The most interesting thing about the article for me, however, is the credit Parker gives to Sports Psychologist Mike Griffiths, who he reveals was brought in two years ago. Two years ago? How many seasons have we been struggling for? It's two years now isn't it?
Parker talks about how "mental weakness" can "decapitate" a player and that players don't want to admit to this weakness. He then eulogises Griffiths, suggesting that he has helped "massively".
But the facts do not support what Parker is saying. For two years now, we have all moaned about the mental fragility of the players, of how they panic at the first hint of adversity. Look at them yesterday. We were not playing as a team, there were eleven individuals out there and every single one of them was in a state of panic from the moment Blackburn scored. And that has been the case, game after game for two years now.
So what is Griffiths doing exactly? Teaching Parker and his team mates not to worry if they give the ball away "three times on the bounce" in Parker's words. Well they should be worrying if they give the ball away three times on the bounce because in the Prem, that means you are going to lose!
Look at Cole yesterday. He was shot in terms of confidence. He had that half chance before Blackburn scored and he dwelt on the ball, allowing Samba to get a foot in. A confident Cole would have swung his boot. Look at Hitz who didn't even have the confidence to take that free kick. Why in God's name was da Costa allowed to blast it into the wall when the ball had "Hit me Hitz" written all over it?
What good has Griffiths done for Green? When did his form dip? Would it be about two years ago? And Upson? When did he start to look like a rabbit caught in the headlights? About two years ago? When did Sears lose his way? About two years ago? When did Behrami's form nose dive? About two year's ago?
Parker may feel that Griffiths has helped but Griffiths is no doubt very convincing when it comes to justifying his own worth but the facts scream something very different. Before Griffiths arrived, the team were playing with confidence and a carefree attitude. Remember that goal at Wigan? Post Griffiths' arrival, the team has acted out deep seated nightmares week after week after week.
It seems obvious to me that a team that is "too good to go down" has deep psychological problems, mental scars that results in them freezing and panicking in adversity. Our Cup performances showed what we can do when the pressure is off; it is pressure that destroys this team. So what good is Griffiths doing exactly?
The evidence suggests he is doing a hell of a lot of damage!
Yeah the trouble is, with these counsellor types, is their practice of trying to get you to eradicate the past from your brain so you can give one hundred per cent concentration on the present. That is why our lads keep passing to the opposition, they can't remember which team they are playing for. Also because they eradicate thoughts of all their past mistakes they keep making them. Worrying about remembering coaching moves, that is negative thinking, better to have no coaching.Worried about failure, that is negative thinking, worried about not being successful that is negative thinking.
Perhaps if we could imagine this sort of nonsense going on in the player's minds we could understand why they play the way they do.
I personally think they should have a chronic fear of failure drummed into them as a motivation to be successful, unfortunately the word motivation doesn't seem to appear in the shrink's dictionary.
The problems started for us on exactly the second week of our second season back in the premiership. This was when we signed our now famous Argentinian duo. If i remember correctly we had beaten Villa 3-1 in the opener (i think) and then when the dressing room was upset, went on to lose almost every game up until Christmas.
During this time we had lost Pards since apparently he was a 'cancer' in the dressing room, sunk to the foot of the table and set ourselves well on the path to financial armageddon.
We have never recovered from that season despite the great escape.
So, with this in mind, here is my teaser...
Which is the lesser of two evils? Terry Brown's dictatorship or the plain incompetence of the Icelandic idiots and their Porn King moronic successors?
We have suffered for decades. Isn't it about time we had someone a little bit savvy in charge?
It was Charlton we beat 3-1, and from memory Cole came on as a sub and turned the game around.
Read the facts: why are the team sinking? Not to due to the fault of Parker, Upson or Green (all of whom Griffiths works with). We ought to be looking at the players who aren't working with Griffiths. Those players are the reason West Ham are going down.
Your ignorance is pathetic.
Get your facts right... he doesn't even work for West Ham!!! Try looking at the Porn King managers!!!!!
So Green and Upson have had good seasons? Have you watched us "Millie"?
Can I just say this is all fucking ridiculous, there is no evidence to suggest that counselling makes problems worse because if that was the case people would not be offered it.....I think it is absolutely disgusting that you are blaming a counsellor for the bad playing mistakes at West Ham....at the end of the day is it the counsellor who is training them and giving them team tactics?....No I don't think so....in fact far from it!...it was caused by bad and poor management for the club and I think this domineering attitude is very impertinent indeed....why is it you're looking for someone other than management to blame?....I mean why Mike?....every club has a counsellor and just because the past 2 years have been bad for the club...you just automatically assume that its "Mike's" fault....it is utterly pathetic and you all need to step back and re-think about why West Ham have become so bad but personally you utterly disgust me!
Can I just say that your attack on Primark utterly disgusts me Blonde Blogger. Don't you understand that this company employs child labour in Pakistan? What would those kids do if not for Primark? Get an education?
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