Ba looked very good yesterday. Never mind his finishing, which was very impressive, his most exciting quality is that precious knack of being in the right place, at the right time, when in the box. And we haven't had anybody with that ability for three seasons now - except for a few games when Zola dared to play Ilan.
The worry, of course, is his dodgy knee. We have already lost Keane, and those gloating on here, because Ba got through a full 90 minutes in the Prem, are going to feel very foolish indeed if the guy breaks down in the next match. He failed that medical at Stoke for a reason so, unless you believe God is up there dressed in Claret and Blue, it would suggest that there is something pretty malignant lurking inside that knee. As a short term solution, he looks the part but long term....?
Let's hope and pray!
a failed medical suggest "that there is something pretty malignant lurking inside that knee" why?
Hopefully another brace to Ba to give us a surprise win over the scouse, we sure as hell need the points now considering it looks like it's between us, Wolves, Wigan and West Brom, everyone else is safe.
If only we had a defence
..... but if he does break down in the next match just imagine how happy, superior and smug you'll feel. I bet you're salivating at the very thought.
1114. No you are right! Silly me! Doctors happily risk legal actions for incompetence by identifying problems that do not exist. I wonder what sort of claim for damages Ba could make against a doctor for wrongly diagnosing an injury that results in the break down of a transfer? Silly, silly, silly me!
1202, I hope upon hope that Ba plays for us, untroubled by injury, for the next 5,6 or 7 years. I do think that gloating after he has got through his first 90 minutes is absurdly premature, however. I will not gloat if he breaks down, I will be bitterly disappointed.
12:32 with all due respect that's not what you'll do.... you'll do your usual "I told you so" or "I predicted this"
Another post elsewhere mentioned self fulling prophecies - I think you should google it, you might learn something and while you're at it try looking up positive mental attitude.
Why would you be disappointed? You've conceded we're definitely going down!
I suggest you shut up for the rest of the season, because you've shown your hand. That renders anything you say about play, players or tactics irrelevant for the next few months. Turn coat.
You're a spurs fan in claret clothing.
I actually hate you.
J&J, I will pound on the roof of the coffin and scratch my fingers down to the bone until the suffocation of the drop finally silences me. Who knows, if we go down, I might wind up this blog. Now that's put you into a Catch 22 position hasn't it?
TurdsOut! Good to hear from you again!
I know all about positive mental attitudes, Zola and Grant have "remained positive" for the last two seasons. Maybe a bit of negative thinking, along the lines of, if we don't stop the opposition from scoring we are buggered, might help!
Nah, let's remain positive eh? Holding midfielder? Why bother? Centre backs? Who needs them? Full backs? A luxury you can live without. A keeper who commands his area? Why do you need one of those? Bugger it, let's remain positive and try to score six if the opposition net five!
Do you 1247, why is that? Because you are trapped in The Game and I keep making you look stupid? If the positions were reversed, I would hate you too. But as things stand, I pity you!
That doesn't make sense. My only consolation is life is fleeting and you will one day die.
13:00 have to say the only person who has recently been looking stupid is you. The tide against you has been overwhelming.
Well 1315 looks stupid above because he cannot understand English! No consolation in that 1315, the internet is eternal and through all time you are trapped inside The Game, even when we both shuffle off this mortal coil! Did you ever see The Prisoner? Welcome to The Village, welcome to The Game!
1409, I give you:
Don't think you're on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path.
Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions.
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity. ~Christopher Morley
You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note. ~Doug Floyd
The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself. ~Rita Mae Brown, Venus Envy
A "Normal" person is the sort of person that might be designed by a committee. You know, "Each person puts in a pretty color and it comes out gray." ~Alan Sherman
The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain. ~Colin Wilson
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates when he becomes a conformist. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
And 1409, I also give you:
Nature made us individuals, as she did the flowers and the pebbles; but we are afraid to be peculiar, and so our society resembles a bag of marbles, or a string of mold candles. Why should we all dress after the same fashion? The frost never paints my windows twice alike. ~Lydia Maria Child
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary. ~Albert Einstein
In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. ~Bertrand Russell
Not all those who wander are lost. ~J.R.R. Tolkien
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. ~Winston Churchill
And 1409:
Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road. ~Voltaire
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking. ~J.K. Galbraith
The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them. ~George Bernard Shaw
And 1409 Hammersfan says:
"If that is the in crowd, I am proud to be outside alone."
14:38 I don't understand because I have no idea to which game you make reference.
Oh and I love this one:
To be dragged in the wake of the passive flock and to pass a hundred and one times beneath the shears of the shepherd, or to die alone like a brave eagle on a rocky crag of a great mountain: that is the dilemma. ~Praxedis Guerrero, RegeneraciÓn, 18 February 1911
"Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions"
Shame you don't follow your own advice - reckon this is an excellent point of reference when considering the OS
14:47, 14:49, 14:51, 14: all smoke screens - the point is that you'll wet yourself in excitement if Ba's knee breaks down.
1503, such wit! Such genius! Do they still quote you in the infant school playground?
I give you:
You can swim all day in the Sea of Knowledge and still come out completely dry. Most people do. ~Norman Juster
Happily I am soaked through!
1500 You would because the conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking. ~J.K. Galbraith
1438, it is such a crazy Game that you don't even know you are trapped inside it!
fred doesn't spell that well so I have not carried your bogus post. Try posting under your own name instead of under the name of others!
poor fred the only time he gets it right and you ban his message
But how did you know "he" had got it right, given "his" post never appeared? Ooops, gave yourself away there didn't you? Mahwwwaaaahhh Or whatever noise it is you make! Idiot!
erm your previous post said... "fred doesn't spell that well so I have not carried your bogus post. Try posting under your own name instead of under the name of others!"
Doesn't take a genius does it? as seeing as I'm the only detractor and I didn't post under Fred - then it must have been him, or perhaps there's more than one person who doesn't like you? but that's a little unlikely, so it really must have been Fred after all. poor Fred.
HF - Some nice quotes above, but not in the spirit of a true hammer fan. You need to get a new hymn sheet. For instance try replacing your quote in 14:53 with:
"United we stand, divided we fall"
Do you like Orwell by the way:
"The easiest way to end a war is to lose it".
Time for you to to use your keyboard ammunition to aid the battle to win.
Mmmmmwwwwwaaaaahhhhhaaaaaahhhaaaaa we can hear the confusion from here.
Being different or unique because you genuinely have something special and original to offer the world is all well and good.
Writing a condescending, controversial and patronising blog about West Ham hardly puts you in the 'Genius' bracket that you seem to desperately allude to.
There are many special and talented innovators that buck the trend and take the world forward but there are also many sad and estranged losers that exact their anger and 'revenge' on the world that doesn't seem to accept their sad and pathetic attempts to be heard or accepted. Most take a shotgun to the streets for a killing spree, thankfully you only use a pathetically irritating blog to release your angst.
You cetainly seem to fall in to the sad loser category. You're so proud of your independent viewpoint that you hide behind a pseudoym but still constantly tell us how well you're doing finanically with your property empire and remind us of how well read you are.
Me thinks the lady protests too much. We can see through you.
You can see through me, but you keep looking. Why? Easy, ignore me! But you can't. I own you!
0015, my keyboard does not effect what happens on the pitch. Sullivan and Gold claim that the club will be worth £700million in five years' time. So why haven't, they spent £20million on the team?
0914, we can hear somebody squeezing your bollocks in a vice. You really shouldn't allow that to happen, it sounds so painful and so undignified!
No HF, I think you've lost yourself in your own game. We own you.
We (your generic fantasy internet nemesis) are just occasional passing ships in the night looking in on your tormented efforts. You on the hand, constantly feed on and crave our input. You bite desperately and greedily on every tiny morsel offered.
It's quite clear that you desperately want to be an elitist, elevated above the rest of the intelectually challenged 'three monkeys brigade' but don't quite have the confidence to do it without an alter ego or in the real world.
I can't deny I find 'the game' entertaining but not so much in a happy or positive way. Yes, I may play the game and enjoy it but you seem competely oblivious to your actual role in it which is actually a rather sad one.
My role is to entertain and I am jolly pleased to be succeeding in your case. Now, you say you are entertained, but "not in a happy way" which must make you a masochist; and I must admit that the idea I pleasure you painfully is a delicious idea from my point of view - although not in a homoerotic way! I will leave that to WHTID!
So, I am pleasured in a happy way at the thought of you pleasured in a painful way. Who does that make the winner exactly?
I bet that hurts so much you are smiling! ; }
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