You have to love the guy! No not Boa-Constrictor but his biggest admirer this side of Iain Dale. My old mate westham66 on the Org is wetting his pants at the thought of Boa returning, comparing the well endowed one with Carlos Tevez no less! I quote:
I'm talking about Luis Boa Morte of course who puts in 110% every game. I was one of the few that always stuck by him when he was getting slated by people on here because he missed the odd goal or 10, but anyone that knows anything about football knows what a lift it is to a team when you have a player that gives 110% every match. And not only that, but helps with link up play and gets back and defends also. He's the real McCoy, 3 players in one, just like Tevez, but unfortunately does not have the goal scoring finesse! It's like we have 12 men on the field and not 11 and this is what we have been missing. If if you notice, our form really started to take a hammering after Luis got injured, so the sooner he returns the better. Liverpool may be too soon for him, but I can't wait to see him back in the squad and I hope he gets a great reception, because after all the shit he was given he still never gave up and kept working his ass off for us again and again, and I think that's pretty admirable! A lot of players would of just sat on the bench and taken the cheque! In some ways I see him as a bit of a hero, Heart of a Lion. Never stops trying, heart of a Lion Luis Boa Morte, COYI!
As eulogies go, that's not bad. One problem, after Boa's return to the team last season, on Valentine's Day, we won just 3 of 11 games. Stats! Who needs them when they spoil a good story?
Come On You Who Needs Carlos When You've Got Luis Irons!
Dale bait
Not again!
Shit player maximum effort. A rich mans Johnny Spector
LOL Spector's not that bad when played on the right side.
its more like having dyer back
So he will last 20 mins then?
Dyer is such a disapointment as when he plays he is class. Boa is just a disapointment as when he plays hes well hes Boa
LOL 110% Boa unfortunately!
I seem to remember that one of our fans happened to be of the view that "Luis Boa Morte is God" *scratches head*
LOL Irony my friend, irony. Unlike Collison, I have an iron knee!
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