Poor old Luton Town, the fans must feel the gods are against them. The image of Pleat skipping down the touchline in joy is one of the most enduring in football (almost as enduring as Pleat crawling along the kerb in a red light district!), and Luton were badly screwed over by dodgy directors and a brutal and unfair points deduction.

There was only ever going to be one winner yesterday wasn't there? Luton fans must be feeling very down today but Crawley are out of the way and AFC's magical mystery tour continues somewhere in the clouds, so next year can be Luton's season.
I'm backing and supporting the Hatters next year. When the pain dies, recognise that AFC are good for football, dust yourselves down and look forward to glory next season!
Regarding your wish to copy videos onto your computer; Maplins do a turntable for copying vinyl that is also able to copy tapes I believe, costs about £60.
I will explore!
keen telling lies already i can see us being humilliated further today
Great post pal.
Delighted for AFC. I am confident that it will be third time lucky next season for Luton.
Hope so mate. Good luck.
As a Luton fan thnx, I am actually delighted for AFC as are most Luton fans but why us????? At least on epiece of justice has been served and Wimbledon are back where they belong. Good luck for the future the real Dons and I hope the Hammers get themselves out of the mire as well.
Cheers mate.
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