Your friend and mine, the taxman, has applied for a winding up order for Portsmouth on the back of unpaid taxes. Now, whilst this may appear like good news for us, you have to wonder at the hypocrisy involved here. Where were the winding up orders for RBS, Barclays and the Halifax exactly?
Pompey will pay the taxes and avoid administration but that is not the point. Portsmouth is a naval town and many Pompey supporters will have "done their duty" for this country, risking their lives in the process. It feels like a cheap and unseamly move to me. I want Pompey to go down, but I don't want them destroyed!
shame the spammers are going down too!!! up the spurs!
Liverpool's victory at Villa was bad news for you guys. Can you feel the breath of Torres and Gerrard on the backs of your necks? How about Tevez? How ironic if he were to score the goal that keeps you out of the Champions League. Would be worth the £25m fine in many ways!
Are there actually any spuds fans that aren't total twats?
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