It was the pitch! The referee robbed us! I blame Crouch, he ain't a Tottenham player! Bloody O'Hara, bloody traitor! I blame Arry, he's taken us as far as he can! LOL I sat through the game with a Tottenham fan, in a pub filled with people cheering on Pompey regardless of normal affiliation. What a game! What a result! What a shame for poor Tottenham and their team of mercenary bastards! Poor Crouch! Poor Defoe! Poor Kranjar! They were all in the wrong team today! Unlike Rocha and Boateng!
Did you see James' face when the goal was disallowed? He knew the referee had got it wrong and he made sure the Pompey fans knew it! Did you see 'Arry on the touchline? He was one big twitch at one point, the bench was in spasm as he tried to control it!
And what about O'Hara as the second half of extra time kicked off? Should he really have said, "Let's hope the lads can hang on as we are 15 minutes from Wembley"? My mate was apoplectic at that point! (And it was all the funnier because O'Hara was sitting in Wembley as he said it!)
Wonderful! And Man City hammered Birmingham, leaving Tottenham in their wake in the race for the Champions League!
Does this mean Pompey are in Europe by the way?
Come On You Its All Going Tits Up Again Spurs!
Pompey didn't fill in the necessary forms so won't be in Europe next year.
They have a better team than us, they are a bigger club that us... and they have much bigger mouths than us.... ha ha it couldn't have happened to a better bunch of idiots.
if ever a group of supporters players and manager deserved a slice of luck on refs its pompey delighted for them
what was really funny was all those seats being vacated by the 'best' fans? in the land when the erm greatest team ever went 1 down by the time the 2nd went in most of them had already deserted big time charlies habaha
Have you seen how empty Upton Park is with 10 minutes to go when we are losing? I was amazed to see fans leaving early on Saturday with the game still on a knife edge. What is so pressing that these guys have to get away for I wonder? So what that you have to queue at the Underground or sit in traffic, why would you miss West Ham playing because of that?
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