It's Christmas! Time for an old favourite!
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
Gianfranco sent to me
Villa’s Collins winning,
West Ham players idling,
Dean Ashton weeping,
Kieron Dyer limping,
Diamanti wanking,
A defence that is drowning,
No forwards scoring,
Five Chelsea goals!
Kovac in midfield,
A fat French tart,
Green’s slippery gloves,
And a right footer on the left wing!
oh, wait..and here's my solo...
and a bottle that is fizzy!!!!
Ouch mate!
...and I'm not talking about Christmas champagne either.
Do you know of any protesting yet by the fans at upton park before, during and after the match. Have we gone soft and just excepted our fate? Just a fews yrs ago our fans would not have put up with this crap on and off the field. Remember when we would'nt give Terry Brown a minute's peace the way he ran our club. Looking forward to newly promoted Leeds utd giving us a good spanking next season. West Ham fans are a bunch of pussies.
what would you have us do anon? burn an icelandic flag? hang an effigy of our mysterious chairman?
Nothing is going to change the facts on the ground mate.
I've organised a Straumer murder. I envisage it like the final scenes in the Godfather 1. Except knowing a West Ham fans luck i'll miss Burnhard and hit Keiron Dyer!
I've supported the hammers for god know's how long and I dont think I've ever had any confidence in the team except 86, even them I knew we would f**k up. Anyway it's always a pleasant surprise when we win because we've always been crap. Thats why every other team thinks they can stuff us, we get no respect from anyone cause our players have always been weak mentally and physically. What's wrong with this club, the support has always been good, it must be in the east end air, or in the water or that side of london just doesn't expect much. Why oh why do I support this screwed up club. I'm done.
Why would he know about any protests before the game, he never goes anywhere near Upton Park on match days.
You're back Tom! You've been missed!
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