It was hard today to know who was kidding who at times. There was this story doing the rounds about Sullivan trying to tempt an Arab billionaire into investing in West Ham. It would be great if it came to something but Portsmouth fans can tell you something about fake sheiks, and this blog exposed Al Faraj 12 months before the great and the good down on the south coast woke up to the fact that just because a guy wears a sheet and a tea towel, it doesn't mean he is a member of the Saudi royal family!
Meanwhile, the Ann Summers rumour was a good excuse to post a picture or two of scantily clad women, and this blog is not going to take a negative position on that! The pink trim on the kit looked rather good to me and I think a synergy between West Ham and Ann Summers is perfectly possible. "Wear a West Ham kit to guarantee a good shafting" could work. Or "Going down in Claret and Blue" might be a mouth watering prospect. The "Parker Vibrator" is a possibility too - "Pocket sized but it does the job of five men." The McCarthy Vibrator might be popular too - giant size, slow but happy to occupy the box all day long. But enough of that!
This blog ran a story about West Ham becoming tenants in the new Tottenham stadium, and the usual suspects fell for it hook line and sinker. Apologies to those who spotted the joke and posted to that effect - I had to delete your posts to keep the trap open for others. Even though every comment was recorded with a bold April 1 date beneath it, there were still plenty of Mr Angrys who swallowed it faster than Katie Price.
But I fear the biggest April Fools will prove to be Sullivan and Gold. They have left the Zola Joker in charge of the team despite the six defeats in a row that ruined March. T S Elliot opens The Wasteland with "April is the cruelest month" and I fear that we are about to find out why!
Come On You April Fool Irons!
No twatto - you fell for it!!!! you've not once as Mr Angry from Canning Town displayed an ounce of humour in all your previous blogs and I for one don't believe you and from what I can see there are many others who don't believe you either!
AND THE BIGGEST LAUGH IS, THE BIGGEST JOKE OF ALL? Yep you got it... the best prediction trick of all by the one trick pony and trap (that's rhyming slang Trev) saw this one coming like an express train didn't you mate?
Gloating....you reap what you sow!!!!
Buy The Mini Season Ticket - It's Fantastic Value For Money! It has just occurred to me what a fantastic deal this mini season ticket is! For £250 or less (depending on where you sit), you get to see FIVE relegation Cup Finals…ha ha h ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hmmmm. Pepa Pig or Turds Out or PP Thorne, whatever you are now calling yourself, I noticed you took the bait! Your humiliation is clear from the posting of pornography again. We know you are thick, there is no need to advertise it!
To anybody trying to claim I did not write the article, please track down the source and post it. Sad thing is, how many "Hammers" were ready to believe it. Nobody is allowed to criticise the club but look how many believe the owners would betray the fans!
Oh and as for the mini season ticket, it was great value for money. I have seen 270 minutes of relegation cup final football so far. We have lost all three of course, but that makes the next 3 vitally important too. If we go down, at least I can say I was there, doing my bit, trying to keep the club I love afloat.
10:15 You have done nothing to keep the club afloat you have done nothing to help, you offer zero support
and you are in denial if you honestly think you only haven only one detractor, even I can tell from the words and writing styles that there are many who find you tedious in the extreme. Take off the tinted spectacles and ask yourself if you are actually liked?
Claret, I know I have more than one detractor and some of them can spell. However, there is one guy who signs in under multiple names and leaves a flurry of posts whilst here. I have to delete 85% of what he posts because they are racist or pornagraphic in nature. He is a very sad individual indeed.
I am not here to be liked. Zola wants to be liked and look where that has got us! Read Dale if you want the party line. The truth often hurts and I seek to tell the truth here rather than pander to the Three Monkey Brigade. You have the right to disagree. Put up a counter argument.
I've noticed him as well - and he is a disgrace to the human race - shame you can't ban him or something - personally I think you'd be better off making the blog sign in only - as I think you'd have a much better chance of building a community and making visitors for inclusive and you'd also be able to banish the sicko
for = feel
A fair point. Sometimes I have to put the moderator facility on but I am reluctant to do so. I genuinely am happy to host the full range of opinions on West Ham on this site as I do not like censorship OF OPINIONS. I do delete the pornographic and racist stuff as soon as I can but I am not on here 24/7 as, contrary to the opinion of some, I do have a life. Whilst we are engaging civilly, I can assure you that I love the club and have supported them all my life. What I write, I write because of that love. I hated what Curbishley did to our values as a footballing team, I hated the way Duxbury ran the club to protect his own back and I have hated the way Zola has been a puppet and has been allowed to destroy the team simply because he is a nodding dog. I hated Curbishley's style of play and wanted him out, but there is NO WAY he would have allowed Neill, Bellamy and Collins to leave without a fight! He was willing to sign Thatcher to provide left back cover; Zola went into this season without a first choice right back (they were trying to off load Faubert remember) and with no cover for Ilunga. He then meekly accepted the sale of Collins! A near watertight defence was breached, not by the opposition, but by asset stripping and penny pinching. Comapre the £5m generated by the sale of Collins with the cost of relegation! Who is to blame for that? Duxbury who I targetted whilst he was in position, Straumer and Zola, because Zola didn't walk or threaten to walk to stop it happening. He put himself above the team and the fans. As he did again at the beginning of this week!
make the blog login only and it will change for the better over night - if it doesn't you can always change it back - I think being exclusive will raise quality and stop all anonymous messages which don't amount to much anyway. Of course you'll have to try and behave a little better too
Thanks for the suggestion but I will leave things as they are for now. I can delete the racist stuff and enjoy the vitriol of contributers like Pepa Pig.
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