Given that culpability has been firmly established, it is difficult to see how even Scott Duxbury could lose this case! The question is, should we settle at £10million now? If still fit and off his pizza diet, wouldn't Ashton be at least the equal of a certain Andy Carroll? So why shouldn't we be entitled to similar compensation to the figure demanded by Newcastle before they would part with their star striker? Ashton or Bent? I know who I would rather have, so why not at least the £24 million that Sunderland pocketed?
£10million should be the very minimum we are entitled to given the silly money now being paid for English strikers. Let's take the F.A.'s insurers to the cleaners!
A very valid point HF. Perhaps the D's should employ you to act on their behalf with this matter
You can bet your life that they will milk it for all it is worth! Where EARNING money is concerned, the Davids will not be slow in coming forward. Just how much of any settlement Grant will see is another matter however!
i still want to see us sue sheffield united and at least ge thalf our money back as tevez did not keep us up on his own that year and knowing them they will try sue us if they go down again
By jingo, that's a lot of clicking on your own article in a very short space of time Hammersfan!! Time to report you to newsnow for distorting their pages, against their policy don't you know?
LOL I have no idea what you are talking about! I am sure News Now can track where the hits are coming from. Amazing how quick this article flew up the charts eh? Stick up a positive headline and people can't resist reading. Shame I'm such a negative bastard 95% of the time!
Anyway, you're back. Evidently.
I was just wondering what your thoughts were with regard to why Parker isn't our permanent captain? Would love to hear your opinion LOL
Tottenham's permanent captain after his summer move perhaps mate.
I think it's to prevent Upson crying off Rev. He seems like one of those.
A good point Hammersfan - on that basis, the 2Ds should go for at least £40m, seeing as a fit Deano would be a bit better than a fit Carroll. In my opinion of course.
And your "detractor[s]" should remember that we are all entitled to our opinions - if they are that concerned, let them start their own website or blog. But they are probably too cowardly. I for one will continue reading your blog - its a good laff as well as anything else [the 'devils advocate' function for starters]
all the best to you
Cheers gateman. It is great to see the ire of my detractors. They are a hilarious bunch.
Gateman??!! That's a new pseudonym for your HF!!! What a knobend you are!!!!
He doesn't use a capital G for his name. You are the knob end my friend and you are still trapped in the Game I see! There's no bloody way out is there? You're in here for life!
Think I read somewhere fred the D's were considering taking action against West Hams solicitors for incompetence in the Tevez affair. Lets hope they decided to do it
HF, would you consider having tweets of our players in the sidebar? They'd make good talking points and will even give you material for your posts also. I've set everything up, you just need to paste a code into your sidebar.
Currently there are only 3 of our first team players I can find but it will be well worth it. They're Cole, Gabbidon and Collison.
Do they tweet? You tell me how to do it mate, I'm happy to carry it. Interesting idea!
Awesome idea to add the Tweets. I often wish players and staff would be more open with their views rather than assuming radio silence when I'm sure all they want to do is talk back!!
Do it, do it, do it!!
Stani, Zavon Hines Jordan spence and anthony edgar are on there too if you search.
2 months wthout internet access and now I'm back and still no constructive argument from the plebs just continual character attacks just the type of 'fans' that wil blindly folow gollivan to the Olympic running track (fortunately they won't get there cos they'll just be following the davids to the bank)
I think you will find they are trying to sue for potential insurance money owed and in this case indeminification only puts the claimant in the same financial state prior to the occurence causing effect. With respect to suing for 40M, it would be nullified immediately with the contra argument that he could have ended up like Marco Boogers and only be worth two bob.
Any of the Brady bunch on twitter? Im sure their Bleets would fuel some conversation.
Yeh, did find Fry, Montano, Eyjolfsson and the other reserves/youths but instead of cluttering it, I thought it be better to just have the senior first teamers, what you think? Plus, with the youngsters moving on here and there it's long keeping tabs on whether they're still with us. They also talk a lot of teenage garbage! :) Couldnt find Hines though. Whats his username?
I'll try having it up soon HF. Will be interesting as they do give their match reactions and injury updates like Collison and Gabbidon (2 weeks out with a hamstring) recently have.
Not sure how, but I think I've worked it out HF. I done the hard bit so even your aversion to technology should allow you to do the follow:
Sign into TGGC blogger account
1. Click Settings
2. Click Design
3. On the right sidebar you should see "Add a gadget" (It may say that elsewhere too but we want the right sidebar one). Click on that.
4. Scroll down to choose "html/javascript" and click
5. You should see "Title" and "Content" fields appear. I think we can leave the title field empty. In the content field, paste the code which I will now send you in the next comment and click save.
Hopefully you'll see the box appear on the site. If you wanna change the dimensions of the box, or the colour scheme, let me know.
You can moderate out these two comments.
This comment fields not allowing me to send the code so I've mailed it to you.
Check your mail HF.
With the detractors, it's all 'guesswork'. Hammersfan isn't 'gateman', because I am. Like I said, anonymous web jockeys, hiding behind a keyboard, can't even start their own blog[s].
har har har
"equal of a certain Andy Carroll"?!?!?
You MUST be having a laugh - the fellow was superior in every department
hahaha don't expect HF to be able to carry out the tweets add on - he obviously isn't an engineer as he claims as his technically ability is basic at best.
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