Interesting to read that West Brom are already planning a side to secure relegation again next season. Having Boyng Boynged up again, it seems the Baggies are trying to be the first to bagsie our very own ex defensive giraffe, Calum Downpipe!
Well, if nothing else, if they sign Calum, it should give Frank Skinner plenty of material for his stand up act! Adrian Child's sidekick from the One Show would offer better defensive cover - even wearing her water skis!
And you have such a class defensive line up now - see you in Doncaster next year
Well, let's hope that with all this bravado and bitchiness of yours that you don't find yourself scrapping to get up to the premiership next year. If Roberto Di Matteo stays, this is the Baggies' best chance of getting settled in the top flight.
surely if Upson is good enough for England Davenport is good enough for West Brom and baggies fans that's tongue in cheek I happen to like WBA proper fans of an also ran club that should be much better and fans that deserve better bit like a certain east end club I support
Its Adrian Chiles not Childs you donkey.
At least we are guaranteed premier football next season.
Coming from a club run by ex-brummie barrow boys your comments are rich.
Is it? Chiles as in Piles? That explains his facial expressions!
trying spelling "boing" correctly as well
Boing? God, you Baggies can't spell! Oh no, you can spell, you just can't talk!
Given our record of past players, he'll probably do a decent job for them.
LOL A decent job of getting them relegated!
Apologies to Baggies fans, I hold an irrational dislike for your club which is deeply ingrained. Unfortunately, the very first game I saw live was against West Brom, and we lost 3-1 with Brown and Astle scoring for your mob. Given Astle is rumoured to have had that bracelet in Bogota, all West Ham fans have further cause to dislike West Brom. Your record against us is depressingly good: you beat us at the Boleyn the last time we went down and even when we were beating you 3-0 after 15 minutes, we still contrived to lose 3-4 with Defoe sent off! Such is the depth of my unreasonable grudge that I was desperate for your ex manager to fail at Celtic!
Still, through gritted teeth, congratulations on your promotion. Make the best of your one season back up in the top flight!
i think u should be concentrating on your own teams ineptitude and poor singings before you look at any other clubs...
I think you are right mate. With my team's voices, we will never get on Top of the Pops!
It seems you hammers fans have got a lot to say about WBA. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! Granted we will most probably be battling it out at the foot of the table next year. But it won't be so bad as you will be joining us. Your club is in a state! With no money and loads of debt, you can guarantee you won't be signing any superstars, and as for your so called stars you have now, I'm sorry but they won't be there for much longer. The chairman will get rid of all your top earners and cash in on some players, leaving you with a side of youth and has beens! So thank you for occupying one of the relegation spots next year!
what a crap blog from a crap blogger who clearly doesn't have the first idea about football, still you should be happy that you make a lot of people laugh - at you however, not with you.
and your idea of blogging is commenting on everyone elses blog without actually mentioning your own opinion. Well done you get a sticker for that!
The feeling is mutual. The day we came back from 3-0 down at your place to beat you and your mouthy, chavvy Chingford fans rates as one of the best days of my football supporting career. You truly have found your soulmates in your new owners, the cess has found the pit so to speak.
We are not the club trying to sign Davenport. Don't get angry with me, I'm not team building for relegation next season - take it up with your Board.
You seem to have missed a rather crucial point - We have not signed him. We gave him the chance to get fit again, because as people who know about football (which obviously doesn't include you) it's a very close knit sport so if one of our coaches knows him we'll give him a place to play football and maybe if he did really well get a short term contract (where he'd be nothing more than possible)
I'll end by putting a crucial lesson for you. Don't believe or take what you read on tribalfootball or similar sources as truth.
I'll give you a little tip, don't sign Davenport! And don't get upset about what you read on the net.
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