Interesting to read reports that West Ham are considering becoming tenants of Tottenham if the bid to lease the Olympic Stadium fails. It seems from this that, come what may, Sullivan and Gold are intent on being rid of Upton Park, crunching some £45m of the debt in the process.
Quite how we will cope with the indignity of being tenants of Tottenham is another matter. It is all very well saying that Tottenham may be tenants of ours whilst their stadium is built so this is a "reciprocal arrangement" but, long term, they will be our landlords and we will have to journey into enemy territory to watch our "home" games.
The claim that the funds can be invested in the team, to ensure that we are challenging at the right end of the Premiership, is disengenuous. Anybody with any sense knows that the money will be used to clear the debt, not to buy top quality players. In fact, should we find ourselves playing in the Championship long term, we could well find ourselves acting as Tottenham's nursery team. Young talent can join Tottenham, be loaned to us and blooded in the division below. All very hunky dory as Bowie would say.
Isn't it typical the way this has been kept under wraps until we have a couple of away games, removing the opportunity to mount a protest? New month, new trick up Sullivan and Gold's sleeve!
what the fuk if they do this we should lynch the bastards.
Ive been warning about the davids since they took over. West Ham fans my arse.
I read this in the Financial Times. Bastards. Seeing them in there true colours now and it isnt claret and blue.
Im setting up a petition on facebook. Will post link later.
Sod off back to the tottenham boards!
It would not be that bad, officially Westham would have the best stadium in the Championship!!! COYS
Calm down everybody. I've read this to. Its a bargaining ploy. We are saying to the government that the Olympic Stadium isnt our only option.
What happened to my comment HF?
Typical that you couldn't wait to get on and gloat about this. Hammers fan my arse. Your a yid and you know it. Made your day this hasnt it you yid bastard.
Pablo, sorry mate, there seems to be a glitch in the system. But you're right mate. Shouldn't be allowed.
My comment wasn't about anything not being allowed???
Strange goings on at TGGC, must be the time of the month! ;o)
Love the way that some people can't see beyond their nose. So quick to bite.
Knee injury Kev mate. And you are right but let's not shout about it eh? He will be back next season!
Pablo, I think these people are right to be bloody angry about it mate. I know it makes good business sense but football is more than business isn't it mate? It's about people showing themselves in their true colours! Quite a few have agreed with you by the way!
Kevin in Manchester writes..
as geography and income prevent me attending many home games it wouldn't offend me, although I can understand the ire of regular match goers...btw can anyone tell me what's up with Jack Collison.. I think we really miss him; has the quickest feet in the squad; while not a silky creative, on his day more guile than the rest of the midfield put together.. if we go down I hope we hang on..losing him would hurt more than any other player really 'cos you just know he'll be a star anywhere else.
I'm going down to Green Street with a banner saying no way to moving to white shite lane. Who is joining me. Be there at 2.
No PS allowed Kev, not on this site!
Nick, sorry mate, you can't use that word on here. But you are spot on mate.
Nick, sorry mate, you can't use that word on here. But you are spot on mate.
Ah, OK, I see... pmsl
im sending my season ticket back in protest and telling sullivan and gold to shove it up bradys arse. we are losing the last three home games anyhow its all part of the plan.
Dagenham Dave, not everybody has degrees! Parading your superior intelligence in that way is a bit big headed mate.
Gold is a yid so why are we surprised.
I really can't see this happening to be honest,I mean can you imagine the furore of the fans.No, never going to work.
New kit for next year...
i thought this was a fuckin' april fools joke!
would and will never happen, just a bargaining ploy.
Told you pikie ballbags this would happen sullys a yid.I hope you dickheads can cover the rent cause your not great with your money.we will have to spray the seats after you use them as I have never seen a dirtyer group of cocks anywere.it's only right we pass on the rent money to sheff utd as you bullroots shouldn't be in this lg,you will be in your rightfull place soon anyway.all the best for the rest of the season :-) kev the yid.
Is it April the 1st already?
Lodgers, that just about sums you cheapskates up LMFAO and you'll be chucked out of your present dwelling in the prem too. Good byee don't cryee wipe the tear pikie queer from your eyeee LSLMSA
hf I bet you got an erection when you read this report..... stuff like this is probably all that gets you hard other than viagra.... so happy to have you as a supporter of my team, it makes me feel good to know that there's positive people like you on my side.
I didn't read a report, I wrote this as an April Fool. Which I guess makes you an A1 Dickhead for believing it! How does it feel to look in a mirror and see a gormless twat staring back at you? pmsl!
April the 1st
No one would be stupid enough to fall for that one would they?
You wanker - you feel for it hook line and sinker - hahahahaha
What a plum along with all the others that posted - hahahahaha
I always knew you were a kingsized twat - now it's confirmed
You didn't write it - you copied it - hahahahahaha
And I think you have fallen for the double bluff my friend. Priceless!
Copied it from where? I wrote it mate. Check the time of any repeat posting you have seen. I wouldn't be surprised if a gullible twat has copied and pasted it somewhere. If so, do share!
Come on how can anyone believe this? Why doesn't the date appear on the top of this thread? Dates on top of every thread except this one, which was posted on April the 1st.....
I wound my missus up today that Beatrix the queen of Holland died of a heart attack today, instead of checking the net she went a told the whole office and in turn they called family members hahahaha.
It's SOOOOOO easy
TBI, the date does appear at the top of the blog and beneath every comment left. But mugs still swallowed it. I blame the teachers!
Fanno: You sad little impotent man = all 5ft 6inches of you - balding and fat - probably glasses too and a baseball cap. You picked this story up on the news feeds and fell for it hook line and sinker, and because you are sad and small and impotent you try unsuccessfully to pass it off as your joke!
Well my tiny small penised friend - the joke as always is on YOU!
0742, please do not assume that everybody is a miirror image of yourself. Your anger is understandable. It must be hard to have a small penis but then realise you are a total cock. Identify the news feeds I picked this up from! And explain why the last line of the article was a clear warning that it was an April Fool: "New month, new trick up Sullivan and Gold's sleeve!" Oops, that one went over your head didn't it?
hf: as far as I can see you're on a losing one here mate - this was all over the net including some of the broadsheets - you have no history of humour and you'll be a bigger man for admitting you got caught out.
Which broadsheet Claret my friend? The Financial Times? Find it in the paper, it isn't there! I wrote that comment as part of the spoof! That's the double bluff I referred to above. Seems you fell for it too! Identify where else you have read it on the net and and check the times. Explain the last line of the article if I was the victim of a an April Fool myself. "New month, new trick up Sullivan and Gold's sleeve!"
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