Noises coming out of Keen are promising. His record as a manager aint great of course. He took charge of one game between Turds flouncing off and Zola being appointed. We lost that game, 2-3 at West Brom and the Baggies finished bottom that season. So a 100% record of the worst possible kind! Even Zola and Grant have better win ratios than that!
However, I like Keen. He was under rated as a player and scored the best goal I have ever seen scored by a player in a West Ham shirt, curling in a shot from almost on the goal line from an area half way between the edge of the penalty box and corner flag. It wasn't a fluke either! And I like the way he is talking now. How refreshing it would have been to hear Zola or Grant say, "but God we have had a shit season, haven't we?"
According to a report in the Mail, young Tombides is going to be on the bench and it sounds like there will be more adventure in the selection when Keen says, 'I am sure the majority (of the fans), with the team I am picking, will be behind us and want us to get a win.'
So who will be in that team? My money is on the following line-up, injuries permitting:
Spence, Tomkins, da Costa, Bridge
Barerra, Spector, Hitz, Collison
Ba, Sears
Like that, the primary underachievers, the players the fans hold most responsible for our relegation, after Grant of course, will not feature. Piquionne, Cole, Upson and Keane, in particular, could be guaranteed a rough ride if they turned up and Faubert and Dyer probably aren't even reporting for training / treatment, never mind expecting selection. It is possible that Obinna will feature if the club still cherish hopes of signing him on a Bosman but the chances of that happening seem slight now we have been relegated.
Looking at that proposed team, there is hope for next season. Even if Hitz goes, we still have Noble to slot in to midfield and then there are Stanislas, Tombides, Piquionne and maybe Hines to add. That assumes we keep Ba of course!
This best goal that was even seen scored by a player in a West Ham shirt.... where is it? as I can't find it on youtube.
I know. It was scored long before Youtube existed. I have it on a vhs video from years back, obviously, given Keen was playing. It was the 1989-90 season, it was scored at Upton Park. Can't remember against who and my wife has stored all the vhs tapes in the bloody loft. Anybody remember who it was against? Anybody remember the goal?
It was scored before we existed!!! No way is it better than DiCanio's against Wimbledon HF! That was voted the PL's greatest goal.
Why will Cole be guaranteed a rough ride? Get off his back you bullies.
That goal was in a 5-0 win over Sunderland. But IMO, Stuart slaters chest and volley in the same game was better!!
Good call mate. Do you have it on tape? Can you get it transferred onto digital and uploaded. Slater had a fabulous season that year, another that fizzled out sadly after ijuries, loss of form and poor moves.
Can't wait to see Tombides ...new Harry Kewel apparently. Hopefully that's in terms of talent and not injuries!
I do have it on tape! I will always remember the game as my old man came back from it with my first ever hammers shirt. Unfortunately my technological abilities are so poor that I would have no idea how to put it on to digital. I can only just about manage to respond on this blog!!
LOL I have the same problems. There are companies who transfer vhs onto dvd but don't know how much they charge. If I can find my copy in the loft, I'll see if I can get it transferred. Perhaps Keen himself could upload it to You Tube as his "Moment of Glory!"
He's only the new Harry Kewell because he's white and Australian. Kewell was blinding, if Tombides is half as good i'll be chuffed. I just hope Keen wont have playing trying to tackle likes Bonds, in this day and age we wont have any players left on the pitch!
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