The frustrated England superstar has had to get by on a basic salary of just £80,000 per week for three seasons now, unable to realise potential win and goal scoring bonuses whilst lying on the club's treatment table. Apart from the hit to his bank balance, Dyer has also had to suffer the mental anguish involved in doing absolutely nothing week in, week out, month after month, year after year, since his £6m move to West Ham.
Whilst Dyer has not, as yet, given any indication that he will instigate proceedings, West Ham's Law of Sod says this is inevitable!
Why do you bother? You routinely fill newsnow with this drivel. Get the picture, you have no future in writing or comedy.
I'm not worried, even if he does sue the courts should certainly they'll agree we've already paid his legal winnings, About 80,000 per week that basterd.
He actually tried to file the lawsuit this aftenoon, but he was struck by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome while gripping the pen. He is scheduled to begin treatment in the morning.
"This is s temporary setback" said the West Ham medical cadavre. "I will come back even stronger".
Film at 11.
Knocking on the door of 1,000,000 hits my friend. You have to laugh!
just glimpsed at your last 5 blogs. your getting boring now....
23:34 Why do you bother come onto his site and waste your time looking at his "drivel" and then you even go as far enough to waste your time leaving a comment. Surely a blog that has near enough 1,000,000 views is working and I doubt he is looking for a future in writing or comedy.
He is doing it for his enjoyment and it is a fact that loads of others love his writing style otherwise he would not have near enough 1 million hits. Go away and troll on a site that is full of people like you.
Guardian reports Chris Hughton has been in the Directors Box for the last 3 games at Upton Park.
He is our man.
fcuk with the Anonymous at your peril. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/sony-blames-anonymous-data-theft-112426329.html
http://freakiefries.com/ proof that hit counters don't amount to a hill of beans.
Well you can set them at whatever start point you want to. However, mine has worked its way up from zero. In anycase, I hhave other evidence to verify the number of hits. Have you noticed how frequently the site now comes up on a Google search? Notice how often it is in the Top 10 on Newsnow? Try an image search on "gamesgonecrazy" and discover how many platform sites are now carrying The Game. It is very interesting the worldwide spread too.
I've emailed freakie - and he assures me that the counter he uses started from 1 - so it just goes show that any no mark can get hits.
If you can start them at what ever start point you want, it kind of seriously undermines all counters. Where are the official independent adjudicators?
Where is your evidence? where is your verification?
Why does it worry you so much? May I suggest psychiatric help?
By the way, each time you visit, that counter moves me closer to one million.
If an idiot like freakiefries.com can get 384,000+ hits then anyone can..... it's no biggie, and you really shouldn't harp on about it, as it's embarrassing.
So, playing the game of hiding behind different handles agin. You are a bitter little man aren't you? Maybe because your chat room never got off the ground? Maybe because you've been outed on the Org again? Perhaps that site you have selected gets so many hits because you keep visiting it! Maybe he is lying about starting at zero. I really don't care.
Hiding behind handles? not me governor, that all the anons I'm lazy and it's just how you like it.
You're scared of switching of the anons because you know no one would be arsed to log on to your blog, unlike elsewhere.
Pot calling kettle black, methinks - you hide behind you handle - you don't even use your first name... because you're scared, scared someone will find you.
ID at WHTID isn't scared, stands by his convictions and puts his name to it, making him far more of a man than you could ever dream of being.
hear hear!
Nigerian - does have a very good point - you're the king of the antonymouses - whereas Iain Dale is happy to put his name to his posts - I wonder why you're not, a coward perhaps? Iain is obviously braver than you.
Now using SJ?
Coward? Why would I be a coward exactly? What would I have to fear?
Mind you, unlike Dale, I have children and a wife to consider.
hahahaha King of the Anonymouses - very funny. Iain Dale shares his life and home with his partner - he is obviously twice the man you are.
Looks that way.......
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