In his dreams! That means we MUST win both home games, pick up a victory at Fulham and come away from either Everton or Liverpool with a point. That's on the back of 6 straight defeats.
Sorry, have to sign off, I'm on the same pills as Zola and I have a date for a threesome with Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba. And they're paying for the privilege!
Come On You One Point At Goodison Park Is A Wet Dream Irons!
ZOLA has truly lost it big time if he thinks we are going to get 10 more points.I predict 1 point if we are lucky.
...well, got that point this afternoon - only 9 to go....
It's all going to come crashing down like a pack of cards for HF I'll think he'll top himself if his ultimate prediction of us going down doesn't materialise, I mean where else can he go if stay up?
Why would I do that Turds Out? I might top myself if we go down but if we stay up, I'll be delighted! Investing in the seeason ticks would then have been vindicated wouldn't it?
Have you written that article yet?
Tell you what must hurt you TO, of all the match reports on News Now All Sources, mine generated the most hits. Why do you think that is? Because everybody thinks this blog is crap?
Come on you know you've only 10 people who regularly post here irons
and that's an average of 0.002 which is truly dreadful ration
Not interested in who posts here, I'm interested in who READS what I write. How many people left grafitti on the Mount of Olives after Jesus' sermon?
Well all the other blogs I've been to - people contribute in droves - you only have to look at the .org and WHTID and KUMB to note that people who care write, those who don't don't.
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