Listen to the buffoon:
"I am disappointed, especially after the first half when I thought that we were playing the best game of the season," Zola said. "The key was to keep the discipline because you have the extra man and I told them to keep it simple, to move the ball around until we have two versus one. Scoring the penalty would have been a big help because Arsenal would have played different football. But they just sat back and played the counter-attack. We just did not use the extra man."
Well that's is pretty much what I said he would have said in his half time talk! That was exactly what the players didn't need to hear. What they needed to hear was this:
"This is a fantastic opportunity to open a gap over the teams at the bottom. Junior I want you hugging the touchline on the right and taking on the fullback. Alesandro, onto the left but drift inside and look to get in as many shots as you can. Daprela, get up that left flank as much as you can and get in crosses. I want to see the ball in their box much more. Let's play the second half in and around their box. Cut out the passing sideways, let's put them under pressure. This isn't the time for pretty football. Arsenal don't like it up them so get the ball into the box and attack it hard. Score early in the second half and they will crumble. Now get out there and win it!"
Can you imagine Martin O'Neill saying "keep the discipline...keep it simple...move the ball around" when 1-0 DOWN against 10 men? He would have been motivating, not philosophising! No wonder we looked so dozy, the players were doing exactly what they were told to do by our twat of a manager!
Enough is enough and Zola is on borrowed time. His win ratio is pathetic. The players have no fight and the tactics are so obviously wrong to us armchair managers! It reminds me of when we had Roeder and as bad as it sounds in the end I almost was relieved for us to go down because I just wanted rid of him. This time I know we have chance to stay up but if we don't get minimum 4 points in the next 2 games then he has to go regardless!
At least Zola only talks it. The real thing will be back soon.... Turds!
Newsnow reports BILIC and McCLAREN are top of the list to replace ZOLA.
Fanno; the more I read your blog the more convinced I am that the job is yours... you're obviously one of those rare people who are natural born motivator, a leader of men - I expect your currently a major in the Army or a CEO of fortune 100 company.
Have you sent in your cv?
Very witty 0936 and much more piercing than the knobhead style abuse!
According to the News of the World we're pursuing Beckham.
Perhaps we should just go the full hog and open up the West Ham Retirement Home for the Old and Infirm in Football.
Just posted about it Rab.
The problem was that Arsenal were never down to 10 men, we were. Arsenal started off with 12 with the ref on their side. When Vermaelen got sent off they went down to 11. When Noble came on for us, we went down to 10...or was it 9?
Torres just kicked the penalty spot in an attempt to scuff it for Rooney's pen! I hope Liverpool get a second half pen and Gerrard slips whilst taking it! :)
Come off it Stani, the ref gave us a dubious penalty and sent off a player incorrectly. There were three major decisions in the game. he got two wrong - and both were in our favour. I would not have given us the penalty and certainly would not have sent off Vermaelen. Upson, on the other hand, raised his arm to the ball and handled it.
In general terms, the decisions went in their favour. I wouldn't have sent Vermelen off either but I do think it was a pen. Slow motion does those challenges no favours. Also, I think it was the linesman that called it.
Theirs was a pen also, I don't disagree with that. You can't spread your arms like that.
1513 - can't you start your own blog as by comparison you speak a whole lot of sense compared to this joker
So how was the ref on their side Stani? The one big wrong decision went in our favour!
Anonymous 1530
Me? Can you make it clear to HF that I did not pay you to write that? :)
I'm not sure anyone would bother reading what I had to say to be honest. I know some of my stuff will not be anywhere near as sharp as HF's....even if I disagree with some of his points. The good thing is that there's room for us all on this blog.
I used comment on Dale's bog until he accused me of being homophobic for using the term 'hissy-fit'. It was my description of one of the tantrums he threw after I criticised his favourite player, Mark Noble. He called me a 'prat' and banned me without giving me a chance to respond...not that I would have used language like he did against me. But that's Dale for you...he does seem to say/do some silly things for someone in the public eye.
I just added up all the small decisions in their favour and they equalled more than that one big decision in our favour :)
...and the big decision was by the lino. It was the ref I had a problem with.
LOL The ref could have ignored the lino!
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