With the English F.A. yet to cough up the compensation for Ashton's retirement, we are being stitched up left, right and centre.
Bloody hell, the bastards bombed the hell out of the East End during the Blitz, so the very least they could do is pay up for Hitz!
Chocks away lads, absolutely bloody right Hammersfan; Dresden here we come!
LOL How does that song go, "There were two German bombers..."
Oy, that's my bloody sunbed!
Oh no! Not again! That's enough B*llocks for one night; goodnight sweetheart.
And talking of b*llocks; is that twitter rubbish for real?
The Devil is always busy!! But when u have a destiny, nothing or no one can stop what god has planned!
Amen Zavon Hines
They're still paying the Israelis reparations aren't they?
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