Must be a tough choice. Who would you want as your boss? Either the Saudi Royal Family, who chop off your hand if you are caught thieving (and let's face it, there's as big a stink around Allardyce as there is around Redknapp and it aint the smell of Spam Fritters) or Sullivan and Gold who assassinate their managers daily by way of entertainment.
One thing is for sure, if Allardyce arrives at the Boleyn, Curbishley's plan, so cruelly cut off in its prime, to turn us into the latest Charlton or Blackburn or Bolton, will be seen through to completion. Pain in the neck? Well yes for Allardyce when the axe eventually falls, but also for the fans as we look skyward, desperately trying to locate the ball. The Upson lump will return with a vengeance - although ironically the man assigned playmaker responsibility by Curbishley is now on his way. Never mind, da Costa can kick it harder, further and higher so Sam already has the key to his tactical masterplan in the squad - if he can keep him out of prison!
Greenwood, Moore and Lyall are turning in their graves as we speak. The stadium is going, our soul is in hock and as soon as Allardyce is appointed, everything that West Ham has ever stood for will be consigned to the executioner's basket.
Credit where credit is due though, The Dildo Brothers and their Hoe promised to transform the club from top to bottom, and I am already struggling to recognise the West Ham United I have supported for 43 years!
If he gets us back up, I could not care less who manages our great club.
And another thing HF, our club is indeed unrecognisable from the West Ham of years gone by, but so is every other major club, and so is football.
And that, unfortunately is why the OS is so important to our future.
Hmm, I don't want us to be in the championship. I'm kinda looking forward to it. That's if we are winning games. That is what we will do under fat Sam. Winning, in the chumpionship, is all that matters to me. Of course, I want to be entertained. Maybe they'll sack him next year!!!
I disagree JC. Man Utd have stayed true to the values of the club on the pitch and so have Tottenham. Look at the reaction of the Liverpool fans to Hodgson. He was not what Liverpool stand for.
Pain in the neck? oh dear did you steal that one from Iain? Mmmmwwwaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Taliban Beheading?!? what a nice man you are HF
I don't behead them!
Why has Iain got a pain in the neck? I always heard he was a pain in the arse!
Everything that west ham ever stood for was consigned to the executioners basket long before allardyce comes in (if it's confirmed he's the man) ever since the icelanders came in and then sugo west ham have not been west ham. Iceland, Italy, israel, they all have very little to do with west ham. Curbishley was a west ham man and look what football style he bought to the club.
I'm no allardyce fan by any stretch but look where we are, what do you expect to get there aren't that many top class managers available and even if they are who would want to come to west ham anyway? Now that's not allardyce's fault the damage has long been done and we need to start again. If it means getting a big lump in who gets into the players and gets them wanting to 'win' for west ham then we can't be anything other than supportive of him!
You are right of course Bas. But when you see your daughter marry a thick yob, it is difficult to give her away without regret even though she has been engaged to him for the last 4 years!
Is that the same thick yob you said would deck me HF?
LOL. He was defending her honour and right to dress as she pleases without being called a whore. I would expect her husband to deck anybody who called my daughter a whore mate just as I would as her father.
Maybe so but if that thick yob cares and wants to do the right thing then sometimes youve got to give the benefit of the doubt! If after time all your original worries come true then by all means kick his head in.......metaphorically speaking!
But he's already beaten his two previous wives balck and blue! Yes they've lived in a big house on a posh estate but the bruises have showed every single day...
F*** it. I knew there was a lot of crap to sort out down here, and you've just gone on the list.
Checking out the desk in the office at the moment. What have we got: a) details of some dodgy transfer deals b) some J K Rowling novels and c) a picture of Pippa's backside.
Do you know what that lot have in common?
HF so sorry to hear that your daughter in marrying a thick yob wife beater - is there nothing you can do?
But one of those wives treated him appallingly and time was not given the opportunity to tell whether that would've been a match made in heaven. His first wife would probably tell you that he was a great man who took her from nothing and ended up treating her to a good few years of happiness showering her with some designer shoes and some staples of a good solid relationship. Quite why he walked out she doesn't know but it's taken a fair few years to get back to where she wanted to be with a lot more downs than ups in that time. She probably wishes he never left
If he does sign up, for gods sake give him a chance.
What is so special about passing the ball sideways backwards, sideways and losing it?
If you want the team to put in the effort that Blackpool, Wigan, Wolves and Blackburn did, then Sam's the man, he will get a squad of triers which will make a pleasant change.
No he wasn't HF. He was so thick that he didn't even realise no one actually called her a whore. To deck someone (if he could) over something that didn't happen...well you cannot get much more thick than that. Interesting you're defending women's rights to wear what they please though. Only if you remebered that all the time.
Now Allardyce; my view is it could have been worse. Although anyone after Grant would seem a blessing so maybe that's what I'm feeling.
In regards the style of play, we do not know if Allardyce will alter his methods used at previous clubs so lets give him a chance. Is he really a thick yob or were his previous two wives making us believe this? One thing is for sure, that he will sort the structure of the whole of the playing side of the club out and will also sort out our defence.
It's vile to post a picture of someone getting their head cut off!
It's viler to cut it off, photograph it, film it and join an audience to view it. Why not read the article about it? http://www.chakranews.com/taliban-abducts-and-beheads-two-sikhs-in-pakistan-and-throw-heads-in-gurdwara/386
It's a terrible, terrible world. And to think, that was done in the name of religion!
Have just had my lower right leg amputated as a result of an IED in Afghan and I have to say your cavalier attitude to the Taliban is shameful.
This is one of those rare occasions that I totally agree with HF. Nothing can justify the brutal killing of a human being, particularly if this is done in the name of God.
Quite why however HF brought religion and the stupidity of man into a football blog is beyond me!
I don't have a cavalier attitude to them mate, I would leave them to do what the hell they like in their country but kill every one of the bastards who tries to get in or out of it. I don't think I mention the Taliban in the article do I? The picture is from a news report on the net.
Sav, I don't know why you feel the need to make that comment. Believe you me, when I put "Beheading" into Google images, I got many more hideous images than that offered. And I have moderate safe search option on. But, of course, in the mad world we live in, all sorts of sexual images will have been filtered out whilst images showing actual decapitation are available for any child to see. This image is from a news report - follow the link - and leaves something to the imagination.
I think the guy in the picture is getting whipped with a stick HF. Suppose that's what you get when you use unreliable sites that have an obvious agenda.
Sav is right though, this has nothing to do with football.
So we're all mates now are we you prick? you've not not got the faintest idea of what a mate is, what a mate will do for you in your time of need, or indeed what it feels like to lose one of these mates, how dare you to even believe that you can call me in such a manner.
You would think that Stani because it really doesn't suit your world picture does it? But let's say it is a public whipping with a stick, that doesn't reflect terribly well on the society in question does it? Would you join an audience to watch somebody beaten?
But I agree, the picture is not explicit which is why I used it.
Why did I use it? Because of the theme of beheading. Why did I use the theme of beheading? Because we play at the Boleyn Ground, named after Anne Boleyn, who was beheaded in this country 500 years ago when Christian countries behaved in a barbaric way, and Big Sam is also considering an offer from Al Jazira - and Muslim countries and Muslim terrorist groups still employ barbaric methods today.
If you check the history of the site, you will see that the pictures are often slightly tangental and rarely the obvious picture of a player or individual. This picture is part of that tradition.
Now turning to TC4H37, I do hope that your claim is not false, that would be a terrible abuse of our soldiers. If you check out the right hand panel, you will find a testimony from a soldier written whilst he was in Afghanistan. I know he is genuine because we have exchanged emails subsequently. You will also find a link to Help for Heroes, the only "advert" I run on this site.
Now you may not regard me as your "mate", that's your right, but you can't stop me regarding you as a mate - and I do because you have entered my blog and joined the debate. I regard the wholw gamesgonecrazy community as mates, even though many profess to hate me, because Jesus taught us to love our enemies didn't he?
We live in a democracy, we don't tell people what to think and how to think - that's what you were fighting for. It would be terrible if our brave soldiers lost their lives fighting for a principle that did not truly exist. If I can't call somebody a mate when I think of him as a mate, then suddenly I live in a tyranny. And aren't we fighting against tyrants in Libya and Afghanistan at the moment?
I think you're stretching the links there a bit HF. I said nothing about my world picture (which you don't know) or that I'd somehow condone these acts by joining a crowd to watch.
Just like class is permanent, so is lack of class. And you, I'm afraid, will never change.
We know your world view Stani, it is an Islamic world view that applies Sharia Law. If it isn't, declare your position now. Do you support public beatings with a stick? Do you support beheadings? Do you support Jihad? Do you argue that the burka is a symbol of female emancipation, a testiment to the respect Islam has for women? I am happy to declare my position on all these things. Public beatings are revolting. Beheadings are revolting. Jihad is revolting - the idea of killing for a religion is an oxymoron. The burka is a revolting symbol of oppression and should be banned in Britain. Now your turn!
By the way, "class" involves hosting positions contrary to my own and being prepared to defend my position my methods other than censorship and oppression. That's not a feature of Islamic states is it? It does produce curious bed fellows though. Who could imagine that the Islamic defender Stani would be in the same camp as our British soldier friend? It's more than the game that has gone crazy!
All you were successful in doing was declaring that you know nothing about Shari'a, and also making it clear what this post was in fact all about. I'm glad Sav noticed it too.
And do not fool yourself that you host every opposing view happily and through choice. I bet there are many comments you wished you could moderate out, like that spanking you got above. But we have arrived in this position of you having to let our comments through partly because of us. Because if we noticed our comments disappearing, you would lose us from here within a day and this blog would be ghostly. You are forced to air our views, you haven't chosen to through some sort of demonstration of class. Don't kid yourself.
Blood hell HF you're doing it again - why do you always feel the need to insult every one? I think calling that chap mate was condescending, plain and simple. He wasn't at all happy with you and then you called him mate, I've seen people hit in pubs for similar.
For god sake stop and think for a second, it's a picture of a Taliban beheading... how can you ask any right thinking person not to be offended by your use?
Did HF actually quoted the words of Christ to help him make his argument? That from a declared atheist is very rich! Which also proves that HF can go to great lengths and use anything to make and support his arguments.
As it happens his argument is right in this case (although I repeat it has no place in a football blog) but most of the time the same thing happens to support the indefensible. Also, I suspect that through this outburst HF is trying to hit Stani below the belt. Could it be that he cannot counter Stani's arguments on football matters? I wonder!
Listen mate - I'm all right, I've got a link for help for heroes - hahahaha lame lame lame
It's just like saying I'm not racist I know a coloured chap down the pub.
I'm not touching Stani anywhere below the belt! I may quote Christ but I'm not a Bishop!
By the way Sav, this is much more than a football blog which you should understand by now. Football is part of life and life is part of football.
Stani, I could moderate out anything I want to. I can even moderate it out retroospectively and even change what people have written if I want to. I have the power of God on this blog. But I exercise that power benignly.
The blog is enhanced by the comments but the comments are not fundamental. The comments do not access News Now and the other platforms, the articles do. You, personally, have been banned from at least one other site and I know of somebody else who encountered crude racism in another West Ham forum. This site hosts you and refuses access to vicious racists. People say foul things about me but I do not allow them to say foul things about you based on your colour or creed. There would be a lot more comments on some days if I did! And don't say you would be happy for them to come through, I wouldn't be happy to allow them through because of other Muslims and Asian people who read this site. I will take you on when it comes to issues, I will not judge you because of your colour or creed.
Ah Turds, chipping your log in! I don't need to carry the Help for Heroes, I choose to do so. I actually make monthly subscriptions to OXFAM personally but that link was put up at the request of somebody in HfH's so I was happy to oblige. I don't want our troops in Afghanistan nor in Libya and was opposed to the war in Iraq. But the politicians are to blame for that, not the brave soldiers.
13:07 was highlighting your lame excuse to the guy who lost his leg when you called him "mate"
I am well aware of that TO, I have replied accordingly.
No. You see, you cannot moderate anything you want to. If you say that you believe in free speech etc then you cannot moderate out what you want to because you are bound by that. If we take the God analogy you used; God cannot be bad or unfair. If He is bad/unfair, then He ceases to be God.
"The comments are not fundamental"? Hahahaaaaa!!!! Go ahead, turn them off HF, and you will see what is fundamental.
When it comes to HF, I always wear a cricket box ;)
You do see what you want to see don't you Stani? I said the comments "enhance" the blog so why would I turn them off exactly? The fact that I promote a chat forum and participate in that forum myself shows that I accept this is not the ideal platform for discussion. This is a blog, not a chat forum as I have pointed out regularly to the anonymice.
I do accept that this blog is aimed mainly at fans of West Ham who find the link via the News Now site.
Reading you post I understand this particular article is insensitive and unecessary. Whilst no offence was intended I can of course fully understand why you are upset and sincerely apologise.
I accept without question that our Forces are doing a magnificent job in very difficult circumstances. Your posting reminds us of the terrible cost of this work and helps put everything in proper perspective.
With all best wishes to your family and self for the future, and sorry again.
Writing to yourself again mate? You really should get some help. Maybe it is PTSD?
No - TC4H37 did not post 23:01. It was from a fellow West Ham fan.
I suggest you apologise to him yourself this time.
We will never know will we if people do not register an ID?
I am What HF should have said.
You see?
what but someone needs some help. The symptoms may well be PTSD (Pre Trauma Sam Disorder).
Finally, I can see how cricket can be useful. Very wise of you Stani.
Only joking, I know how much you are into cricket. It's just that I never understood what the fuss was all about. I mean, fully dressed adults, standing in the sun in a huge field, where most spectators can hardly see the small hard ball they try to hit with a wooden stick! I mean, what's the fun in that? Anyway, what do I know!
I don't enjoy watching cricket at grounds either, but as a game, it is a wonderful one. It really is a true test not only of physical abilities, but everything else...character, temperement, courage, sportsmanship etc. It is a intelligent person's game which is why I am sure you would like it if you ever try to get used to it. I only enjoy playing it and watching on tv.
...oh, and I'm sure when it comes to watching full dressed adults, you can just use your imaginiation to undress them.
Well I can do that when women start playing cricket Stani. Which, by the way, will make the sport interesting to me for sure.
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