Many apologies that TGGC has been "down" for the last 24 hours and that some content has "gone missing". Originally, the site was hacked in a rather sophisticated and very strange way, then the entire Google blogger service went down. I have highlighted to Google the original hack but it appears that the specific problem and the general problem are unrelated.
Nevertheless, an investigation is underway based on the hack and, with luck, a repeat will be attempted and the culprit unearthed. There are some very clever guys out there devoting their energies to TGGC it seems!
I was so worried about yoou mate. I had visions of you toppping yourself when you discovered the service was down. No surprise that you were the first to reply. They can stand down the nurse now and let you out of the padded cell!
Hope no one got your personal details...
Somebody may have done. I have all my credit card numbers logged as part of my profile and all the details of my nearest and dearest. I have warned the two people who know me and claim to like me to take extra care but as both are in Broadmoor, they probably have bigger threats to worry about!!!
It was me! Just flexing my muscles
...and "losing touch" has another meaning too HF!
Don't jest Stani, it is being treated as a serious breach and if the culprit is identified there will be a follow up. They say there was no connection with the "maintenance" that took the entire system down but it is a bit of a coincidence. There's no money involved for me but there are businesses operating off the back of blogspot so this could be quite major.
Bloody hell!
You're not telling us what exactly happened though HF?
....and where's that post with that long reply I gave to Dave's comment? Do you reckon it was my comments? That I was so spot on about the American administration that they hacked your site and had my comment removed? :)
Hahaaa, I'm kidding!
Karmic retribution if you ask me.
I don't know what happened . Somebody, an old enemy, changed my profile name and linked me into other blogs somehow. Then the whole site went down and then Blogspot went down.
Sorry about your long posts - I agreed with a lot of it actually. God knows why a whole day was wiped out; Blogger are saying they are trying to reinstate but I doubt that will happen!
Well the article has returned but not the comments! Sorry to all who posted on the Bullard article.
No worries. I hope Dave read it.
What a sad human being. Why would you wanna hack a football blog?
Best clarify, I know you don't mean it but your last post could be read as a suggestion that Dave hacked the site and is a sad man!
Stani, I didnt get to read it. In fact I was hoping to hear what you had to say. While I assume you disagree with me, you must realize that 9/11 is an emotional topic. Please repost if you still have it.
Im a Mac guy, HF. I couldnt hack a thing if my life depended on it.
Basically Dave, someone said that it was ironic of the yanks to start the war on terror only after it happened to them. Bearing in mind that New Yorkers were happy to give money to Noraid and sponsor IRA terrorism here in the UK and Ireland where so many people got killed.
I didn't get to see Stani's reply, perhaps he could repost?
hf is obvious stani didn't mean anything of the sort regarding Dave. The way you go around stirring things up it's hardly surprising you have enemies and people want to do you harm.
0824, I am not stirring and neither Stani nor Dave read my clarification in that way. Stani's reply was, however, open to misinterpretation.
Of course I meant it HF. New York Dave is known amongst the hacking community! Hahaaa, of course I didn't mean it ...anon is right. If the conversation is followed, anyone would see I didn't mean it!
I think HF's gone all sensitive since the breach guys. You gotta be careful HF, things like that can trigger the onset of all sorts... like OCD for example :)
Dave, I may have it on the PC mate. Will have a look after breakfast. And I did disagree mate, and as long as it doesn't upset you, I'll post it. I understand why 9/11 is a sensitive subject but we mustn't forget that whilst every life is precious, those that lost theirs on 9/11 were just a fraction of the lives lost for what was to follow. Iraq, Afghanistan, Madrid, London, Pakistan. Just look what happened yesterday in Pakistan. 80 killed. Before 9/11, suicide bombs in Pakistan were unheard of. Now they're a weekly occurren in a country where fighting someone else's war was the last thing needed.
I must interject here Stani. It was Pakistanis killing Pakistanis, Muslims, killing Muslims. You knoow full well that Pakistan could have done much more to control the traffic of arms and drugs across the border with Afghanistan but elected not to do so. You know full well that extremist views are fostered and nurtured in Pakistan and nothing is done about it. You know that Pakistan were turning a blind eye to Bin Laden - when the world's most wanted man is living just down the road from a military base, it is stretching credibility to suggest no one realised.
I have sympathy with the view that the USA is the engine of its own troubles - they sponsored Saddam and funded the Mujahideen in their war with the Soviets, but Pakistan and Islam need to put their houses in order too.
"Pakistan could have done much more to control the traffic of drugs across the border?"
Don't be so bloody silly, if the Americans can't manage the control of drugs in to American from Mexico, how do you think the Pakistanis can?
Or perhaps the money from millions and millions of dollars worth of drugs that go in to the US each day from Mexico don't actually go back to Mexico. I guess that would explain why Mexico is so bloody poor.
har har another HF argument smashed to bits! that's why I come here, hehehehe
I've been impressed with the war on drugs in the US - apparently you can't get them anywhere.
You're getting me wrong on a number of counts mate. First of all let me say I am no friend of the Pakistan establishments, it is the people I feel for. Secondly, the current government is a puppet regime of the West. Zardari is a nobody, a criminal, only with the help of his Western friends could he have ever gotten into power. Benazir's assassination was no coincidence mate. And yes it may be Muslims killing Muslim and Pakistanis killing Pakistanis (though we can never be too sure of who is doing these bombs), they would not be happening if this corrupt regime was not seen to be helping its masters in the west.
As for your point on arms and drugs; before the invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban had the drug problem completely under control. In fact, the Taliban had banned poppy cultivation and almost wiped out opiate production for religious reasons. Under occupation and the puppet Karzai government, it is at it's highest, going up more than 100%. It is also their fault that these drugs are travelling out of Afghanistan. Check this:
In terms of arms smuggling; it is India that is in fact secretly smuggling arms into Afghanistan which are being used for attacks in Pakistan. This is a fact.
Unfortunately, Pakistan's army is already stretched having to fight a continuous war against India which, had India respected UN resolutions on Kashmir, would not be going on. Pakistan does use some of these militia groups to do its fighting, but Bin Laden was created by the Americans when they supported the Mujahideen in the fight against the Soviets.
There was this brilliant debate our very own Robert Fisk was involved in on the Russian news channel RT, on Sky channel 512, not sure if you watch it. If I find it, I will post. Read some of Fisk's stuff though.
Pakistan would have a far better chance of putting its house in order if it was not ruled by Western puppets who were installed for the specific reason so they would be yes men for the West.
"And just how did it come to this? On 11 September 2001, Osama bin Laden was in Afghanistan and there were no suicide attacks in Pakistan. Fast forward 10 years and there are 34,000 Pakistani dead, the economy has lost $68bn according to President Zardari himself, a massive figure if you consider that the country has received a total of only $28bn in aid from the US.
In the past decade, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and we have created insurgent groups like the Pakistani Taliban. Meanwhile, in 2010 across Pakistan there were 500 bomb blasts and today the major financial hub Karachi is aflame with people dying on a daily basis as a result of terrorism. The largest province in area, Balochistan, is prey to a violent insurgency.
Back in 2001 and 2002, the US attacks in the Tora Bora region forced some of the al-Qa'ida leadership across the porous 2,500km border with Pakistan; a border which the local tribes always traversed at will." - Imran Khan, The Independent 3rd May.
And I'll leave you with a quote from the film The Good Shepherd: "It's always in somebody's best interest to promote enemies real or imagined." Bill Sullivan (Robert De Niro)
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