Apologies to people whose comments have been deleted from the Maradona and Zola thread. There is an idiot posting sexual content on here so to protect children, I have taken down all comments on this thread.
I have referred this matter to Google who operate Blogspot and they are now monitoring the site. They share concerns about posting pornographic content on a site that children can access. It appears that the source can be identified and the internet provider contacted. A warning letter may then be posted to the address of the account holder. If a work computer is being used, that could have very serious ramifications for the individual. In the unlikely event that he is married with children of his own, it might make his wife ask a few questions.
I apologise to everybody else. The moderator facility is in use at the request of Google and they have shared moderator rights for now. Their support was requested last week and evidence has been collected over the last 6 days. I have now been asked to post this warning so that the individual(s) are fully aware of the consequences of any further activity of this sort. The racist comments are also under investigation and apparently this may be actionable by the police. I hope so, this sick individual needs to be brought to book.
The comments below were posted on the original article. I do not want to censor criticism of the article / blog. That is your right providing you do it decently.
7 April 2010 14:41
Anonymous said...
Today's word is Messi. Stick that in an article and try to get hits.
7 April 2010 12:10
Anonymous said...
Come off it, you why don't you get a proper job idiot
7 April 2010 12:10
Anonymous said...
Hf is a hits Whore.....
Did it ever occur to you that some players prefer to work on the opposite flank? did you do you due diligence to check? you might be surprised, try google (it's a search engine)
7 April 2010 12:23
Anonymous said...
True, what kind of a cnut would try and trade the credibility of the fans of a team he claims to support, for a web counter that means nothing. Pathetic watching him pimp himself out to newsnow, turning tricks for clicks.
7 April 2010 12:31
Anonymous said...
The only insightful piece of this article is that you're Married! Really???
Anyway, I've got a question for you.
What do you have in common with Katie Price?
No? OK I'll answer it for you -
You are both attention seeking, self indulgant c**ts.
7 April 2010 12:39
TurdsOut said...
"Turning tricks for clicks" that is pure brilliance!!!
Taking the piss out of COYI does cross the boundaries of decency as far as I am concerned.
7 April 2010 12:40
Hi hammerfan
I check your blog a few times a week, like your opinions even if I dont always agree. Please keep it up. The only problem is that you have attracted some loser who keeps posting porn and other abusive crap , seems he doesn't like you very much. The anonymity
of the internet means that he can keep on doing this crap, so please keep on removing his posts.
Forest gate resident
7 April 2010 13:49
Luke Eliot said...
Can you not ban "Anonymous" posts? I'm very surprised by the amount of opprobrium your blog attracts. I find it very entertaining and agree with most of it. Can't understand why some people object to it so violently.
7 April 2010 14:24
Hammersfan said...
Hope to be able to rescue others' comments!
Hope they catch the idiot. I have found his comments disgustingly offensive. What a prat. How good would it be if he lost his job over this! Would be great if his boss was asian or black.
In word press the I.P addresses show up HF. It's easier to thus identify anonymous contributors or those that take various identities.
I did check for you just yesterday but could not find the same facility in blogger. Every comment in wordpress has the I.P address listed next to the comment in the blog owners login section.
Also, do you have your Google Analytics account activated for this blog? I think you'll love it.
Yeah Blogger don't show for privacy reasons but the record shows when they are given moderator access. They can then, apparently, link back to the Service Provider. I don't understand any of this myself. I suspect that the moron who has been posting this stuff had no idea too. What is a Google Analytics account when it is at home?
Seriously, you dont have an Analytics enabled?
Sign in with your current google i.d and read up to get going. You'll be able to see real stats with lovely graphs and images :) to show stuff like where your contributors come from, how long they spend on each page and various other website traffic tools.
It's free and is not time consuming at all once you get started.
Good on you HF at least I'll vindicated now
I can't follow those instructions Stani. Where the hell am I supposed to post that code? These instructions are far from idiot proof!
You're right! I'll have a butcher's and will get back
Nice one Turds. Let me know if you still have trouble HF as I have a Google contact. Definitely do it though, it's well interesting. It will also give you unequivocal evidence to show your hit-counter haters just how popular TGGC is. That looks like a DNA sequence dunnit?....Ignore me, just talking to myself.
Which sites people come from to TGGC
How long they stay on which page
Their location
No. of new visitors
No. of returning visitors
and much more
I find it too much - my business web site has analytics's and also I also use adwords - I've looked at both once or twice and it makes my eye melt, a real head ***k
I still find the last bit hard. Where do I post the bloody code and will it bugger up the link from News Now?
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