Wow! I've just looked in and found that the little old fashioned hit counter at the top of this blog has now ticked round to 350,000 and, if I remember rightly, I have been using it for well under a year. I know this blog isn't everybody's cup of tea but it does seem to have a certain drawing power. Detractors and supporters alike appear to be unable to resist the lure.
At this little landmark point, I would just like to extend a few thank yous in best Oscar winning style. The detractors have made much of how few regular contributors there are, but to those who do make the effort to chip in, I am greatly indebted. I run the risk of offending by forgetting people but Stani, Sav (I can't spell the full name mate), Kevin from Manchester, El Martillo, Winston, Deane, TurdsOut and Essexhammer merit a special mention, as does our old friend Anonymous! People like Luke Eliot seem to be looking in more often. If anybody fancies submitting an article, I'm happy to run it.
A few friends have been lost along the way, or are keeping their peace. I suppose that's the nature of these things. After a while, my rants become tedious I suppose!(Cue TurdsOut, "After a while? By the end of your first sentence!")
Anyway, it has been a torrid year, a truly nightmare season. A recurring theme of what represents support has bristled through responses to this blog. I have answered one criticism by becoming a regular to home games. I do watch every minute of every game, one way or another, unless my internet stream breaks down on me. I have huge admiration for those who follow the club up and down the land and hope that, one day, they will be able to follow "over sea" too. Who knows, that European dream may be realised one day!
Where I cannot agree with the detractors is their belief that "support" means never criticising. How on earth people swallowed Duxbury's bullshit is completely beyond me. How people have retained "trust" in Zola has staggered me too. Just look at the table guys! Look where we were when he took over and where we are now! Yes Turds and Egg have a lot to answer for. Yes Brown should have had a double barreled name - Shit-Brown - but why do we have to wait for the villains and idiots to leave the stage before we recognise them for what they are? I love my children but I am not afraid to criticise them. Remember the old saying about drink driving, "Friends don't let friends drive"? Sometimes, being a true friend, being a true supporter, involves saying it how it is. We are in this mess because of Brown, because of the Iceland connection, because of Eggert's extravagance, because of Turds' poor transfer policies, because of Duxbury's incompetence and duplicity, because of Zola's poor tactics and poor team selection and because many of you guys just accept it.
In Animal Farm the pigs paint the six commandments on the wall of the barn and, as they break the rules, add additional words. May I suggest that to the maxim, "In Zola we trust" we add a single word, "blindly"?
Congratulations on getting 350,000 hits HF. I am a regular reader but not so regular poster.
Cheers mate.
Sentimental? HF? You feeling alright? Hahaha
Na, well done mate and keep going. It's not easy writing, let alone writing interesting stuff. This blog clearly stands out from the rest. Not only are their posts few and far between, but are regurgitated news and verbose. Whatever your views, at least you have the ability to think for yourself and the balls to say it.
Orwell:"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious"
Bloody hell mate, impressive. In relation to Messi and Stanislas. "All footballers are equal but some footballers are more equal than others"!
Watching Bayern yesterday was like watching a better version of us. Left footer on the right; right footer on the left. Cut inside, pass it sideways, endlessly, and back. Mimimal penetration. Apart from the goal, how many chances did Bayern have against ten men? None!
don't be suggesting things like that Bayern fans are unhappy with van Gaal and they're in the euro league loadsa money cup thingy semi final lets face it all the build up patience stroking it about etc is very nice but in the end its all about the quality of the penetration
As the actress said to the Bishop! Or as Trevor Morley said to the Bishop?
Very good anonymous. You have now responded after the warning. I think you have now met all the necessary criteria for action to be triggered. I hope so!
Congatulations HF. Very impressive! Don't worry about the name, I rather like the short one so much I will be using that from now on in my posts. All the best!
350,000 angry ammers ave ravaged your wife
LOL Sorry T.I.S and sfter I Christened you too! I knew I would forget a few. Thanks for your contributions!
Yes. And some of us remember the original clock start (which wasn't zero) and the fact that if you hit reload the counter went up by fifty.
Sorry to disappoint mate but you are right, the clock started at 555,555. It clocked round to 559,999 I think and then, for some reason, reverted back to 000000. So strictly speaking, you are right. We have to add another 44,444 on to that total which now means we are near as damn it up to 400,000 hits in something less than a year. Not bad given I've only been hitting out a daily blog (or 3) for 18 months now. Just think, you used to accuse me of knocking up all these hits myself. My finger would be worn away to a stump by now if that was the case!
jumps 10 or 15 place just by reloading the page - calculator time me thinks
Only if 9 other people hit as the page reloads. I've tested it!
See, it only went up 1 as I posted that and returned to check.
Congrats HF, I always check in to read your views. Always new and up to date unlike other hammer blogs which are slow and can't handle the motion sickness of the hammer roller coster. I believe your in tune with the majority of our fans. Keep it up mate and keep blowin those bubbles!! WHU forever!
O give it rest will you! Yes, I'm not just an ugly face you know.
Can't believe you forgot T.I.S (not rubbing it in)...just can't believe it (still not rubbing it in). I think you have some making up to do.
Did I not first call you that? Right, now show me some lurrrve.
well done and soon you'll reach 1/2-million readers!!! (fan from SG)
Well done mate, always a good read and as Stani says your thoughts,good or bad, are always original.
I also like the growing trend, (since the arrival of the Davids?)of showing scantily clad ladies with the headline.
Never a bad thing.
All the best
John V P
Cheers John, you deserved a mention too, sorry. Thanks for noting the little evolution of the blog. Not opposed to a scantily clad woman at the best of times but the arrival of S&G were the excuse. Prior to that, and the fall of Duxbury, the emphasis was upon sinister clowns!
Don't encourage him John. Bring back the clowns I say....
...cue a picture of scantily clad clowns
Now there's a thought!
Dear God, I've just done a search and there's loads of 'em. I'm gonna go to hell for this.
the erratic counter jumping seems to have stabilize for the time being....
It never has been erratic. You must visit at times of high traffic.
I'm one of the anon's who thinks you're a bit of a knob but I do strangely tune in now and again - if only to see see quite where your blogs stand on the knob scale. I don't think any of us have a problem with being critical about the team, it's standing, it's management - but what I do disagree with is the intensity of your negativity. yes, well done for loving your kids and not being afraid to criticize them etc, bravo, but one must look in the mirror before they so freely criticize another, a trait I feel you severely lack. how often do you praise your children out of interest? or are you always very quick on the draw to be negative? because that's how you come across on this blog.
You would have to ask my kids about that!
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