That says it all. The Manchester City Board were happy to put Arab - Jewish enmity to one side and host Messers Gold, Sullivan, Brady & Brown at a right Royal shindig that would have put the Wedding to shame - and our Board couldn't even be arsed to show up for the game!
Perhaps they were deep in discussion with Daniel Levy over the deal to take Parker to Spurs? Perhaps they were interviewing replacements for Avram having advertised the vacancy in the Newham Job Centre and the Jewish Chronicle? Or perhaps they were in their counting houses, eating bread and honey? Who knows. But unlike our long suffering travelling fans, they weren't prepared to offer the team and manager support in the hour and a half of need.
Still, there was a bloody good match on TV that afternoon so perhaps they were just following Parker's example, choosing to watch two good teams do battle rather than the crap Avram and the boys serve up week in week out!
Maybe Grant took issue with the recent outburst and after a meeting they decided it would be better to not put any more pressure on the players or cause controversy by being there.
Article was released by Sullivan. They weren't there cause of the poor away performance of the team. Sounds like a believing owner. But the problem is he's got a point and the only person he can point the finger at as himself.
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