Then, by way of coincidence or a deliberate poke in the fans' collective eyes - he must surely have known the result - Grant drops da Costa to the bench for the Man City game!
Then Upson pulls up lame - nasty game where Man City look like scoring lots of goals - and da Costa comes on and is arguably our man of the match.
Grant. What ever he does is wrong!
1. Why couldn’t we play the first twenty minutes like we played the next 70?
2. Where was Robbie Keane?
3. Tomkins & Da Costa should be our central defensive pairing for the next three games.
4. Balotelli is a thug.
5. Boa Morte is not a wide player. He only came into the game when he moved inside.
6. Hitzlsperger didn’t step up to the plate.
7. Gabbidon is no left back.
8. Very shaky performance from Rob Green.
9. Freddie Sears will rip sides apart in the Championship.
10. Grant out.
He dropped Sears for no apparent reason at the start of the season too! Clueless...
I've been telling you this for ages HF.... :)
Agree with 10:04 and Dan. Sears has been our most threatening winger.
Grant: "I think we will need seven to nine points from our last three matches."
Hahaaa...is Grant going to tell us how you get 8 points from 3 games?
From the other post...
Don't believe all that you hear. Carlton is our leading scorer. Yes he has his flaws and I'm not saying he is the best striker in the world but he causes untold problems for defences. I think he would come off perfectly in a fighting scrappy performance (the types we will need now), playing up top with Ba. He is not there just for his goals even though he is our leading scorer. I would still use Keane though, but not for 90.
I agree about Da Costa and Tomkins. Upson can piss off.
No mate, potentially one of our best signing of the recent past. He's still 24, can use both feet and just needs a bit of finesse. I think we'd be crazy to let him go.
Stani, it's what he tells the girls in the massage parlour, "It was nine centimeters until I had the snip!"
Stani, you are talking Obinna I take it? Did you see his attempt to dribble the ball away from his own penalty box, losing possession in the process? Now if that was Noble...
...if that was Noble...we would have conceded a goal!
So you don't wanna buy Obinna HF?
Stani hes our leading scorer in all competetions but demba ba already has 5 league goals the same number as cole and in a 4th of the appearences to. He looks disnterseted to many times and plays better coming off the bench then he does starting. also keane has a 2 goals in a 6th of the appearnces. and cole never challenges in the air something Piq does very well . we have scored more goals with piquionne in the team then cole and how about this Piq also has more goals in the league then cole. What happens if we are 1-0 down final day of the season and carlton cole gets a chance to equalise in the same sort of fashion he did against chelsea he misses we go down end of story then you will be blaming grant again
HF has a point if that was noble you would say get him the f**k out of the team but it was obinna so you just say hes an amazing signing
I agree with stani, but you also have to look at the situation. Obinna came on with 12 minutes to spare. You think he was comfortable at any level? No.
Tomkins and Da Costa at the back, no question. Upson is quite simply, a tool!
Cole should be paired with Ba up front and told not to shoot on sight unless it is a sitter. His role should be that of a holding forward to get the more attacking midfielders into the game a bit. We might even be able to defend from the front like this. Something which we have not done for over 2 years.
Sears has to come back onto the wing. His crosses might not be top notch but he can get the ball down the flank.
To be honest though this thread is a little pointless. Fact is that the man who makes the decisions is completely clueless and will continue to field the same bizarre shower we have seen all season.
I didnt say I dont want Ba to play did I? Cole does not look disinterested...he looks frustrated at the stupid tactics. Cole never challenges in the air? That is completely and utterly wrong mate. Piquionne misses just as many chances. And no one knows what can happen in the example you gave of Cole getting a chance and missing. Look at the last two guilt edged chances Keane has had and missed. I would have trusted even you to put those away.
As for the Obinna thing; you're twisting my words. Plus, you're not comparing Noble with Obinna are you because there is no contest in my view.
Absolutely. I think because Obinna has not played for a while, people have forgotten his impact in past games.
Agree on all points.
i didnt say you said you didnt want ba so your twisting my words and cole never challnges in the air and piquionne has scored just as mnay goals and more in the league cole misses sitters every game piquionne creates aswell as scores cole does not i also didnt say i wanted keane to play i want Demba ba and Piq up front or obinna and ba as i too think whenever he hit good form he was dropped
Then why did you bring Ba up Fred?
Cole is as good as Piqu in the air but also better at then holding the ball up. He is stronger and causes defences more problems. If you want Ba to play, as I think most of us do, then it should be predominantly with Cole because they have shown they are effective together.
We need to look at partnerships and the team as a whole rather than individuals. We need the team to perform as a team now which is why many agree that the likes of Specs and Boa should play because that's what they give...less individual but more team. They are more than the sum of their parts. Cole fits this.
no reason for a striker to play if he isnt gonna score and he isnt gonna create aka why cole shouldnt be in there. Lineup for next game.
Ba Obinna/Piq
Collison Parker Noble/Boa Sears
Bridge Da Costa Tomkins Jacobsen
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