tomkins EVERY time the ball is played forward, what are the fans supposed to do? When Lee has the freedom of Upton Park down the left hand side of our defence, what are the fans supposed to do? When Upson, an England player, passes the ball directly to Bolton players in his own half, what are the fans supposed to do? When Tomkins SMILES after losing possession for the second goal, what are the fans supposed to do? When Parker stops when through one on one with the keeper and plays the ball backards, only for Franco to loft it over the bar, what are the fans supposed to do? When Parker, an England international, lobs a pass to the Bolton keeper instead of drilling a shot, what are the fans supposed to do?
If the players had shown one tenth of the passion of the crowd, we would have annihilated Bolton. But the fact is, they didn't. They played without bite, without verve, without inspiration and without desire. I know Parker "tempered" his comments but he had no right to make them at all. He should be apologising for a truly abject performance, not trying to shift the blame onto the fans. We were not edgy at the start, we were not even edgy when a goal behind, we were not even edgy as the second half kicked off, we were not edgy when Bolton went down to 10 men, we were not edgy after Diamanti scored, we were willing the team forward throughout injury time - but what good was it all? Parker should simply say "We were shit and the fans deserve better"!
If you had put the emphasis on Scott saying the fans were restless "and rightly so" you might have got a more positive take on this i.e that he is aware that they didnt give enough to get the fans onside on saturday and will dig in to make it right
Stop making excuses for them! We pay their wages. This is OUR club. They are a bunch of mercenaries who are already thinking about where they might be playing next season. We have a better team than Bolton but they wiped the floor with us. That had nothing to do with the fans and everything to do with poor management and spineless performances! Parker has no right to apportion the blame anywhere else. For God sake, he is a professional footballer! Do the Arsenal team cave in when their fans get edgy? Do Manchester United give in when they are playing badly, as at Wolves? Did the Villa players freeze second half because their fans were anxious? I would love to hear what Zola and O'Neill said in their half time talks and how they said it. Villa came out like a tordado, we came out with all the power and passion of a gentle breeze!
Fuck off and do everyone a favour and close this blog down it will make very west ham fan happy u stupid spud
come on, Scotty always puts a shift in and you've twisted his words for maximum negative effect
Ilan? Pace? Huh? Spethal?
Will you admit you were WRONG about G&S?
HF 20:39 Very good points. Footballers must remember the purpose of fans going to games. I have always believed that fans have the liberty to express frustration, just as they do celebration. As far as i'm concerned, when you're in the ground after paying for your ticket you are entitled to express any emotion (within reason) at the players. If we are talking about footballers with more then one year professional football experience, then they would have had booing at them before, so why should it affect them after all this time. in saying that, team selection is very suspect at the moment, would we not be better off with a manager who is having playing with stylish but simple football.
the only way to make hammers fans happy would be shut this site down - it like it's contributor is disgrace
stop press - mini season ticket holder witnesses a game!!!!
it's classic, like he's had a fecking epiphany. Now that his fifty quids gone in the pot along with the rest of ours he's jumping about like he owns Parker's larynx. This is West Ham we're talking about, bound to lose to Bolton, probably turn over one of the teams at the top to compensate.
Fred, nobody had to shut down your site, it shut down itself because the author was an illiterate buffoon. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ WHAT I WRITE. In fact, given the way you write, I'm surprised you can! Does Mum read it for you and leave you to type a reply perhaps?
Ah 2218, another Nazi wishing to close down any view that is at odds with his own. I allow you to express your opinion on this blog. Why do you come here if you hate it so much? Lame brain or what?
to paraphrase Mark Twain, the person who wrote this article is without doubt the most ignorant person now alive on the planet; also without doubt he is an idiot, an idiot of the 33rd degree, and scion of an ancestral procession of idiots stretching back to the Missing Link.
Why is that? Were you at the game on Saturday 2249?
I'm always at the games
2231, when was the last time we "turned over" one of the teams at the top?
West Ham 2 Arsenal 2
West Ham 1 Arsenal 2
West Ham 0 Man Utd 4
Man Utd 3 West Ham 0
West Ham 2 Liverpool 3
Man City 3 West Ham 1
West Ham 1 Tottenham 2
Tottenham 2 West Ham 0
West Ham 1 Chelsea 1
Last season?
West Ham 0 Arsenal 2
Arsenal 0 West Ham 0
West Ham 0 Liverpool 3
Liverpool 0 West Ham 0
Chelsea 0 West Ham 0
West Ham 0 Chelsea 1
Man Utd 2 West Ham 0
West Ham 0 Man Utd 1
We haven't "turned over" a top team since Zola took charge!
2301 So it's your fault then! Why don't you get behind the team and cheer them on to victory?
maybe curbishley was better at that
Yep, because Curbishley was a Charlton manager, so every victory was a giant killing for him. He produced a kick and run team, the sort that sometimes upset the big boys. Dozy bollocks Zola thinks we can match them at the passing game!
unlike you, i didnt misinterpret Parker's words as an attack on the fans, i read it as his explanation of the atmosphere as he felt it. He's entitled to his opinion even if the team lose. I've cheered West Ham on for over 30 years through ups and downs - home and away. You can blame me if you like but i don't think Scott Parker did
What the hell is wrong with the so called west ham fans who have responded to this post. HF is correct! Yes Parker did say the defeat was down to individual mistakes but he also said that the fans where to blame as well. Sorry to burst your bubbles but Parker blames you the west ham fan! God, why are some west hams idiots and never want to hear the truth. Just like the "we love zola" because he plays nice football, BULLSHIT..all green does is boot the ball upfield everytime, it never starts from the back. Wake up and smell the F**king roses, West Ham Utd play shit football but its the fans fault..you retards.
Did you hear the roar when we kicked off after going a goal behind? Did you hear the encouragement when we kicked off the second half? did you feel the anticipation when Bolton went down to 10 men? What about the noise after we scored? If the edginess unnerves the players, why doesn't the passion inspire them? Why couldn't we do to 10 man Bolton what Villa did to 11 man Reading?
LOL 2316, beautifully put!
so now we're retards? I prefer Parker's line of abuse to this shite
Mugs if you prefer! Parker picked up his £60,000 regardless; you paid good money to watch that shambolic performance and you are accepting part of the balme!
Blame! I'm sacking this typist: great legs but fat fingers!
He was good enough to help the USA through to the Confederations Cup Final. But the poor sod is not a left back and was afforded no cover by Diamanti or Kovac.
Well said HF, Parker did indeed blame us for the defeat. I love englisher's comments, what a dickhead! 18:45 is another one. Once again they hate it so much when you are correct HF. Everything you comment on is for the good of WEST HAM UTD football club and the real fans who follow the claret and blue.
Bloody hell 2332, they will never believe that I didn't pen that myself! Thanks anyway!
you go to your first game of the season as a mini season ticket holder and hey presto you can now comment on the fans responses or lack of them.... if you hadn't been such a tight wad you could gone in the directors box the week for £120 or perhaps you weren't invited? hahaha - just imagine you could have vented your spleen, (and let's be honest that's all you're good for) to someone who matters
Everytime I go to the ground...I feel the lackness of the atmosphere in the ground..I myself am italian but have been supporting West ham since DiCanio..reason being me being from Lazio...I have an idea...as in Italy we will bring 100 of flags and flares to Upton park...will it be allowed?
00:11 just a quick question, are you 10 yrs old? If not you certainly act like one. If you want to make a fair comment come back when you grow a pair!! Actually thats to you all who want to justify parker's comments. He has no right to call out the fans that like, he should try looking in the mirror once in while. What will he see...a highly paid football player who can not score or lead a team to victory.
8th 23:25: Mental image, oof!
Who gives a crap about what Scott Parker has or has not said, or even implied by his comments. Who gives a crap whether you go to each game or not. One thing that neither side on this blog can deny , our league position is crap and in two matches time we could well be in the relegation zone again. Why? Neither players or Manager are performing this season.
0011 hf think you forgot to add your name to that comment - shame on you
0045 hr I think you forgot to add your name to that comment - shame on you
For fuck sake HF.
Just because you have your own blog and now a mini season ticket does not mean you are right about everything.
You don't even have the decency to admit when you may have been wrong. Instead you keep fighting your corner and embarassing yourself with irrelivant points to prove your original point.
Your original point was that Parker was blaming the fans for the defeat, hence the title of this post. However you have since gone on to say that Parker should have said that they played shit, what fucking planet are you on? And now, the fans were behind the team and Parker is speaking rubbish?
The point is Parker said that the team didn't give enough on the pitch to get the encouragement from the fans that can help them in tough games. Parker isn't criticising the fans here, he's telling us how it was and accepting responsibility. There is NOTHING wrong with what he said. Only your deluded perception of it which you are now blowing all out of proportion.
People would have allot more respect for you if you at least admitted once in a while that you are wrong. The amount of blogs you've written do you honest believe you were right in everything you've said every single time?
"Well said HF, Parker did indeed blame us for the defeat. I love englisher's comments"
Read the actual article first, you clearly did not read what he said. He did not blame the fans you tool.
Clearly one of HF's chums.
"No, it was all down to me and the other fans apparently"
"We pay their wages. This is OUR club"
"Were you at the game on Saturday 2249?"
Shows HF for the smug know-it-all he thinks he is really.
Mini-season-ticket and now he's holier than all of us!!!
Hammersfan you really are an idiot, did you even read what he actually said? I think not or you clearly would not have written yet another pathetic attempt at an article. I am at a loss as to how you have the nerve to even call yourself hammersfan when all you do is write negative rubbish that is not even substantiated as you do not actually check out your facts you just rant on like a child who's lost its favourite dummy
Shit blog
He bought a mini season ticket last week, and already he is talking about not being there is if to suggest it is a sin. If they have no right to comment how they hell has all of your past trash talk been justifiable.
You also state 'the fact is' to another poster, when the fact is my friend he quoted your very words words but you conveniently respond with a wall of text to distract from that point.
I'm convinced your not a West Ham fan, not only do you constantly drag your supposed own club through the dirt you now twist the truth to detriment of your team and the best performer we have.
You're a massively over confident prick, troll and nuisance. You most get such satisfaction hiding behind your hit counter, the poor kid must not have been liked at school.
Your definition of support is warped at best, manic depressive prat. And please, don't say other people are predictable, you haven't got a leg to stand on.
I hope I find your true identity one day and bump into down the Boleyn, not a threat, a promise.
Look, i've coached & been a referee of kids football for, what, must be close on 30 years now. That's right, I go down to the park after work, & it snows here, & spend time with the kids. Some nights i don't get my tea till 9pm. I have to deal with parents, trust me, that ain't easy. If the team isn't going well, they express their discontent in no uncertain words. I have no problem with Scott Parkers effort. He puts his body at risk. He would be a good leader. I read what he said. He said, "the fans made it difficult." He admitted the teams performance was sub standard. Most would agree. To insinuate that the fans dicontent was in any way responsible for what happened on the park, is making a rod for your own back. I've said this before, you must start, how you intend to play the game. That's what Bolton did. No point having a blubber half way through the game. If i suggested that the parents were in any way responsible for my teams lack of motivation, they would tear me to shreds. It is the coachs job to plan tactics & to motivate the squad, even at my level. If any player were to say that something off the field influenced his performance i would tear shreds off him, then talk about his attitude & motivation. Why were all those people leaving the ground? My kids don't get paid. They play for the love of the sport. Get my drift Scotty Parker. We have a good squad. We can get some good results yet. We just need a can of harden the F' up. Get on with it. HF has the right to say what he said in my opinion. You never know, the players might listen.
1542 - spoken like a TRUE HAMMER! well done sir!
Winston @1544 read that whining post back to yourself what a pathetic creature. You and hammersfartillo ***verrrrrrumpf*** oh jesus the stink, deserve each other two pricks together
Winston makes a fair comment, the responses from 15:42,15:53 and 16:10 are not. The abuse and name calling is your typical childish behaviour, they get their laughs abusing others. Go and play with your lego children and remember to put it away when you are done or your mummy will be angry. To fred149 and others , if you dislike this blog so much then go away and never return. Very simple really.
Keep up the great work HF. Up the hammers.
Thats 16:00 not 16:10.
I agree with 17:00. The biggest mug of them all has to go to 16:00. Thinks he is a hard man from the east end, what a joke. Piss away of and play dress up with your sisters friends.
LOL Well this post has got a few people excited! Can I make the point that very few of the objectors must anything more than childish insults? If you disagree, try making a counter argument; some do and fair play to them. I disagree because I feel that Parker's comments were, in part at least, an attempt to shift the blame. I have an idea of how to resolve this which I will post today.
Can hardly wait..another attempt to justify your twisted blogging.
I think that you just want to emphasis the point that you were actually at the game for once which is quite sad. you then take comments completely out of context from Parker just to piss off all the real fans that turn up every week to support the club. i have had season ticket for many years and have attended all home games this season aswell as several awaygames whilst you probably sit at home writing complete drivle just to get hits on this shit blog. just to let you know you offend me deeply and by the way Parker and Behrami have been two of the most passionate players and driving force behind the team this season doing a fantasic defensive duty which shows your lack of understanding about West Ham this season. THE GLASS IS HALF FULL JUST SUPPORT!!!!!
Yep, Parker and Behrami have put in a great defensive shift but what have they offered going forward? One goal between them!
One of the complaints about this site was that I wasn't going to games. Well I am now, so the complaint is that I am going to games!
Ndumb stumble fuck the complaint is you are now after one game speaking down to other fans that you ASSUME are not going to the matches.
The complaint is that your feel conviction when you talk down after one f-in game.
What a f-in mug. Some of your posts can be funny, but your constant delusional rants back and twisting at every opportunity makes you out to be a complete prat.
If you feel you're right, and have no reason to be concerned tell us your name then show your mug down the Boleyn.
LOL Why on earth would I do that? I was in the Boleyn on Saturday, if you had introduced yourself I would have bought you a pint.
"I was in the Boleyn on Saturday"
The complain isn't that you are going to games it's more that you don't stop fucking going on about.
1 game and you've become extremly smug about it.
I am sure HF will give me the right of reply 1600. I don't get involved in personal critisism. I am too old for that now, i grew up. I earned the right to an opinion. I paid with 30 years of my life for that right. Work a 10 hour shift sport, then go straight down & spend hours with the kids. Spend your weekends refereeing, for 30 YEARS. Then critisize me, send a message through St. Peter. 2 kids i have coached, one plays A League in Australia. One played overseas & will play in the World Cup. One of the best defenders in the world in his day. One of my relatives played for Chelsea but a while ago now. Doubt that remember him. Hammersfan has the right to express an opinion without abuse, so do i, whether i am wrong or right. That is democracy. If you disagree with that, join the Taliban. You may fare better there.
Spot on Winston!
Half the ground set to be shut for Tony Carr's testimonial, because no-one is buying ticketd.
Shittest fans in Europe!
West Ham have without doubt the worst fanbase in British football! We will go nowhere unless we start to attract some Asian fans with passion or some day-trippers who will at least support the club financially!
Zola is working miracles with no money and shit support!
Look Scott Parker, if you want to have your say, at least register beforehand!
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