First off, Bladder must be opposed and the "election"scheduled for this week must be suspended. Then the voting for Russia and Qatar must be scrutinised and if there is ANY suggestion of corruption, there must be a new vote.
It is time for the Western European nations to exercise their muscle. We know that CONACAF, Africa and Asia are corrupt. For God's sake, they don't understand the meaning of democracy, and bribery and corruption are just a way of life in the majority of the nations represented. How else can you explain the awarding of a World Cup to Qatar - a nation where you can be executed for being homosexual and for converting to Christianity - and where temperatures will represent a major threat to the life of the players. Dear God, Platini even mooted the idea of moving the competition to February as temperatures would only touch 120 degrees in the "winter"!
The F.A. should now be doing deals, campaigning for a World Cup shared with Spain or Germany in 2018 and in Australia in 2022. If the other countries don't want to fall into line, then sod them. We should then go the whole hog for 2022, running a campaign for an alternative European based World Cup. I bet you that the major nations of the world would prefer a World Cup in temperate England to a World Cup in the melting cauldron of Islamic Qatar.
We should put some distance between us & FIFA, opt out, make a stand, forget the world cup, point out to the rest of the world what it already knows, & see if who take's a stand next to us.
No one will stand next to us, no one, not even us, because there's too much £££'s involved, & we lack the spine needed to take such a bold, innovative move.
So where does that leave us, too spineless to make a stand, too honest to throw a bung in the right direction, we're in no mans land, mean while, over in FIX IT For All, life goes on, because it seems even Elliot Ness couldn't touch these Charlatans.
FA don't be silly, we're not liked - no one will do deals with us. They have long memories - we didn't enter in to the World Cup at the start because it was beneath us. We didn't enter in to the European game because it was beneath us, no one will do any deals with us.
23:37: If other Countries won't do deals with us then sod 'em. We should just pull out anyway. Let's face it, we haven't 'turned up' for a World Cup for 20 years anyway!
Kevin in manchester writes..
Just like to say how pleased I am for Andrew Jennings.. an old comrade in arms of mine who has led the assault to expose corruption in FIFA for getting on for ten years now. Two books, three panaromas- he was the grandad like figure in safari fatigues dogging Warner in the Panorama progs - and an excellent website where mountains of evidence of their chichainery can be viewed.. check it out www.transperancyinsport.org
Have posted this on the org but perhaps it is pertinent to this thread too:
So, Sepp Blatter allegedly cannot see that the world Governing Body's implosion alongside allegations of malpractice, even bribery represents a crisis. He is unable to recognise that alongside this disunity his running for re-election unopposed presents any problems whatsoever for the world's greatest game. In my view, whatever moral authority he ever had is now bankrupt. A person with any humility and recognition of the importance of democracy and carrying the world with you would simply not stand under such circumstances. If it were a Mugabe, a Gudhafi or a Mubarak the world would be rightly indignant. So how is it that this man can act with apparent indifference and nonchalence? This is a dark period for the beautiful day.
Mte, it could yet prove a great day for the beautiful game. Septic Bladder has turned into Sunny Jim Callaghan and his "Crisis, what crisis?" question proved his undoing. Bladder must be toppled now surely?
07:41 it's transparency surely!
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