Makes you sick doesn't it? How we could use Bobby now! How we could use Collins! How we could use Konchesky! How we could use Reo-Coker! How we could use Paintsil! How we could use Yossi! How we could use Anton! And, of course, Tevez! How we could use Neill! Harewood might even get a game! Dear God, Sheringham would be worth a try!
Where are they when you need them? Perhaps if we brought back Pardew...
Astonishing isn't it when you read that list of names and look where they are with their clubs now. Why can a succession of managers not get these players gelling as a team for us and have us challenging near the top? I tell you the fines we got for Tevez are nothing compared to the curse someone put on our club for signing him and daring to dream!
Pards did say he had unfinished business and would be back. I do miss that Pardew shuffle.
We need this to happen now:
"Alan Pardew didn't play me at West Ham, even though the fans were
calling for me. I didn't say anything at first but one
day, I had had enough and decided to do it."
"I was on the bench and the fans were shouting my name. So I got up,
tapped him on the shoulder and said, 'Mister, they are all chanting
for me.'
"He brought me on - I made a name for myself and we saved ourselves
from relegation." Carlos Tevez
Hmmm, who we got on the bench?
We got Nouble on the bench. Could be the answer as Zola thinks a centre half is a better option up front, same way Pards thought Mullins was better than Mascherano!
You forgot Bowyer in all that.
How many goals has he notched up so far this season?
More than anyone in our squad bar Carlton?
Good spot FBP, must have been a subconscious act due to my deep seated loathing of the guy. Mind you, I warmed to him when he said after the Birmingham game that he did not leave us through choice.
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