If The Times are right, and Straumer are rejecting the Sullivan & Gold offer, then we can kiss goodbye to the Premiership. We keep reading about all these players we are after but we don't have a pot to piss in so how the hell are we going to sign anybody? The squad isn't good enough, even when Carlton and Upson return to fitness, and players will be shipped out in January - I guarantee it.
Like I have kept warning, Straumer don't give a damn about us as a club. We are figures on a balance sheet, nothing more. The club enters its death throes as soon as we hit January still under Straumer's ownership. It seems that Duxbury's days may not be over after all. What will be his latest role? Funeral director?
Sun's saying Parker to Liverpool for £6m! If he goes we're finished. He's been our best player for a number of games now. Wouldn't wanna sell him at all, definitely not for less than £10m.
If we sold Parker we could buy Lady Penelope!
Maybe we could get the Undertaker from the WWE?? He could scare the shite out of the players and demand some effort or it's Tombstones all round!!
Thanks Hammersfan, we couldn't have seen such things without you...
If you believe anything that the press are printing like the transfer fee offers being bandied about, (like the £6 mil offer from Liverpool for Scotty Parker) if true, then it would seem like that these other clubs are just hovering like vultures (just like this time last year) in the hope of getting our players on the cheap which wouldn't do Straumur any good either as they still wouldn't get anywhere near the money that they would need. So if they are not prepared to accept the offer for the club that has been tabled by Gold & Sullivan, why on earth would they accept such paltry offers for our key players? So I think that it is the usual load of old bollocks paper talk. Besides, nobody knows what the outcome of Straumur's meeting on Friday was and for all we know, they might have got their nine month extension and may have a better offer lined up, we just don't know.
That's a good point.... but I suppose it depends how desperate they are to raise cash. Let's hope they're able to value their player assets correctly.
Stani, if they were that desperate to raise cash, then they would be accepting Gold & Sullivan's bid, wouldn't they? If they were to sell the likes of Parker, Green, Upson and Cole now, it would end up being on the cheep as if they were lucky, they would raise about £40 mil for these players which is still less than what Gold & Sullivan were offering for the club and if they want to keep onto the club until the market picks up, then they would want to keep onto the best assets as not to devalue the club even further, so why would they sell of their best assets especially on the cheep? As from a business point of view, i just wouldn't make sense.
Yes, I agree it wouldn't make sense. My fear is that they don't give our players their real value as they're businessmen who are not really football people (maybe the very thing Gold and Sullivan are trying to take advantage of). What I'm trying to say is we know Parker's worth more than £6m but do they? To them, £6m is a lot of money. That's the fear, that they just may accept such offers. Of course, I do hope they're cleverer than that.
What's your feelings on Gold and Sullivan Flappers?
Guys, if I may interject, what you are failing to factor in is interest charges and penalty payments for not meeting debt payments by certain deadlines. Remember, the creditors want money sooner rather than later. £6m now may well be the equivalent of £10m in the summer; in fact, if it helps to stave off administration, it is worth a lot more. Flappers, if Straumer can negotiate wiping £20m of the £70m debt by paying £40m in January, what do you think they will do? If they can then offer the club debt free, they will probably raise £50m even from Sullivan & Gold with no debts to service out of that sum. Sullivan and Gold would then inherit a club bound for the Championship but in a position to invest £20m to build a team good enough to bounce back up before sinking back down again aka Birmingham under their tenure.
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