Even when somebody is trying to pretend it is all peace and harmony at Upton Park, the truth slips out. What should we make of this from David Gold?
"In terms of selections and transfers we have zero influence," Gold said. "As to influence on 'Franco, I hope it is positive in the sense we show support and encouragement.
"That is what we do for a living, well that is what I do, I speak for myself. I would like to think that the manager would say that I show him and his team respect. They are there to do the job and I support them in anyway I can."
Look at the turn around in the first sentence of the second paragraph! It is as if Gold has thought in mid sentence, no hang on, this isn't credible, this sounds like bullshit! The "we" becomes "I" very dramatically and the "I" is then emphasised with the words "I speak for myself". Perhaps Gold is deliberately distancing himself from Sullivan, trying to reveal a different approach from his megamouth co-owner? Has there been a falling out between the two Davids because Sullivan wanted Zola out on takeover whilst Gold backed the incumbent manager, believing with home games coming up against Hull, Wolves, Bolton and Wigan, even a nice guy novice could stumble his way through to survival?
Now Sullivan is looking for an Arab backer! As if we haven't got enough divisions, now we could have the possibility of a re-run of the middle eastern crisis with the Jewish Gold at odds with new Arab investors. It's never boring at West Ham is it? Except when we have the ball of course!
Because our strategy is to leave our survival in God's hands I am rather optimistic for the match at Everton. After all, we play on Easter Sunday. What better day to wish for a miracle! Go Zola, God (and Gold), are with you!
Of course, we may just be crucified!
Yes, but soon after we will rise from the dead! Have some faith HF. Who knows, if we leave Goodison Park with 3 points, we may make a believer of you.
If we leave Goodison Park with 3 points, Zola should try walking across the Mersey!
Then we win twice, 3 points and get rid of GZ. But really, what else is there to do but hope against all hope now?
Stani will tell you to pray! When was the last time we won at Everton? I remember a 1-0 victory at Goodison Park. Guess who scored? A certain ' Arry Redknapp! I'm struggling to remember one since although something tells me we won 2-0 once. Anybody remember?
I think we won once there during the Pardew era.
I remembering us murdering them for 88 minutes, with a corner count of 23 to 2 in our favour and still losing!
We won 1-2 in the 2005-6 season. It is time for a repeat!
Spot on, and we had a crap team out that day. Check out this for a line up!
Carroll, Repka, Ferdinand, Collins, Konchesky, Benayoun, Fletcher, Mullins, Etherington, Harewood, Zamora.
It gets worse! Dailly and Newton came on as subs!
Victory was down to a Zomora goal and a Weir own goal.
Player for player, we must have a team the equal of that one surely? Or have we? Combine the two and it would read:
Green, Repka, Collins, Upson, Konchesky, Benayoun, Parker, Diamanti (controversial!) Etherington, Cole, Zamora.
Actually, put in Faubert for the retired Repka and that would be a tasty team!
Hammersfan said...
Far from one trick. My first trick, ahead of any other Hammer fan was to "call out" Green, saying he was very far from a complete keeper. My second trick was to big up Cole ahead of 99% of West Ham fans, saying he would win more England caps than Ashton. My next trick was saying Behrami was no great shakes whilst 99% of West Ham fans were calling him a great player. My next trick was to say that Sears was nowt special. My next trick was to say that Ashton would never kick a ball again for the club, whilst Duxbury was telling arse licking blogs how Beano was on his way back. My next trick was to expose the lies of Duxbury. My next trick was to warn about the lack of full back cover and the need for another striker. My next trick was to predict a relegation struggle before the season kicked off. My next trick was to say that Collins would be a huge loss. My next trick was to expose Zola as a tactical numpty whilst 99.99% of West Ham fans were signing in and out with "In Zola we trust." I predicted the sending off in the Hull game and the 2-0 victory to Arsenal (at half time) even though Arsenal were down to 10 men. I also said exactly how Chelsea would score their second goal at half time in that game. Finally, I predicted SIX relegation Cup Finals in our last six home games of the season. Had we won the first 3, that prediction would have been wrong, but I knew that it would be 6, because in Zola we trust!
31 March 2010 16:41
All hail HF for he is the only true god.... be kneel before thee
Lick my feet whilst you are down there you unworthy piece of scum!
God didn't do so bad for Maradona did he? :)
...And if that HF tells you not to pray, don't listen to him. I've lost count of the number of times he's called on God in his posts :)
Kovac thunderbolt part two at Goodison! (I don't think even God could sort that one out!)
Yes, Stani, I don't think any West Ham supporter can afford to be an atheist. Sooner or later we have to resort to Him for help. Like now for instance.
...sooner or later?! I've been doing it since day one. Thanks for the help guys! I expect you to be at it 24/7 now, just to make up :)
Just thought I'd check in on West Ham's number one fool. Still boring for England. I see Pardew's gonna make a return today, riding a fucking glass unicorn...
Yes, an astute observation HF. Reading what was said, it would appear that David Gold sits on the side of commonsense at this stage. Maybe they are playing good cop, bad cop. David Sullivan does tend to be provocative. We have no choice but to support Zola & the team. That's what they need now. We as fans have made it quite clear how we feel. Nothing wrong with that, but now is the time to support. I don't believe in a higher power, so the players can expect no favours there. As the great Roman General Scipio said, life is 10% what happens to you & 96% how you react to it. I still believe we will survive. Here is a link, there would no better reason to win than this. http://www.championshipmanager.co.uk/server.php?show=ConWebDoc.1657
Carlos, we still love you. Sheffield, i fart in your general direction.
Time and time again you see teams that are lucky to win. The Hammers have not had a lucky win all season. Lets hope lets hope Lady Luck smiles on us this Sunday
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