So, with Sullivan announcing that West Ham will be recruiting a "British manager" who understands the culture, a number of leading candidates have been ruled out. It seems that Jose Murinho has decided not to trade Madrid for East London and Pepe Guardiola has, for some reason best known to him, decided to stick it out at Barcelona, choosing to work with Messi over Spector; there's no accounting for taste!
Nor will Gus join us and even if Chelsea sack Ancelotti, he isn't heading East; nor will Wenger be tempted, or rather, if he is, he won't be considered. No, the bleedin' foreigners can bog off, Sullivan only wants a Brit. And who can blame him after Zola and Grant?
So, no foreigners then and, to avoid a repeat mistake, we had better not recruit a Catholic or a Jew. So, we are after a Protestant Brit who understands West Ham's culture. There's only one man for the job then. He's available and, crucially, he is cheap and needs a job and even Sullivan will look handsome standing alongside him. Put your money on Dowie everybody!
What a moron. People haven't even applied and he's already announced we "definitely" want a British manager. Never mind the best candidate, we want British!
Did you read Lawson's article I posted HF?
....excellent punchline HF. I 'laughed ou loud' as they say. Even repeating the name makes me smile
I will but not yet.
Cheers Gateman. 65? I didn't imagine you as a 65 year old!
...good, because when you're done with his, read LawTon's too....heeeehahahaaa! I'll shut up.
yes HF, I am 65, and give thanks for it, tho' not to any deity...
Stani, there is a short piece on Silkman in todays Express online, nothing new, but a good 'refresh' of his 'role'. Lawson's letter to Sullivan was different class - bet he won't get a reply tho'....
Isn't it just typical of the narrow-mindedness which got us into this shit. How is it at all helpful to pre-announce that you exclude the whole world from applying for the job, except perhaps as HF points out Dowie or Curbs! My God, what gross incompetence! Even, if this is their true intention (or inclination I should say), how is it helpful to announce that you are not going to consider anyone who is not British. Unbelievable!!!
Thanks Gateman, will check it out in a bit. I'm always suspicious of people who have their teeth bleached. Silkman is one...as is Brady!
Wow, the book is real!
This is awful. Sullivan's logic means that there is a better chance of the Reverend Ian Paisley managing the Hammers than Martin O'Neill.
I see Kevin Keen has thrown his hat into the ring. Aside from his obvious lack of experience, I cannot see a downside to employing someone who clearly bleeds claret and blue. Maybe more emphasis needs to be placed on getting a manager for whom it will not be 'just another job'.
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