They have all but secured the Olympic Stadium enabling them to redevelop Upton Park and pocket the proceeds - and West Ham fans have cheered this disgraceful betrayal of our heritage and unabashed act of asset stripping; they have engineered it so the tax payers in one of the poorest boroughs in the country are funding the move to the Olympic Stadium, the same tax payers who funded the building of the original stadium; and they have now engineered a position where they can slash and burn the playing staff and suppress the wage bill.
How can we be sure this isn't all part of a master plan?
I think it is right if the comment I posted in the previous blog is put on this one as I understand it may have inspired you to write it. So, here it is, in the right place, with some edits and typo corrections:
I am not a conspiracy theorist! I am not suggesting that SuGo and Co. aimed to get West Ham down. But yes, as they admit, they planned for it, and perhaps saw it as a blessing in disguise.
Why do I say this? Look at the facts. How did the very same bunch of people turn around Birmingham from the brink of bankruptsy to a money machine for them? First, Birmingham got relegated and, of course, the road was then clear to sell of their best players. Moreover, the biggest expense problem for a football club in the Premier League was solved overnight! The salary bill was cut to a mere fraction of what it was prior to relegation. Not to mention the 40 million pounds in parachute money.
When the club managed to come up again most of the debt was gone and SuGo and Co. made a huge profit from selling a Birmingham City as a viable and profitable business to new owners.
Now, if they could do all this with Birmingham, just think of the payoff if they are successful in doing this again with a famous London Club with huge loyal fan support and the Olympic Stadium in the bag. Jackpot!
But, it's just a theory. I cannot prove it. I doubt if anyone can. If this were true however, what could totally screw it up is if the fans reacted to it and boycotted matches next year. I am not suggesting that they should. But it is the only thing that can damage such an evil plan, if one believes that it exists. The sad thing, is that in bringing down SuGo you also destroy they club you love. Catch 22, I am afraid!
As a final thing, I am now sure that there was a clause in Grant's contract that he could not claim compensation if West Ham was relegated and he got sucked. And that is the reason our owners waited for so long to do the obvious. Their precious money, once again, took priority over the survival of our club.
HF, I do not take any pleasure from having you admit, finally, that Grant is rubbish. But, better late than never!
I should feel gutted but I just feel strangely oblivious. Events and warnings re SuGo probably had me better prepared for this than I would have ever realised. I remember Brum Fans warning of over reliance on loan players and the threat of becoming a yo yo team! Skybet have Hughton as 4/1 fav; Di Canio and Allardyce 5/1; MO'N 6/1, whats the pick of that bunch HF?
You're wrong. The stadium move isn't funded by council tax precepts so that's incorrect. I thought you should know.
We have all known for a while now that it was coming, now its out the way and championship football is a reality, i would like to know what (if any) of our squad will remain.
I will put the first rumor out there on our manager...i was told a while back when Roberto Di Matteo was sacked, one of the underlying reasons was that he had agreed to come to West Ham in the summer, of course at the time i thought it was bollocks, however with relegation achieved....this is actually not a bad signing if true....
I hope the master plan works and they sell West Ham Olympic to a mega rich someone (on the man city scale) and don't make the mistake TB made when he chose to realise his huge personal profit
but of course this is West Ham so expect the new owners to be Arabs and for someone to discover an alternative fuel the next day
Sav, follow this link and you will find I posted this on a chat forum at 10.41 this morning! But yet, your post provoked me to recycle it on here!
But yet? I meant, But yes!
beelzebub please not another chelski reject we got lucky with the first one but the last 2 have been awful
Gadaffi anybody?
Stani you know how to reply on Twitter. Can you Tweet Hines and tell him he is a uselsss cnut please. Ask him what the fcuk he thought he was doing dwelling on the ball and why he can't cross a ball when not under pressure please. Little tosser!
HF, bringbackcurbs? I sincerely hope thats well tied up in irony?
Stani - if there was a chance for a vote for control of this blog = you'd win over HF every time. You hit the nail on the head regarding Zola, Greenback and Parker - it's often only your words that make it worth coming here. We salute you.
2230, you have used the word precepts incorrectly, you meant proceeds. Thought you should know. So where is the £40m loan coming from exactly? That would be Newham Council wouldn't it?
He said it was Grant's fault for picking him HF....especially when there was no reason to drop Sears who's been doing so well on the right. He has a point.
Oh the irony, The Lord of the Flies endorsing Stani! Is this The Satanic Verses coming to life? How does it feel Stani, to be on the side of Beelzebub?
Very heavy irony Deane. It abbreviates nicely down to BBC. Bring Back Turds doesn't work so well. BBT? What's that?
No, I HAVEN'T used the word "precepts" incorrectly. There is no off-et cost to rate payers in Newham Council's funding as it is ring fenced through various district level grants. So you literally don't know what you're talking about.
Missed your comment earlier. My honest thanks mate ;) I'm actually a bit worried that we may get a decent manager and have nothing to argue about next season! Although as long as I take my position early, I'm sure HF will always oppose, regardless.
HF, are you saying it's not a honest compliment? What is in a name HF?
HF, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I am sure you wrote this because this is how you feel and think about the matter. And I am glad we think similarly on this issue. I am not suggesting anything else. I come here because I like what you write and for having the courage to say your views freely. Although sometimes, as it is inevitable, some of us disagree with you. I put my specific post here only because I wanted to see what reaction it would get. Keep up the good work. We need you much more now that we will have to endure year or years in the Championship!
And other loans for other services could have been off set against those grants. £40million has been loaned by Newham Council to West Ham United Football Club. If West Ham United Football Club default on that loan, or if the money markets move so that the interest rate agreed becomes uncompetitive, the council tax payers of Newham will be hit. Meanwhile, other services are being cut. Had Tottenham moved to the stadium, the council tax payers of Newham would have had two football clubs in the borough, providing markets for local businesses at no cost or risk to the council tax payers. You did use the word incorrectly.
Oh dear Stani,
Come the day of judgement, you may be in a spot of bother when this evidence is cited against you:
"Beelzebub,Missed your comment earlier. My honest thanks mate ;)"
Allah won't be happy mate! ; }
Stani - you can add me to your list of fans - you're a top bloke and so refreshing compared to the stuff HF comes out with, you've been consistent when it matters. Perhaps someone could set up a vote? of course HF wouldn't dare risk it as I'm sure he wouldn't want to look any more silly than he does already. Can you imagine he actually thought AG was a football manager? hahahaha
23:28 shame on you.... that's not your work - you've copied it. The style of punctuation, words and overall demeanour is not you.
Yes he will HF. He'd say that I've been such a good boy that even the devil complimented me!
I have to agree. Stani has called it right when it counts.
He gets my vote too, but alas under this despotic, totalitarian, tyrannical, despotic, oppressive and autocratic regime there is no chance.
It's a shame as this blog is often in desperate need of balance.
Ironside was obviously another of HF's poor and short lived "jokes"
22.30......stfu you dimwit!!!! Even getting a 40 mill loan from Newham council is 40 mill more than ANY FOOTBALL CLUB should be getting!!!! Football clubs should make enough revenue to support themselves, especially when they have 2 owners supposedly sitting on a farklin fortune, rather than poncing money from the state!!! Newham farkin council SHOULD NOT be lending money to ANY football club!!!
TurdsOut!, if he was one of my "jokes", the joke would still be running. I can only assume he has writers' block. He needs an enema clearly as he writes shit! Talking of which...are you Ironside by any chance? You went quiet at around about the time he arrived on the scene! Was putting together an article too much for you?
By the way, you are welcome to submit an article whenever you want TO! I'm happy to carry it providing it is intelligent and relevant.
TO! at 0837, so I am not Bringbackcurbs? LOL I think quite a few on the Org will tell you differently!
Nigerian Hammer, Turds, thanks guys, I really appreciate your kind words. I promise not to get a big head! :) And make sure you keep coming back to air your views here, at a place you can. As for HF, he actually agrees with me more than he lets on.
Thanks for letting their comments through HF. That's the difference.
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