With Gold and Sullivan having declared their hand and other bids supposedly on the table, it seems as if Duxbury's reign may be coming to an end. Gold is quoted as saying, "I think we are a formidable trio - Karen Brady, David Sullivan and myself" so that pretty much confirms that Scotty will be jettisoned should the bid succeed, with the Dynamic Duo replacing the Joker with their purrfect Catwoman.
We all have reservations about the bid but unless there is something better on the table, we have to pray that the soft porn merchants are successful. I don't think they would dare to part with Cole, Parker and company so soon after taking charge and may even be willing to invest money in strengthening the squad. But will Straumer deal at £50m? I'd be very pleasantly surprised if they do and not in the least bit surprised if they don't.
Rumour has it that any deal will be done on Friday. I will be on tenterhooks until then, feeling that our Premiership survival hinges on this result even more than it does on the game at Bolton. But if I'm on tenterhooks, that's nothing on how Duxbury must be feeling. Relegation? He might take it, if he meant keeping his job! Well, perhaps on Friday, Duxbury will find out that he is not coated in Teflon after all!
I'd rather have Brady than Duxbury....no, not in that way...ok, in that way too but you know what I mean. She's regarded quite highly in business circles.
I do wonder what the weasel Duxbury has planned. He always seems to come out smelling of roses. He'd probably have a job lined up at Spurs, the club he wouldn't deal with!
What a choice Duxbury or Turds Doomed we are Doomed I tell ye
Duxbury should have gone after the Tevez/Mascherano affair, just like Aldridge did. I would imagine that the only reason he did not go then and has not gone since, is that he knows too much
what's all this talk of bringing curbishley back, i've heard nothing (aside from the talk of bringing curbs back)
....yes!!! Bring Curbishley back, make him spend his compensation on a new player, then sack him again.
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