If the rumours are true that Unreal City want Upson, then we should sell. As the sale of Kryten Lescott shows, a club can take City to the cleaners if they are sweet on a player. Upson isn't getting any younger, has a poor track record with injuries, and hasn't been playing too impressively this season anyway. Apparently, we would have accepted £9m back in September, so I reckon we should be able to get £15m if City really want him in January.
Who do we replace him with? Well I can't believe Nani cannot identify a cynical and efficient Italian defender in the £3m to £5m bracket and then there's our old friend Anton supposedly coming back onto the market at a knock down price. That would still leave us £5m or so to invest in a striker. We would also probably be able to cover three players' wages out of what Turds and Egg agreed to pay Matty!
Mind you, that's assuming we are allowed to spend any revenue generated from sales!
Anonymous said...
You really are a sad, pathetic, deluded, moronic little swine aren't you? Let me guess, you're about 6/7 years old?
How you've come to the assumption that City are after Upson, or any other shower of shite from your tinpot club is nothing more than hysterical! If it's money you're after tho, don't worry, you'll have a few bob to spend soon when the daily sport buys your poxy little club.
Tell me, if it is such an absurd idea, why did you open the link exactly? Losing Toure to African Nations in January!
Fifteen million for Upson? Why not pay another five million and get the whole club.
LOL, very good 2202!
Mind you, £23m for Kryten Lescott? Why not go the whole hog and just buy a hole for the middle of your defence?
Vincent Kompany, Nedum Onouha, Micah Richards, Ben Mee,all centrebacks, all can jump into the team if need be. Just because Toure is disappearing off to Africa in Jan doesn't equate to City scrapping the bottom of the barrel in search of a defender. Keep dreaming though.
most people have a soft spot for west ham tossers like you put that into jeopardy
Most people have a soft spot for Man City. Everybody loves a loser, even a rich one!
i dont get the point of your blog other than your bored and lonely
£15 million for upson?! what planet are you on. carlton cole apart, your whole squad isnt worth £15 million
upson will not be going to city unless he plans to play left back.
Toure and lescott and starting to look good, and if we lose either, like the african nations we have vincent kompany, nedum to step in ..
as for Hammersfan - people in glass house mate, your lot, look destined for the championship.
Hammer are prob the only london club i like i guess, now that wenger has shown himself to be a miserable cowardly frog
HF, if true I'd ask for £10m and Onuoha. Or, a straight swap with Upson for Onuoha and Johnson.
Upson is not irreplaceable.
sell sell sell
As for these City posters: congratulations on winning the lottery! Ease up on our lot ffs!?
Hammers are having some Upson downs of late. Like to see them stay in the Prem though...6 points nailed on for us everry season.
Hammersfans, like many I too have you as my favourite London club, however there's no way Upson will be coming to City, him and Lescott won't work as a combo, both heavily left footed, we've plenty of backup while Toure is away, our best natural centre back Ned Onuoha just needs games to get back to his best.
I would have C.Cole off you though, except he's as injury prone as Santa Cruz.
I do hope you stay up, but after the way you rolled over for the rags I fear for you.
Anyone know what has happened to westhamfans.org,it's been down for a few days.Wondered if NEV'S ditched the towel in?
Essex, I think the site has just fallen asleep due to a shortage of entertaining contributions. I am sure Nev will wake it up soon and keep it on a life support system; but it is urgently in need of a transfusion of new blood.
why would we want to buy him, when we got kompany onuha and lescot,for when toure goes away for african nations and i forgot micah richards can go there aswell, and no offence but upson isnt better than any of them, so up yours. we dont want upson you idiot.
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