Why blame the players? They're crap and those that aren't crap, can't play together. Whose fault is that? Grant? well who employed him eh? and while we're about it, who sacked Grant's number 2, Željko Petrović and bought in Wally Downes eh? What a signing HE'S turned out to be.And I thought Steve Clarke was crap by the time he left,but hey how come he was so good at Chelsea and now look how he's doing at Liverpool.
And while we're on about blame, who sacked legend and international goalkeeping coach Ludek Miklosko and bought in David Coles? I'm not going into David's credentials, look 'em up yourself on Wiki or any other reputable website.
And whilst I'm having a rant, who decided that we should spend little money, or rope in pathetic loanees during the summer. If you want to blame Grant for that then be my guest, but even if I'm not a fan of Grant, I don't believe he was so stupid as to not recognize the need for the team. And if he IS as stupid as all that, then again, remind me......... who employed him eh?
Hell, even after they realised that Grant maybe IS the big sh1tty manager that many of you think he is they couldn't even blow him out properly in January. Martin O'Neil, oh dearie me....you'd think after the shameful way they treated Zola they'd at least have SOME idea of how to sack someone by now. But no! They totally balls THAT one up then incredibly.........INCREDIBLY.... they keep him on. How the Hell is Grant meant to motivate HIMSELF, never mind the players knowing that he wasn't meant to still be in a job and is highly unlikely to still be IN a job even if we'd qualified for Europe? Well you could have bought in the assistant manager I suppose, but watching HIM on the touchline, he looks bored out of his skull so if Grant cant motivate, God alone knows how Groves would do
We could also look at some strange player comings and goings as well couldn't we? Who let Ilan go? Who let Diamante go? Who let Daprela go even and realising THAT cock up, eventually went out and loaned in Bridge who probably costs more in a month of wages than it would have a year of Daprelas. I could go on about the players but ultimately, you'd have thought they were the managers decisions. Well it usually would be wouldn't it? Not so sure here, who done what, but either way I know where ultimately, I'm pointing MY finger. And whats all this sacking of Roger Cross about eh? Saving money?.........
Ah. Yes. Money. Now we can get to the root of the problem. Money. Or rather the lack of it. So they saved the club did they? Look where we are heading. Down and at this rate we'll be going even further down because I can't see many players staying, I can't see Grant staying, and I can't see anyone with an ounce of common sense COMING either. Unfortunately, until the sale of the Boleyn, until the massive loan to secure a rented athletics track with half the seats ripped out, until the new luxury apartments and shopping mall is built on our old famous ground has been built, until The Muppets pocket the dosh from all of that, until then..........We're STUCK with THE BOARD. And even worse........being the owners......we CAN'T sack 'em.
Thanks to davefking for allowing me to carry this.
Agreed, buck stops with owners.
To me they seem crazy and out of control doing everything possible to cock things up.
I also suspect that they have been in charge of the transfer policy with Grant having very little say on who we sign.
Big mistake in only buying stikers.
Relegation is a dead cert after yeserdays result.
Let's hope that the David's are masters of finances and have worked out the profit sheet is better balanced being a big club in the championship than a lower premiership club.
If we re-regroup next season and gain promotion with a proper management team and more motivated players, who knows it could be an exciting future.
Would be nice to see where we would be if Tony Farnandes got the club and not our porn barons.
What did they manage since their takeover ?
- Almost each saturday causes me stomac aches and we're heading down the Championship - It's funny, they came in to prevent us from going down...
- The Brady Bunch has the great ability not to sense if it's a topic you better discuss behind closed doors. On many occasions you feel ashamed to be West Ham because of their stupid statements.
- They robbed us of our heritage, the Boleyn. Our stadium is an unique masterpiece and I love it the way it is...not to forget there is NO running track. Even if I can't afford too many visits each year I can't imagine to watch the beautiful game with binoculars one day. I had to watch it like that several years ago when I visited a couple of matches of my local club Bayern Munich when they played in the old Olympic Stadium.
They may know how to squeeze money out of everything but in the way they do it they squeeze out each West Ham supporter's heart, too.
At least I think they do realise they have co---d it up, which is a blessing. They have been in this position before, and we can only hope that their experience will get the club out of this mess as it did at Birmingham.
Trouble is, I don't think thatthe 'Davids' are masters of finances. I think they are a couple of small timers who made loadsamoney selling stroke books and sex toys, knickers etc, not really discovering a new market or showing innovative thinking !! As a 65 year old myself, they remind me of the cheesy 'businessmen' of my youth long ago.
I don't think they have a clue how to run West Ham> Every revelation on here lately points to them as the cause of ALL current problems at the club. I include Brady in that too - her collaboration with Sugar [another 'successful' British businessman] shows the contempt of all these types for the ordinary 'punters' as the call us. Until they go, Wets Ham won't progress.
Very interesting comments. I have thought for some time that the board had taken their collective eyes of the football, and were looking at what profits they could make from selling the ground and getting the Olympic Stadium financed for them. When we go down, as after yesterdays abject performance I cannot see them beating Wigan or Sunderland. The list of leavers will be long, as those on loanees clubs look for someone to pay the wages of players that they do not want. Ba, Keane etc, then there are the players out of contract Upson, Da Costa. Then theres the players that have England aspirations: Calton Cole, Green, Parker. So what are you left with the ones the board said were for sale last year, and a management staff that it is difficult to find words that justify there total ineptitude and lack of motivating players or getting to play together. If the board do not get rid of the manager then we will just get more of the same, with inevitably the same result. Imagine Dyer in the Championship, oops already went there with Ipswich, and could not make it (injury again). So who should have gone: Dyer, Kovacs, Ilunga, Faubert, Reid, Spence unfortunately they are likely to tbe the ones to stay.
The board however, will have the consolation of the parachute payment, and the sale of the good players. So in my view West Ham should get ready for a lengthy stay in the Championship, they should however get another Management Team that will at least keep them Mid Table with mediocre players. I'm forever blowing bubbles seems apt now, and probably will be for some time to come. Unfortuantely this is the reality, had they changed Managers when they had the chance things might have been different. Now the board should go and get Chris Houghton as Manager and let him bring his own staff to correct matters in the Championship.
Called the owners and manager from the start, and I'm sticking to it. I feel no joy in being right this time, despite all the crap I got from fans over the months. What a sad and depressing time this is for our club.
What will we get from the fans that supported the owners now? It will be 'oh, they went down with Birmingham and have a record of bringing teams back up the first time around'. Not good enough, ot that it will be as simple as that. When will we wake up? Why do we have to be relegated for things to be sorted out at our club? WHY? When we had such great opportunities this season? When we could have hired a real manager in the beginning? When we could have brought in players ready to play and fill the gaps? When we could have sacked Grant a number of times to save us like West Brom did when they brought in Hodgson? Where was their ruthless decision making that they dismissed Zola with?
lets make tony carr our manager for the rest of the season he would play all the youngsters and we would probably stay up aswell
I remember a brummie fan coming here and wishing us luck.... now I know why.
I'd like to take you up on Cole's performance mate. You was criticising him unfairly on the other post. Not only did he work his butt off, but he set up two of our best three chances, one of which led to the goal. The other, Ba's header, should have been converted. It was a sitter...Cole would have had two assists.
And if you watch for our goal, Carlton was heavily involved. He was the one that pinged the ball 40 yards out to Piqu on the right, to start off the move. When Piqu then crossed it and it was deflected long, who was there collecting on the left? Yes, Cole. He then drew in two defenders and squared it for Hitz to fire home.
HF even agreed he played well giving him the second best score of 6 after Hitz, despite saying later it may have been too high, something I disagree with and something he may reconsider
And if you watched Sunday supplement on Sky, one of the writers picked out Cole's performance saying "I was quite impressed with Carlton Cole's industry yesterday; he worked hard, you could see that he was trying to change the game for West Ham."
The way Cole worked, you can tell it mattered to him, as with Boa, who HF gave an unfair low score to. Check the great reception Boa got when he was taken off and consider that this was from a crowd that has previously booed him and it shows he played well.
Lets face it anyone who believes Gollivan came in with any other plan is deluded They even recruited Terry Brown to advise them as he was so succesful in his 2003 model and how much did he con out the icelandics imagine what Gollivan stand to make when we get sold after they've finished raping the corpse after TB murdered West Ham The now very wealthy TBrown Fans? My arse
Have to say this web site is without doubt the best around and I thank my good friend JP for putting me onto this site.
As a Spurs Fan I have my sympathies(Not) but whatever happens you can be assured of one weekly reader!
Good Luck
bridge created chances as did piq and cole also once again failed to score and whenever cole plays demba ba plays out wide when i would much rather have ba over cole and once again i agree with you on boa morte but cole was still rated to highly in my opinion
Deane, I make you right - parachute payment will be around £40m, another chunk off the 'debt'. Also, a BIG reduction in the wage bill...the OS bought with help of loan from taxpayers of Newham [like me]. So when I said they are not good business men earlier, I should qualify that by saying they are good at exploiting such situations as WHU are in. As for a long term plan, they simply dont have one. If they did,they would have really dug into their own pockets and bought TOP quality players last summer. Their 'agent' Silkman must be rubbing his hands together right now.....
Well i just posted this question on the previous thread but it seems more fitting here.
Since all of our current problems seem to stem from our various owners since our return to the prem (and beyond), if you had the choice of still having the Terry Brown dictatorship or the Icelandic optimists followed by the incompetent porn merchants, which would it be?
TB would no doubt have continued to fcuk us for every asset he could strip but do you think we would be in a worse position now in both footballing or financial terms.
Truth is that things are not likely to change at our club until we get a business savvy board who have some genuine business and common sense.
Ba plays out wide because of Grant, not Cole!
no because he doesnt want to drop cole but he doesnt want to drop Ba everytime cole plays ba is pushed out wide which is a fact
No, it's because Grant is inept. He can play Cole up top with Ba, a simple 4-4-2. How can you blame Cole for Ba playing wide left? It is the manager's fault in every way.
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