Two very funny moments during the game, with Faubert giving a piggy back to a Pompey player raising a chuckle only to be bettered by Kovac's desperate need to be loved after scoring! Did you see the reluctance of the fans to hug him after the goal? You could see the thought bubbles coming out of their heads: "But you're Kovac! You're shit!" Priceless!
They didnt want him to get a yellow HF. They're intelligent, our fans :)
I'd hug him....no, not in that way.
I'd have hugged him ... its allowed these days ... soldiers are taught to be pink n fluffy. my brother in law in a smug know it all part time Pompey fan ... been gobbing it off all week .... mmmm he's rather quiet now .... just have to cuddle the dog tho
If I was there, I would have jumped over the barricade and would have given him a hug! He's wearing a West Ham shirt, and he's been really working hard to get into form! Whether he's our best player or not, if he scores a goal for our club, we better celebrate it with him!!!
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