I would not want to be responsible for naming the team today but, for what it is worth, if Dyer is fit, this would be my side:
Faubert, Da Costa, Upson, Daprela;
Beharmi, Parker, Noble;
Diamanti, Dyer
I know, I know, it is 4-3-3 or 4-5-1. I know I have been calling for 4-4-2 all season. But at the end of the day, this is the only way of getting Diamanti into the final third without losing a numerical advantage in midfield. If Dyer is unfit, then I would slot either Ilan or Stanislas in, retaining the same formation. In fact, given Dyer's inability to score, it might be more sensible to do that anyway!
I travel today in hope, not in expectation. In Zola we trust? You must be joking!
Not bad. I think this would be a good too:
Behrami, DaCos/Gab, Upson, Daprela
Faubert, Parker, Collison, Dyer
Sub to come on: Diamanti. I love him, I do, but we're in a situation.
stanti - once again mate - perfect sense - no room for flair players today - it's gonna be hard graft... bring him on later if need be
Harriet doesn't have a danny la rue - how could she even think about starting diamanti
but without diamanti we also usually have no shots at goal
Thanks mate. Yep, that's what our situation requires. Franco injured again?!
I think all our players can take your underlying point on board. I remember us having two clear chances to shoot against Arsenal but we passed?! Crazy. In the final third, we need no pretty stuff. We need to shoot and follow up more.
0-1 - Oh well, at least hf will be happy..........
16.53 you mug. We have lost 6 straight, the worst run in 43 yrs! and all you can say is HF will be happy. F==king prat ,your the problem with west ham utd, no real fan would respond like that after such a defeat. OF course your no fan, just a smartass with a chip on his shoulder. Piss Off
Well said 1653
Stani, I knew that both Collison and Franco were injured when I picked my selections.
19:55 hf is always happy when we lose - because he can trot out the usual - I told you - I predicted it - blah blah - he's a one trick pony - if we win he has nothing to say
19:55 I'll piss off when this negative site comes down - and not before - this site is shit
2136, you are a part of the dynamic of this site. Without mugs like you, the site would lose so much! I am watching with interest the News International plan to charge for access to their on line content. It may be that Mr Murdoch will want to buy out opposition, to achieve a monopoly. News Now and other platform sites face oblivion if Murdoch is successful. Suddenly the traffic generating sites are worth money! Keep coming, every time you hit on the site, you increase the chances of putting money in my pocket!
But that's not why I write the blog. I write it because I care about West Ham. Check out the match reports on the Birmingham and Hull games. I DID have something to say! The trouble is, there are very few positives to comment on. Don't blame me for that!
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