Upson? The new Maldini surely? They will be forming a queue around the piazza to sign him. Green? There's some shite keepers in Seria A! Anybody see Buffon's rush of blood in the game against Chievo yesterday? And as for the Chievo keeper, he looks like a trapeze artist missing the bar every time the ball goes near him! It was a thrilling game but the error quotient was huge! And Del Piero is still playing! He must be 98!
Specs? I can see him in an Inter shirt can't you? Piquionne has a Lazio stamp on him and Boa would surely grace a Roma shirt, unless Barcelona pip them at the post! Hitz looks right up Palermo's via and Faubert would leap at the chance of Bologna, thinking it would be one long free lunch.
But what about Scotty?
Sorry Italy, Scotty's heart is in London. London N17 to be more precise!
Never mind Bologna, the only place Faubert's going to be going in the Summer is Bogner!
A bit off topic, but still Italian in nature.
A question for HF. There has been a lot of debate as to whether we would have been better with Zola than Grant. Your index has been part of that. One could make the argument that at least the players fought for Zola, with the Everton draw a good example of that. Or Parkers goal against Wigan.
Thus my question to you. If Zola had remained in charge, do you think we would have been relegated this year?
I will be writing an extended article on that Dave but yes, I believe we would have gone down under Zola. In fact, I believe we would have sunk without a trace and would not have enjoyed the cup runs into the bargain. Zola created the mess. Grant hasn't been up to tidying it up! But it may be that the job would have been beyond anybody. Zola dismantled a reasonable squad and left us with a bunch of misfits. Etherington, Bowyer and Collins should never have been sold and have not been replaced. Nor was Bellamy with the signing of Savio a joke! Stani will say Zola didn't sign them but my argument is that just shows how weak he was. What manager relinquishes all control over signings? Only a fool! But I am getting ahead of myself and this argument needs to be developed.
Make sure you publish the index too HF. You owe it to everyone. And I'm ready for the article. I've let you off lightly so far, but rubbing things in has never been in my nature.
I will gladly do so Stani. Of course, our current points total would have seen us safe last year!
This oughta be good.
It will take a while Dave, other less meaty topics will be covered first. Who knows, we may yet survive! Sorry, I resume typing when I finish laughing!
Careful, HF. I dont want you to hurt yourself.
Speaking of laughing, here's a good one told to me by Neil Barnett of Chelsea TV.
Al Jazerra has released a video claiming that Bin Laden is still alive. In it, he claims that he watched West Ham play Over the weekend and that they were rubbish.
But USA Intelligence analysts say the video cannot be accepted at legitimate or timely because West Ham have been rubbish for years!
And to add to that joke, he told it to people in the pressbox at Old Trafford on Sunday without realizing Zola was right behind him!!!
Too good to be made up.
Bin Laden was in the press box with Zola sat behind him?!!!!???
Barnett told it to a group in the press box not knowing Zola was there.
I assume Bin Laden supported City anyway.....
LOL Careful, that could be construed as rascist!
On the subject of Bin Liner, what's your take on recent events Stani? Do you think the Pakistani authorities are so incompetent that they didn't know he was there? And that the Pakistani military are so incompetent that they had no idea of what was going on inside their own country until it was all over? Or do you think they colluded with America but are too scared to admit to it for fear of reprisals from Ali Q? Any which way, Pakistan don't come out of this too well do they?
Yeh HF, our current squad should have seen us mid-table this year.
Wait for the season to end before you write your masterpiece of tale-between-your-legs, contriteness and apologies.
They must have known HF. But it shows you the dilemma the Pakistani people are in with this puppet regime. And also is a demonstration of how far the hand of America and it's allies reaches
Tale between my legs? That would mean I really would have talking bollocks! As for tails between the legs, that's more Dale's bag isn't it?
But surely you agree with his execution Stani? How many Muslims deaths is Bin Laden responsible for? You agree he was evil surely?
No HF, I thought he was a tremendous upstanding bloke! Of course I agree his was evil. Yet we should not stop there. We should ask why he did what he did and then deal with that too.
As for his execution....I thought they should have made an effort to capture him and torture...sorry, try him instead. If a execution (like Saddam) followed that, then fine.
As a civilised democratic society, we should be a bit uncomfortable with the way he was killed HF, however evil a man he was.
Hahaaaa!, *tail. I'm sure you have a few tales down there. I'll ask Iain.
I agree Stani, the trouble is, how many innocent people may have been taken hostage in an effort to free him? He showed no mercy and so deserved none. If you live outside the laws of humanity, you cannot expect humane forms of justice perhaps.
I had a certain sympathy with the American woman whose son had died in the attack on the Towers when she said, "I just hope he saw his son shot dead before he died". You reap what you sow perhaps?
Zola's on his way to Chelsea and Clark is doing the business at Liverpool - poor old Wet Spam.
As a born and raised Manhattanite Stani, I gotta tell you. i was there on 9/11. I cannot begin to describe it. And for days, weeks even, I would be walking near my apartment about 2 miles uptown and you could still smell it. And whenever more remains were discovered, the vans carrying them uptown to the coroners office would drive by.
And anyone walking, talking, etc, would stop. Everything would go silent except for the sirens.
He deserved worse than he got. A trial would have been a pointless circus and risked countless innocent lives. He was a legitimate target in a war.
I live upstate now, but my dad still lives in apartmenr I was raised in. So Im a New Yorker still at heart.
It's funny how the yanks only woke up to terrorism when it happened to them.
New Yorkers in particular were happy to raise funds for the IRA via noraid, which resulted in much bombs, terror and deaths both here in the UK and Ireland.
One other reason why I think many people have welcomed his execution is that we've become desensitized to death and killing through this period of continuous war they are making us live through. It is like hearing of the death of someone (anyone) seems to affect us less....especially if they're from the middle East by the way.
I dont like OBL, he is an evil man, but there are reasons why I can say this, and those reasons are because we are better than him. The reasons we are better than him is because we behave according to morals and laws, and those are the reasons we must protect. We cannot just say we are better; we have to show it otherwise we are just the same as him.
Of course most of those that agree with the manner in which he was killed justify their feelings because they believe he was responsible for 9/11 of course. Yet that is something we should question in its self. I'm not talking conspiracy theories here by the way. Within a month of 9/11, America and its allies had invaded Afghanistan. The reason was to look for OBL who was apparently there and had masterminded the attacks on the towers.
Yet a little known fact is that in official Al-Qaeda statements, OBL had insisted to Arab news media on four separate occasions after 9/11 that he was not behind the attacks. On the fourth occasion, on the 28th of September before the invasion of Afghanistan, he said "I have already said I am not involved. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge... nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act."
Even if the rules of war applied, you'd have to still go some way to prove that it was reasonable to execute him in the manner they did and dump him in the sea. These are not the actions of a civilised society but those of gangsters you see in movies. Enemies of war are not always fact, legally should/cannot be always killed. Let's be honest, the U.S intention always was to kill or he would not have received head shots. He was also unarmed, despite the initial lies spread by the U.S, and there was no gun fight, another lie from the U.S administration (coupled with the lies that he held his wife as a body shield and that his house is worth a million dollars). If they wanted to disarm or disable him and take him captive, shooting him in the head twice is not the way to do it. If you take into account the above, it would be difficult to say it was a 'war' situation.
If he was trialed and then executed on evidence then fine, I have no problem with that. I feel uncomfortable with people riding roughshod over the law and in our name...we must remember. We should never condone non-judicial execution. Doing so is dangerous because it leads countries to assume a right they do not have. One day it was OBL, in the future it could be someone quite innocent.
I would understand why relatives of those lost in 9/11 would celebrate his death, but watching the people in the streets in America cheering wasn't something that made me feel comfortable. I personally would not rejoice in the killing of any man, whether he's killed for killing someone I do know or whether he is killed for killing someone I dont know. Why? Death is always sad. And though his killing may bring some sort of closure, it also serves as a reminder of the ones he had taken and there is nothing to celebrate in that.
But WE do not live outside of the laws of humanity, he does. If we want to remain within them (i.e. not be the same as him) then we have to act in a manner which qualifies us as such. We must hold on to our justifications to claim the moral high ground.
I have to disagree mate. Our countries are founded on the principles of the exercise of the due process of law. It is not a good enough reason that we shouldnt follow due process of law because it is too difficult or could cause problems. Taking that position would undermine the very principles on which our countries stands and is poisonous.
You mentioned that putting him on trial may have caused problems, as did HF, but I think executing him in the manner they did and dumping his body in the sea will cause more. They're almost asking for vengeance. If you were one of his followers, would you be satisfied with that? I know if I was, it would irk me. Take the official lines coming out of the U.S administration, saying that now OBL is dead, the world will be a safer place, only to then contradict themselves by saying we should all expect retaliatory attacks. You gotta laugh at them sometimes.
If we abandon the rule of law, we will not have fewer victims but more. We will begin to corrupt the whole of our society. In fact, the due process of law is something which exists mostly for these people, who commit such heinous crimes. If we dispense with these processes, either because it is too difficult or the crimes of the person in question were so serious (so it's 'ok' to kill them), then we risk the very foundations of the civilisation we profess to cherish.
Yet America still went in on the 7th of October. Few hours after the invasion OBL released a tape in which he once again rejected he had anything to do with 9/11. Now Bush and Blair knew they had to justify their invasion and surprise surprise, another tape of OBL was released on the 13 of December (in which many people dispute the man is OBL), where he suddenly admitted his involvement in 9/11. After mounting pressure, suddenly Bush and Blair had their justification.
Now we dont have to believe my above point, but aside from the lies they have tried to feed us this time (he was armed, had is wife in front of him, it was a million dollar house), we should remember that these are the same people that said that Iraq had WMDs. These are the same people that managed to find a link between 9/11 and Iraq (there was none), and the same people that said Saddam could launch WMDs in 45 minutes.
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