There seem to be a few people doubting my abilities to predict things. Well if you look back to February 2009, you will find the following post on the subject of Ali al-Faraj and his mooted take over of West Ham. I think it was pretty damn prescient! If you don't believe me, the link is http://thegamesgonecrazy.blogspot.com/2009/09/west-ham-takeover.html
Just copy and paste into your browser! Oh and one great comment to the article:
Anonymous said...
Mate your blog is boring and negative, leave the constant irony and sarcasm out its not funny. stop being a pessimist and start being a SUPPORTER you mug.
That MUG wanted al-Faraj to succeed with his bid presumably!
The article read:
As promised, more considered musings on the Ali al-Faraj takeover rumour, delayed somewhat by my mother being rushed into hospital. (Some things do take priority over West Ham!) Do we want it or should we pray that he and Storrie stay well away?
Try "binging" the guy and Wikipedia offers the following option:
al-Faraj may refer to:
* Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani, Persian scholar.
* Abu Faraj al-Libbi, nom de guerre of a Libyan alleged to be a senior member of al-Qaeda
* Abu-al-Faraj ibn Al-Jawzi, Islamic scholar of the Hanbali school of jurisprudential thought
* Abu-al-Faraj Runi, 11th century Persian court poet who wrote Mathnavi
* Bar-Hebraeus, also known as Abu al-Faraj, catholicos of the Syriac Orthodox Church in the 13th century
* Jeshua ben Judah, also known as Abu al-Faraj, 11th century Karaite scholar, exegete and philosopher
Now none of those sound too promising to me! Most of them will only get to London if appearing in the British Museum in mummified form and the second one on the list sounds even less enticing! If it is him, before we know it, the Yanks will be declaring war on East London (although they would be guaranteed to only take out Tottenham fans as collateral damage!) and the victims of the IRA will be demanding a Tevez style payment for the supply of semtex!
Google throws up a more likely option, one Ali al-Faraj who is a "Phone Banking Services Manager at Alinma Bank, Saudi Arabia". The guy is on linkedin.com and lists his "contact settings" as
* career opportunities
* consulting offers
* job inquiries
* expertise requests
* business deals
* reference requests
* getting back in touch
Now wouldn't it be all too typical if he was our man, turning up in a tea towel and a dressing gown, waving a Suadi bank business card and forgetting to tell anybody that he works in a call centre! Of course, for good measure, the CIA would identify him as the al-Qaeda bod and launch a targetted airstrike anyway!
Full of Eastern Promise? I think you would find more in a Turkish Delight personally. I hope I am wrong but this sounds like a load of camelshit to me and, until we see the colour of his money, I would not get too excited. So who will take over our beloved club?
Heard the one about the Arab, the pornographer and the Yank...
Somewhat racist in tone. Utter dog-egg.
Is it? Why?
What an utter pointless article.
We've been taken over now, so why bother even posting this article. I have to say out of all the blogs I've read yours is by far the worst! I'm struggling to call you a west ham fan as you never seem to post anything hopeful or optimistic in these posts. You black bacground says it all really. I'm growing tired of victor meldrew impression! Support the club in a good way and not by running it putting up useless articles!
I apologise for the lengthy comment but this "hammersfan", (whoever he or she is) is driving me up the wall!!!
Vote for Hammers Fan here
I dont understand people. Dont like what hammersfan writes, dont read, its very simple.
Now the point I think he makes is that you all slagged him off when in fact he was spot on about this fake fella.
Keep up the good work hammersfan
0304 "I dont understand people. Dont like what hammersfan writes, dont read, its very simple.
Now the point I think he makes is that you all slagged him off when in fact he was spot on about this fake fella.
So what brown-noser? If we were all like you this'd be a boring place eh hammersfan? This cnut loves a little controversy winding people up then just sitting back and giggling like a school girl on heat, ask anyone at the mordant org – a site he ruined by doing exactly what he does here and he loved every minute of it. Get yer tongue out appy ammer it don’t suit you it's gone all brown tastes like shti too.
Integrity something of which you know nothing, what was it you called him in your constant barrage of hatred and bile towards him? Watch and learn cnutfan watch and learn see how a real man does it
Hammersfan, can you not take a hint?
Give it up mate! full of self importance
I'm not often inspired to comment on these things, but this a message for the anonymous, monotonous chap who seems to have nothing better to do with his life than posting a constant stream of insulting comments on someone else blog.
A note my friend: YOU'RE the irritating one here. Jesus pal, if you don't like it simply don't read it!
Go out and get a job, get out of the house, have a wank, or watch Jeremy Kyle... but do something! I have a genuine feeling you're becoming mentally ill.
Does that constitute brown-nosing?
Drivel, nonsense, tripe....I'm used to that from this site. But now blatant Xenophobia, you truly are a moron.
Today's collation of the surveymonkey and the two very important questions that are on everyone's lips.....
Q: is hammersfan a negative wally?
A: an overwhelming 61.3% currently say YES he is
Q: Do you think he is actually a hammers fan?
A: 50% of think he isn't
So keep voting chaps as I close it on Sunday
Click here to take survey
I have a job and I think this guy is a cock.
Missed you at the recent BNP meeting Trev.
Xenophobic? What's xenophobic? You didn't pick up the reference to the Fake Sheik used to trick Sven then? Idiots!
Are you looking forward to Barking electing the 1st BNP member of parliament?
Sadly it would not surprise me in the slightest Trevor. Looking forward to it? Well, I am not from Barking so I can't see how it would impact on me directly. One MP in Parliament is not going to do a lot of damage is it? He will be heavily outnumbered by the Black and Asian MPs and will be utterly shunned so electing him would be an act of futility and constitute a wasted vote. However, I would imagine that every decent person in Barking would feel acutely ashamed if it happened.
Are you the same person that writes on the blog, http://scottwrites.wordpress.com ?
You are quite possibly the most boring person alive.
My friends eight year old son did support West Ham, then his dad began introducing the little fella to the world of newsnow.co.uk.
Now, following coming across this blog too often the little guy has stopped supporting West Ham. Obviously naive, but given he's only eight naivety in this case is understandable.
The lad enjoyed newsnow.co.uk, but frquently came across what he called a "site" called "The Game's Gone Crazy." The tradition has now been broken.
After generations, countless generations infact. The only male in the family of that generation has stopped supporting West Ham. Why?
Due to his perceived negativity of West Ham fans in comparison to Arsenal fan sites he has seen. Well done Hammersfan, you've introduced a fan to your closest rivals (assuming your a spud) and spoilt a family tradition.
You may believe you 'innocent' and insignificant posts have no effect, but you've done this. You alone, as the kid is switched on enough to explain, it's not the responses, it's the writer and the writer 'tells him West Ham is bad.'
Poor little fella, will now never follow a true football club alongside the rest of his family.
Is this a success story for you?
What a twat you are! You could, at least, have come up with a child of credible age. Now, if you said a boy of 13, I might have been inclined to believe you, but 8? The boy would have to be a prodigy to read and understand the nuances of this blog. An eight year old might look at the pictures, but read articles of the length I produce? How bloody absurd. Get a life you utter moron! Are you perhaps the same fool who has set up the survey?
Actually everything my pater's associate says is true. I was indeed a veritable fan of West Ham United, attracted by the idea of the club's association with Ann Boleyn, on whom I am presently writing a disseration. Reading the contaminating propaganda promoted by this blog has obliged me to reconsider my affiliation, necessitating me, after due consideration, to shift my allegiance to Tottenham Hotspurs.
Request: stop blogging.
Request: declined.
Request: stop reading if you don't like!
Stewie, you're a legend! But you could have chosen Milwall at least!
...and 15:19 sometimes he is a cock, but my point is this, give the guy a break for fuck's sake and get a more constructive hobby that constantly slagging the blog. If you don't like, then don't read.
What an utter twat, so you seriously believe that the eight year old must understand every detail? perhaps if he did you dumb c you next tuesday he wouldn't he made his choice and realised your just another example of a prized cock on this planet.
You must have been one thick kid to think and eight year old cannot read any of this and understand parts! What a totally inconsiderate shitcock of a c you next tuesday you are.
I hope you die of cancer you thick twat.
LOL Doesn't that say it all! Firstly, if he only understands parts, he has no sense of the whole. You cannot blame a writer because a reader does not understand the full message. That really is stupid. That's like blaming the maker of a safe crossing sign when somebody crosses the road in front of a car because they read, "Don't Walk" and only understand "Walk"!
More seriously, what sort of Dad has you as a "mate" and lets his son have any contact with you? Wishing cancer upon me because of views expressed on football. What sort of sick individual are you? You need to get psychiatric help - seriously!
Of course, the 8 year old doesn't exist so I'm not worried about him but you sir, well sterilisation might also be advisable because you seriously could damage a child!
"the boy would have to be a prodigy to read and understand the nuances of this blog"
LOL Deluded bollocks. An 8 year old would not understand your judgement for starters. Just that one word deluded would flummex him. That's why the original comment was so utterly ridiculous!
14:14 is another poster who by the looks of it understands how your articles could be understood to a degree that'll allow him to decide whether it's negative crap or not. You're on your own in believing somebody that young couldn't be effected by your writings.
You are the definition of why West Ham has become known to have shit supporters, even in the 90's we was a different club. Now we have idiots like you who simply don't realise what being a West Ham fan used to mean to most football followers.
14:14 is correct, you're deluded. Congratulations on being one of the first popular supporters of the spoilers. You my friend are way way to sure of yourself.
And the idiots that say if you don't like it don't read it, when will you realise we only see a headline before entering the site!? AND, we don't know it's crap until we've read it you numpties.
I miss the West Ham of old.
To the anonymous poster of 03:29
Reread your post you charmless little cretin.
Do you seriously think comments like that are acceptable?
To the anonymous poster of 03:29
Reread your post you charmless little cretin.
Do you seriously think comments like that are acceptable?
1545. how old are you? Were you a West Ham fan in 1968? Yes West Ham fans have changed in the time I have been supporting the club, they have lost their sense of humour based on guys like yourself. As for an 8 year old reading this site and being persuaded to support another team, I've never heard anything so stupid in all my life. I repeat, to read and make judgements like that at 8 years old, the boy would be a prodigy.
If you are using News Now to springboard to the site, the name of the blog is carried. Just don't visit this site! I never visit Tribal Football for example. Oh, but I forgot, I've got a brain!
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