How appropriate, I have always called the station TalkBollocks, so the two Sky chauvinists should be right at home!
The trouble is, they will have to take opposite positions on everything, so when the subject of female officials comes up, what are they going to do? I know, Gray can say, "No way, I'm not having that, full bloody stop" and Keys can retaliate with, "I'm not having that Andy, I have no objection providing they have big enough tits!"
Incredible stupidity. A basic rule of broadcasting: "Mind what you say if there's a mike in the room". It's as basic as "make sure you you use a spellcheck if there's a Hammersfan in the room"!
LOL Or as basic as, "If you want to set yourself up by running the line, expect sexist comments! Storm in a bloody teacup or C Cup in the case of a female official!
They're a disgrace. As are feminists on the other extreme.
I can't believe talksport are taking them on, especially as Keys made such an ass of himself when they interviewed him.
"The player (Ben Haim) is currently locked in a legal dispute with the Hammers after believing he had done enough to earn a permanent deal with the club due to meeting agreements in his contract."
Sod off mate!
This station just keeps improving..LOL..with spiteful Durham and his lobotomised sidekick Gough polluting the 4-7 slot with their diatrbe and spiteful remarks /views. Just go the hole hog talkspite and have Nick Griffin doing thr breakfast show...
Sorry my post look's like a nine year old's. No 'W' in hole and fat fingers missing out i's and e's....I will go to the corner of the class and wear that conical hat..
LOL Fifty lines with me by tomorrow morning!
Testing, testing. Sorry everyone; not even I am that obtuse!!
Hmmm I thought that was odd!
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