But let's face it, as Sullivan pointed out, ONLY 1,100 West Ham fans made the trip. That's 1,100 more than our Board mustered! And it is probably the same 1,100 who travelled up for the Bolton game. But they didn't let that discourage them did they. Made of sterner stuff clearly!
Sullivan points out that he and his fellow directors are not "£20k-£60k-a-week footballers". Too true! They are £20k-£60k a week pornographers! And I shouldn't think many of the 1,100 fans who made the journey make as much in a year as Gold and Sullivan make in interest never mind earnings!
It was just too much effort to board a private jet to get up to the game when it was being shown on TV apparently. Compare that to a six hour coach journey you insensitive cnut!
The guy is fcuking unbelievable. Somebody should point out that our home form is bloody awful too, then perhaps he can stay away from Upton Park as well!
Still the money has gone to a charity for terminally ill children apparently. Makes a change from it going to a terminally ill football club I suppose.
The dildo twins and the inflatable doll strike again!
I'm glad you wrote this. I was fearing you wouldn't.
I wish these bar stewards would just f-off out of our club.
I've been waiting for your opinion on this! The Davids should stop selling dildos and start selling books on how to grind a football club and their fans into the ground.
The question is, what will we as fans do about it?
Well I'm afraid that too many of our fans have a misguided loyalty to these buffoons which probably stems from a mixture of ignorance/blind loyalty, shared sense of moral turpitude and general values which has quite frankly left us there for the taking. Basically, we need to wise the f*** up.
Birmingham fans must have been looking on 16 months ago knowing exactly what was coming to us. I was too.
CANY BE ARSED!!!!!??? Nor can the team tho!!!
SERIOUSLY.... All I read is we will get three points against Blackburn.....?? Total sh*te... Blackburn will wrap up safety on Saturday... Wigan will beat us as usual when it counts... all I can see is a point against Sunderland. GET REAL...
Stani/ HF and how many games do you get to a season, as for your self righteous load of bollocks about how anyone that defends them is "ignorant", indulge me, what have they done other than fail to sack Grant that is so reprehensible?
fuck the davids travellt 7 times from hollandthis season to watch west ham his season, and then read this. I work my ass of to watch a game, been to city last sunday and then those rich cunt say shit like this.
They own this club They say they love this club but where is they love if they even cant support there team when they needed the most.
Ooeter, I understand the anger but care with the language please: cnut and fcuking is fine.
Dagenhem, I kind of agree with you. But that horrific screw up in January was so off the charts it will take a long time for them to make up for it. I dont know if or when I will forgive them. Dramatic, but its my story and Im sticking to it.
I have a basic difference of opinion with Stani and I think Sav in that I dont believe their intentions were bad. I believe they wanted to do well. But they dont have the tools or instincts for management in todays game. If they had, they would have made a change properly. Stupidity and malice are two different things.
You mean like hire Grant in the first place? Neglecting the playing squad? Undermine the managers and players in the media? Lie about potential purchases generally and to sell tickets, and lie about aspects related to the Olympic stadium move? I could go on but it's late and I'm tired. He tries all his reverse psychology bollocks on the players, you think he wouldn't do it on the fans? They've been playing us from the beginning and you're happy to go along with it.
Dave (USA),
I also believe they wanted to do well, but well for themselves ahead of the club. A big risk, and so it has proved, as they devoted all their energies to winning the Olympic stadium, which they did, and neglected to sort out the playing side and management by not hiring a decent manager and not purchasing good quality players early enough. That neglect has cost us premiership survival near enough.
Hammers go to War for Neil
Dave, I don't think that the Davids have intentionally decided to screw up. I keep saying in all my comments that it is their incompetence not their intentions that is the problem. And perhaps, I may add their screwed up priorities (such as their obsession with the Olympic stadium being far more important than making sure we don't go down this year).
Nobody appears to consider what would have happened to our beloved football club without them! I personally would rather have the 'D's than the Icelanders and the Italian orientated lot that followed. They sold porn to people who wanted it, banker's who ripped off millions of people and are still doing it, are ok then?
Most of the 'D's cash has come from property but for some reason this is never mentioned, I wonder why?
~Fact.Without them Birmingham City wouldn't be in existence now,so they only did good there. Give them a chance to do the same with the team they support.
Stani/USA Dave, i think meaning well for the club and meaning well for themselves have gone hand in hand up until this point. Getting relegated would never have been as bad as what they had us believe but it certainly wouldnt have been profitable for them. I think they meant well but were just far too incompetent to pull it off as Januarys drama prooved. It would be interesting to see where we would be now with MON in charge.
That said, their end-game was clearly getting the OS from the start. It will be interesting to see if they will jump ship after they sell the Boleyn. Will there be much profit left in our club for them? Perhaps someone who knows more about the finances of the game could tell us
I believe that is their plan Chunky.
John, we cannot say the Italian, the consortium or Fernandes would have been worse.
And didnt they buy Brum for a quid? They sold it for £80million. They may have saved the club but in 15 years they hardly did much else.
"The old regime [G&S] was set in their ways about financing the team. There never seemed to be any great financial support in the sense of really understanding how big Birmingham could be.
"They [Yeung] are now trying to buy one or two players for considerable money for the first time I can remember." - Sir Alex Ferguson
Stani so were you screaming in anger at the appointment of Grant last summer and if you think that Sullivan is the reason that he's still our manager then you're seriously misguided.
As for their investment in players since the summer, tell me do you seriously believe that Hitz, Piq, Obinna, Bridge, O'Neill, Keane, Reid, Barrera etc were "neglecting the playing squad"?
They didn't lie about any signings we were in for a lot of players but didn't get all of our targets, that's football
As for the other fabrication of lying about the move to the OS, such as.
Seems a pretty flimsy argument to make outlandish claims and then having nothing to back them up
I'm happy to go along with what I believe and see as fact and not some fantasy conjured up to suit my prejudices, yet you see fit to slag off others that don't believe in your utopia
Tell me who else was there in our hour of need, Fernandes, don't make me laugh
stani so you are saying you never want gollivan in our club but hwo else would you rather , fernandes which wouldve included taking a ban loan and has no experience in football so we couldve ended up alot worse off with more debt as he wasnt gonna be paying off the debt was he then there was the consortium who couldnt prove they had the money so once again we couldve ended up worse off again so therefore gollivan were the only option if we wanted financial stability and it was more them who kept us up last year with there signing of Ilan who scored some vital goals
Yes I was! One of a very few.
Sullivan is joint chairman, of course he is part of the reason Grant is still here.
Bridge, ONeil and Keane were brought in this Jan when they saw the sh*t hurtling towards the fan. It is too little too late. If that is not neglect, what is? Barrera and Reid were big risks on young unproven players purchased for the sole purpose of hopefully selling them on for a profit. They did not buy what was needed during the summer and tried to do the minimum to get by. ALL business decisions.
Yes, they didnt lie about Beckham, Van Nistelrooy, Klose etc !!! Please! How shameful was it when G&S said we had spoken to Beckham only to have his spokesperson later come out and say that Beckham had not spoken to West Ham? I know the difference between not being able to get a transfer target and deliberately putting names out there to sell tickets!
Are you asking about the OS lies? How about Brady's bullshit about the site lines? What about this: "AFTER the multi-million pound conversion no seat will have a worse view than at Wembley.In fact, the seat furthest away at the converted stadium is 10 yards closer to the pitch than at Wembley."
The seat furthest away? Wembley is 90,000 seater you sly cow. The OS will be 60,000. Just 10 yards closer!? for a stadium that has 30,000 less seats!? Why has she put it in that way Dagenham? Why? If she is so honest and is not trying to hoodwink us?
What about Gold's crap about looking into retractable seating when he knows it is not possible (unless they re-do the lower tier which will cost)?
What about that artists impression where they have clearly put the fans much closer to the field of play? Why has the club deliberately done that? I wonder what the brief to the artist was: "Make the track disappear!". Has Goebbels come back alive and is he working for us?
There's my back up. You accuse me of not backing what I say then you make statements like that about Tony Fernandes?
Every line of your argument shouts 'blind support'. You need to start supporting West Ham the club.
Answer the above if your argument is so strong.
With all due respect, you know as much about what Fernandes was going to do as you do about the e8 theory. And as for your statement that we could have ended up worse off...well we're doing just splendid right now aren't we?
Stani you come across as one of those whiny fans that rarely goes but feel that you have to justify your armchair support, I don't have to spell out my support for West Ham to you, I do support my Club and have done by having a Season Ticket since the 80's and have been almost as many away games. Now that we've established that I do in fact "support West Ham the club", I'll continue to knock holes in your argument.
You say that they "neglected" to invest in the summer, this is rubbish as we signed Hitz, our top scorer in the Prem Piquionne, Obinna, 2 WC 'stars' in Barrera and Reid and a solid defender in Ben Haim, I assume that the manager thought that would be enough to compliment the squad, at least he said as much at the time.
They then added to this at the earliest opportunity in January with the additions of Bridge, Keane and O'Neill, all decent signings, I assume you wanted Messi and Rooney
Yes we did attempt to sign the likes of RVN, Klose, Remy etc, hardly their fault that we couldn't tempt them with decent packages, would you like them to bankrupt the Club like the Icelandic goons?
Now for the OS, regardless of my feelings about moving, again they've been up front about the OS. The OS holds 80,000 and will still hold 80,000 if and when we move there as part of the upper tiers will be 'dead areas' with I believe the screens covering 10k at each end, the running track will not be on display during te football season as part of the pitch will cover it and outside of that area it will be covered so it's more aesthetic for the supporters
As for the retractable seaqting argument, how do you know that Gold is lying, moving to the OS should see many investors and partners wanting to become involved and I'm sure that Gold will look at the possibility of installing retractable seating, it's not a massive investment, the figures quoted were £40 million iirc
As for the Fernandes jibe, maybe you're not aware that he was asked to substantiate that he had the funds in place to buy the Club, he didn't or more likely couldn't and walked away, still he got what he craves out of it, publicity.
I'm glad I'm objective about G&S, they've made mistakes, the appointment and then failure to sack Grant, but have put their money where their mouths are and were true to their word when they stated that none of our top tier players would be leaving.
I detect from your posts that you'd made your mind up before they'd even bought the Club, probably from some self righteous attitude of how they made their wealth.
Maybe it's you who should "start supporting West Ham the club" and stop these hissy fits on the internet
Stani and Sav would you rather have bankers who bought our club for 80 million and in two years bankrupted it, or so called incompetents (multi millionaires) who bought a worthless club for a quid and eight years later sold it as a successful club for 80 million? and I am classifying any club in the PL as being successful.That is not ignorance or blind loyalty it is just looking at the facts.
PL football is big business and in big business you don't get anywhere by being a nice type.
Just because someone cannot get to games does not mean they are not a proper fan. We have 35,000 seats, does that mean we only have 35,000 real fans? Nonsense! Classic argument of someone who has no argument.
I did not say you do not support West Ham. If you really had understood what I said, then you would know that I was saying that you can and should support the club without supporting chairmen that clearly have their own interests at heart and not the club's. You're finding holes that are not there.
It's good you go to away games. It's a big sacrifice. What do you make of Sullivan's recent statement about 'only' 1100 fans attending the city game? Here's a nice opinion piece for you:
You're fighting the corner of a guy that not only takes your money but doesn't give a shit about you.
Hitz was a free!!! I guess they really put their money where their mouth is with him! Piquionne is not good enough and not what we needed at the time and was cheap. It was just Grant's love affair with taking players of previous clubs with him which is the reason he was signed. Same for Ben Haim who was ordinary at best and free. And some may argue that Piquionne's signing caused Grant to neglect Cole and stick to what he knew, so maybe his signing has done more harm than good. Not much investment there then.
With Obinna, he has for some strange reason not played him enough so what was the point in signing him? And as for Barrera and Reid, I addressed their intention behind those purchases above. Fact is they were not ready and therefore unsuitable for what we needed yet we spent most on them two? Crazy.
"They then added to this at the earliest opportunity in January with the additions of Bridge, Keane and O'Neill"
...earliest opportunity? Hahahaaa!!! Earliest opportunity would be in the first week of the transfer window opening in January, not near the end of the window! Or better still, in the previous summer when we really needed this caliber of player.
But I dont even need to prove this because look at our situation and that is my argument done for me. Neglected squad.........
.......If you think that we really tried to sign Van Nistelrooy, Klose, Beckham, Ronaldinho and Riquelme then is no point debating with you! And you say to me "I assume you wanted Messi and Rooney?"...more like you wanted them...or thought we would have gone in for them!
The OS will be converted to a 60,000 seater for football.
"the running track will not be on display during te football season as part of the pitch will cover it and outside of that area it will be covered so it's more aesthetic for the supporters"
The point of which is? Ah yes, to fool you!
As for the retractable seating; I know Gold is lying because stadiums with retractable seating are designed as such from the outset because space behind the lower tiers is required for seating to retract into. This is not the case at the OS. With the lower tier 25,000 seats being permanent and remaining there after the conversion, how do you expect to install retractable seating exactly? They can re-do the lower tier by all means but that will cost millions. Hence, he is lying.
There is a reason Spurs' plan did not include a track (like our original plan) because it would be totally unsuitable for football. But G,S&B will go to any lengths to get what they want because they do not care about the team and fans.
With all due respect, youre talking utter bollocks regarding Fernandes. If he could not substantiate the money why did Gold and Sullivan ask him to come on board after they had purchased?
From the horses mouth: “The money (for the bid) is with Olswangs [the solicitors] and I’d like to see anyone disprove that,” he said.
“I would have completely re-financed the club so that it did not have to sell on its young talent again,” - Tony Fernandes.
Here's the whole article. makes interesting reading:
No, I would rather not. Neither would I have people buy the club that took the fans for idiots and also got us relegated. You and Dagenham would, clearly.
Oh Dear Dagenham - it's all gone silent over there..... looks like Stani put you in your place - hahahaha
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