For all the jubilation after yesterday's desperately needed point, that relegation trap door still yawns open. The major danger for ourselves lies in two fixtures - Hull v Burnley and Wigan v Hull. If those results go the wrong way, we could be forced round the U bend. Yes goal difference is in our favour, but goal difference only comes into play if teams are level on points. As things stand, Wigan are 3 points ahead of us and you would back Hull to beat Brian Laws managed Burnley, so they have a potential 2 point cushion too.
What do we want to happen in those games? Well I think Burnley will go regardless of what happens at Hull, so I think a shock away victory would probably suit us there. If that happens, then a Wigan victory over Hull would probably suit our needs best. If Hull win, then we probably need Hull to win at Wigan too! Or do we? Maybe two draws would suit us best, but that keeps Hull on our shoulder and Wigan slightly out of reach even if we beat them at Upton Park.
Of course, if we meet Zola's target of 9 more points, all this becomes academic, but Sunderland looked good against Tottenham yesterday, our home record against Wigan is poor and victory at Fulham will hinge on their continued involvement in Europe I suspect. We are still in the water in the perfect storm. A rope has been thrown to us, but the rope is old and worn and as we grab hold, so it starts to separate, thread from thread. Three points is a big margin at this stage of the season and Wigan have that advantage over us. Two points is a huge advantage too, and Hull have that potential advantage. If I was offering odds, with Tevez primed by Fate to score the goal that sends us down, I would make us slight favourites to fall through that trap door with Pompey and Burnley!
Come On You Throw Me A Better Rope Quickly Irons
The key for me is Wigan. They have to play Arsenal and Chelsea which should yield 0 points.
Then we play them at home and then they have Hull at home. Their potential only winnable game is at home to Pompy this Saturday and who knows.
I would rather be in our shoes than their shoes.
They are 3 points ahead of us and have HOME games against Pompey and Hull and you would rather be in OUR position? For God's sake why? I didn't realise that they had a home game against Pompey too! Sod it, I want Burnley to beat Hull and Wigan to beat Hull too. That is our ONLY escape route!
You didn't like that COYI being voice across your blog did you? it really got up your nose, some much in fact you have to take the piss out of our battle cry - shame on you
I for one am proud to say COYI
Far from it. People asked for COYI to feature so, by popular demand, I have included it. I am stealing the witty device used by OSP on the Org. I always enjoyed his sign offs and am happy to credit him with the idea. I think it adds to the blog. Thanks to those who suggested it.
Did you see that of all the match reports, mine finished top on the News Now board? Why do you think that is? Because this blog is so crap? Because I am so hated? Odd isn't it?
Written that article yet Turds Out?
Come On You Put Up An Article You Coward Irons
I did the math and you have as I think you've already agreed to 10 regular posters out of 344,000 hits which means only 0.002 visitors decide post here regularly
Luckily this isn't a profit making concern mate or you'd be bust!]
Which means that 99.99% of visitors don't think it's worth becoming a regular here preferring to go elsewhere
Come on you must be so proud of those stats irons!
No one asked you to support the team with the odd COYI, it was just noticed and commented on that you never did. You don't like it when a comment touches a nerve so you try and belittle the person or the idea behind it to make yourself feel better. This time however you are taking the piss out of our battle cry of time immemorial because your lack of use of it has undermined you. Stop being a whiny bitch and get behind the team.
14:03 well done sir! a Man after my own heart!
If we don't beat Wigan we go down. It's that simple!
LOL Turds Out, you are obsessed with this blog aren't you? Working on Sullivan's figures, and your assertion that people only come here once and decide not to return, I have now worked my way through 33% of the West Ham fans out there. I've done that in little over a year, all on my lonsesome! That is a HUGE achievement! West Ham only get 50,000 of those fans to go to games (the majority are repeat visitors, but I get a third of them to read my blog! I must be some sort of marketing genius if you are right!
COYI is not our battlecry. Spurs fans call Come On You Spurs and I expect most clubs use the same inane chant. Bubbles is our song. I am not taking the piss out of the chant, I am using it with a little more wit, and for that I am indebted to Old Skool Pete from the Org. To suggest that he is anything other than a passionate Hammer is absurd!
Turds Out, didn't you mean 14.03 a man OF MY OWN HEART? We know how you like to post support for yourself under the anonymous banner! It was laso interesting to see you using the "Royal We" when suggesting "We" had touched a nerve with the COYI criticism. Are you beginning to believe in your multiple personalities? I'd be worried if I was you!
Written that article yet Turds Out?
Come On You I'm Not Sure Who I Am Today Irons!
One last point. You seem to have moved on from the claim that all I do is visit my own blog over and over and over to see the hits count tick round. Numbers too huge to sustain that argument perhaps Turds Out?
Before i start, i think we will survive. Here are the reverse fixtures for us, Wigan, Burnley & Hull. Keeping in mind that Burnley & Hull are yet to win an away game.
Burnley2 Hull0
Sunderland2 West Ham2
Portsmouth4 Wigan0
Burnley3 Sunderland1
Hull0 Birmingham1
Arsenal4 Wigan0
West Ham2 Liverpool3
Villa3 Hull0
Liverpool4 Burnley0
Sunderland4 Hull1
Wigan1 West Ham0
Burnley2 Birmingham1
West Ham2 Fulham2
Hull2 Wigan1
Spurs5 Burnley0
Wigan3 Chelsea1
Liverpool6 Hull1
Man City3 West Ham1
As you know, there are many permutations of what can happen HF. We really are guessing, but that's what makes end of season so exciting. It does promise to be close at both ends of the League. Sunderland is an important game. They have only won one match away & their form away is much as ours is. So this is a winnable one for us & we must adopt that attitude. Win at all costs. Wigan is also one we should win as they are very inconsistent. You never know which Wigan will turn up & we are at home. Fulham is also a match where we can take something, as you said, they will be more concerned with Europe. Portsmouth could also play a part. You never know, they may decide to go down in style. They have nothing to lose now & that takes the pressure off. Burnley could beat Hull as they played well against City second half. It was one all in the second half. Our fate is in our own hands no matter what the other clubs do. We need to get behind them this weekend as this is again a critical match.
Unfortunately Winston, we do not control our own fate. We are relaint on the results of others because Wigan are ahead of us on points and Hull have a game in hand. Yes, victory over Wigan levels things up, but we still need to match their results outside of that. Ours is the tougher run in compared with Hull and Wigan IMO
West Ham fans are simply the best! One cannot but admire and applaud those loyal fans that travel 250 miles and cheer their team even when we are losing. If anyone was looking for a good reason why we should stay up I can't think of a better one. Just take a look at those fans at Goodison Park yesterday. Good post Stani.
er I wrote 14:03 you bellend and I don't post under the name TurdsOut and don't know who the fuck he is. I wrote what i did because you are a tool. Don't be surprised that more than one person thinks so.
Oops, touched a nerve have I Turds Out? Found Out might be more appropriate in future.
I don't know whether you're talking to him or me now
I warned you that would happen! Get to the doctor quick mate, once the alter ego takes over there's no way back!
Turds Out, try to kepp up mate, there's been 346,000+ visitors now. One whole day and your figures are out by over 2,400. Get that calculator out again mate!
you are such a prat, it's quite funny.
Like I keep trying to explain to you, your contributions add so much to the site. Every Eric Morecombe needs his Ernie Wise. So, keep them coming Short Fat Hairy Legs. Bring me sunshine in your smile, bring me laughter...
I think you're more suited to a Cannon & Ball comparison than an Eric & Ernie, bring me moonshine - you'd wanna be wasted reading this tosh, adios dickhead
You haven't used the Flounce Out alter ego for some time now Turds Out. Guessed I touched a nerve.
How about another article? Your last one didn't generate a lot of responses.
Look back, it was me that said the COYI thing touched a nerve with you. touched so much of a nerve that you're trying to use that phrase against me, who funnily is not this TurdOut character. You argue and write like a child, entertaining if a little tiresome, you're the teenager of the blog world. think of your own put downs next time and use your own words. or is that too difficult you withered handed wonder
Wriggle away but you have been hooked. The more you wriggle, the deeper the hook sinks. I thought you had flounced out? Nope, flounced back in again! Turds Out, Turds In, In, Out, In, Out, Shake It All About!
Savvakis said...
Haha got you HF, it was me all along. Didn't think you'd fall for that old chestnut. Looks like the hooks in you pal.
And now pretend to be another poster. How that hook is hurting Turds Out!
lol i love winding you spammers up. sorry TurdsOut. hahahahahahahahaha
Now apologising to yourself! Know how I know? Nobody else would write Turds Out without the gap. You, sir, are a complete and utter arse and look more and more foolish with every wriggle!
still only 7 regulars - I've counted them on one hand, that Turds makes some good points - and you got upset with COYI disgraceful
shite only 7 regulars and I know 4 regulars comeon the other 2 you can be my friends too
Oh dear, unveiling all the alter egos at once.
Yes Hammersfan, pragmatically you are correct. We do have the most difficult games & we are the side that needs to win. If the others around us start winning, we will need to match that & rely on goal difference & mathematically even then we could still go down. However, i feel that we are a better club than either Hull or Wigan, both in fan base & players. Therefore, we will do the job. It's a question of outlook, as in the Black Knight in The Holy Grail, i can win the fight even with my arms & legs chopped off. I will hold the sword with my teeth. I doubt that either of those sides will win all their games. We have the ability, & both the coaches & the players must get on with life. As i said, my view will always be, 10% what happens, 96% how you react. Other than that, i do agree with you.
LOL The Black Knight lost! He had all his limbs cut off and was then kicked over in the dirt and couldn't get up again! Bad analogy Winston! The trouble is, when Zola went 4-3-3 and played a left footer on the right and a right footer on the left, he cut off our limbs! It was then easy to kick us over in the dirt!
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