The first came when O'Neil tried to wake Bridge up by slamming the ball into his face at full pelt from five yards. That will teach you for back heeling the ball to a Liverpool player, Scotty screamed as the ball caught Bridge full on the nozzer! Fair play, but how the linesman and referee, who were both only five yards away, gave the throw to Liverpool will remain a mystery for ever and a day. Kuyt was apoplectic!
Mind you, as ridiculous as that decision was, it was bettered when Noble took a short corner to...well to himself actually, and then as a Birmingham player closed, grabbed hold of the ball and placed it back down for the corner. "Sorry", Markie yelled, "I miskicked that! That's not what I meant to do so I'm having another go!" Bloody hell, we could try this every time we fail to score from a set piece if that's allowed!
Amazingly, instead of pulling out a card for deliberate handball, Halsey green lighted Noble's tactic and let him take it again - and Piquionne so nearly scored from the resultant retaken corner. Had that gone in, we would never have heard the end of the whining from the Scousers!
I think the ref let Noble take the corner again because of encroachment HF. The Pool player was closer than 10 yards. This doesn't excuse the fact that Noble done a poo by touching it!
But we had just as bad a decision when Ba, I think it was, was brought down clearly on the right. The Pool player was a mile from the ball but no free-kick.
I still reckon he gave more decisions their way. A poor ref.
But the follow up corner was a beauty wasn't it Stani? Eh Stani? Go on Stani, force yourself to admit it, just like the one against Spurs that Noble took and Piquionne buried eh?
I understand everything, except how a Birmingham player was present at Upton Park today. I mean, if it was any other day and they didn't have a final to play at Wembley ...
Yes, brilliant. Two great corners in just 7 months. Hahaha HF.
Hitz or Bridge should be taking our set pieces, full stop.
Just admit that you change your mind about us being relegated.
Isnt it amazing how our carling cup loss has turned out so great?! Arsenal lost to Brum who beat us, leaving us free to get a vital 3 points in the league against pool. That's God right HF? Surely?
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