As thrilling as the game with Bayern was, you have to wonder if Ferguson was taking an outrageous risk by playing Rooney. Most experts said Rooney would be out for three to four weeks and I, for one, was very uneasy to see him playing tonight.
We all know Rooney will play come what may if allowed to. Ferguson may be Scottish but he earns his living in the ENGLISH Premier League and most Mancs fans are English, even if most of them have never been in the Trafford Centre!
I hope Rooney is now wrapped in cotton wool until that injury has healed fully. To see him limping tonight was a huge concern. Winning the World Cup would be a huge boost for football in this country. Our domination of the Champions League has well and truly ended so we now need a successful national team to justify the inflated reputation the PL basks in. Long term, even Manchester United may need a successful England team.
Time for Sir Bobby Charlton to have a word in Ferguson's shell like!
Come On You Three Lions!
I can just see fergie having a long hard think about england's world cup chances before making any decisions this evening. That's what got him where he is today.
1 - Since when has Ferguson given a **** about England?
2 - Most mancs fans are English? I would seriously question that.
I was fuming when I saw him in the starting line up tonight. That result serves 'em right.
Club before country? Only when it's my club!
obviously Ferguson thinks manure are German as he claims Bayern berating the ref (ala manc scum) was typically German
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