And at the heart of it all was a certain Stephen Carr who, a few seasons back, turned up at the Boleyn for a trial having been released on a free. We decided not to sign him! Carr or Faubert? Hmmmm tricky choice that one!
Oh, and a certain Lee Bowyer should have won that penalty. Remind me, why didn't Zola fancy him?
Mind you, Birmingham were carrying a few knocks by the end of the game. They are not out of the relegation woods yet and this victory could yet come at a huge cost!
Both Carr and Bowyer are useful players in teams that have the type of Alex McCleish as coach. They are destroyers and execute the manager's physical tactics to the letter. I don't think it was a mistake for West Ham to let them go. We are not and hope never will be playing this type of football. And incidentally, you were very wrong about who should be the winning side today. Arsenal had a lot more attempts on target and Birmingham were extremely lucky to escape. Then they were granted the Cup on a plate by the most stupid goal ever! There is nothing to congratulate Birmingham or McCleish about their win today or the kind of football they play.
That has to be the most myopic comment ever! Arsenal should have been a goal and a man down inside 5 minutes!
And Bowyer, as much as I hate the guy, is far more than a destroer as his goal in the semifinal against us proved and as the winning of the penalty that wasn't given shows. He times his runs into the box brilliantly and has that special quality of finding space in the final third. As for Carr, I would be happy to have a bit of brute force at the back. It is his sort of bite we miss.
Very good point on Bowyer/McCleish/style of play Sav.
I didn't expect HF to understand my point Stani. Thanks for concurring. Did you see how many times Bowyer fell on the ground pretending he was fatally injured today? Do you know why he was doing that and who told him to be doing that HF?
Sure was a good BIRMINGHAM performance,they are a strong resolute side that deserved their victory.McCLEISH has built a good side around a solid defence that deserves credit.ARSENAL without the likes of FABREGAS and WALCOTT were not so dangerous but they certainly were still threatening.JACK WILSHIRE a future ENGLAND star,orchestrated the ARSENAL midfield like FABREGAS does and unlucky to be on the losing side.
Oh get a room Sav and Stani! I saw Bowyer kicked twice, once by his own player. I also saw him poleaxed by Arsenal's keeper as he took the ball around him expertly! Bowyer mixes it and gets done by way of revenge. But he gets up and plays on. Are you telling me that Behrami didn't make the most of every knock?
It is pointless to reply to you HF. Suffice to say that if West Ham had the Birmingham players and Coach, I would certainly not be a supporter!
Weren't you singing McLeish's praises in comparison to Grant a couple of weeks ago Sav?
I was saying he was smarter and that he could motivate his troops better than AG. I didn't say I like him and his tactics.
So you wouldn't want West Ham to survive and win the League Cup in the same season?
Only you could deduce this from what I have just said!!! "Truths slightly twisted."
That's what Birmingham have achieved so far under McLeish. The question is, woud you not want what he has achieved at Birmingham? You suggest not when you say, "If West Ham had the Birmingham players and Coach, I would certainly not be a supporter!"
But that's not what being a supporter's about HF, or we'd all be supporting Man U etc.
And the door to our room is always open to you ;)
And then you wonder how Stani and I seem to agree a lot lately. He just replied for me to you, prefectly.
Just think! I come from West London. I could have easily supported Chelsea or even Arsenal who I rather like actually. Why do you think I decided to support West Ham in East London and still do? Simple, I liked the way West Ham always try to play football. McCleish and Birmingham try to win by making other teams lose the game. I would never support a team like Birmingham. Even if they are successful. I also support Barcelona. If they ever change their philosophy about football and they start playing like Birmingham I will not be supporting them also.
I want West Ham to win, but not through selling their soul to the devil. This is why I never liked the Bolton and Stoke by the way. These type of teams may have limited success but the ones who manage to have success through getting their act together by playing good football are more successful in the long run (e.g. Barcelona and even Arsenal - despite yesterday's disaster Arsenal was clearly the better team).
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