It has just occured to me what a fantastic deal this mini season ticket is! For £250 or less (depending on where you sit), you get to see FIVE relegation Cup Finals plus the return to Upton Park of Carlos Tevez and Craig Bellamy! Imagine the atmosphere as we cheer Tevez and howl at Bellyache! The only thing that will spoil it all is if we go down...
...and that won't happen will it?
Kids and students can get to all six games for as little as £70! Now that is incredible value!
Personally, for the matches that are remaining and the football that will be on view it represents nothing more than a fair price and even then I'm being generous. Most real fans go whatever the price, but you obviously only want to go on the cheapie. As it is such a bargain you have just denied yourself the opportunity to write any criticism as you only get what you pay for.
Your reply makes no sense whatsoever. So you think that £12 is only a "fair price" for a student to pay to watch Premiership football? You must be one tight arse! Hope I'm never in a pub waiting for you to buy your round! Was West Ham v Hull poor entertainment? Well Bolton, Wigan, Sunderland, Wolves and Stoke are on a par with Hull or slightly better. 3 wins will see us survive so anybody present will be watching "knife edge" football. The value is in the tension! And then, for the purists, there is the Man City game.
Your final point is absurd. I cannot complain about the value for money, but I can complain about the quality of the performance. I am buying a Kia because of the 7 year warranty and very low price. It is great value for money, but that doesn't mean I have to describe it as a brilliant car. It isn't!
West Ham versus Hull was Sunday park football. And I paid full whack, always have done. Fuck me, you ain't been to many games if you call that little lot Premiership Football, though I suppose it's about as close as you've ever got to one. What was the last game you went to? Macclesfield was it?
You're right, the Kia is an awful car that's why they tempt you with other offers. It's only good value for money if it doesn't keep breaking down. Hope Roadside Assistance is included in the seven year warranty or you'll be missing even those matches as well. And you have the nerve to call ME a tight wad. lol.
And another thing, do you even support West Ham? I am assisting the marketing of seat sales and you are seeking to denigrate the deal. Sod off to White Shite Lane you Spud!
1057, you know nothing! If there were mechanical problems, they wouldn't offer the 7 year bumper to bumper warranty because it would cost them a fortune. Hyundai are part of the same company. The cost of their 5 year warranty has been minimal, so the decision was made to push it further for the Kia. Finiish wise, the car is tacky, but for £7,200, with a comprehensive 7 year warranty, it is amazing value for a brand new car. Given I don't need a car to compensate for the size of my cock, it is a great buy. I'm sure you would rather have a 12 year old Porsche, with booster cushions to help you see over the steering wheel!
You paid full whack dave? Surely you can slip under the turnstiles unnoticed!
You paid full whack for the Hull game? So you are not a season ticket holder then? Some would say you were not a real fan therefore. More fool you for paying £50 to watch park football. It is free if you go to the park you know!
Of course I'm a season ticket holder. Bought and paid for pre season. Grow up moron, do you really think you'd have got that deal if the last six games had been the London Derbies and Man Utd? No way. That deal is out because there's been empty seats all season. And there would have been more if they hadn't done that deal. And if you'd gone to the matches you'd know that.Gold and Sullivan didn't become millionaires by being mugs. They just catch mugs out and you got sucked in.
My car is a Ford as I work for Ford and pay about half price for them as an employee. So I guess on that track I'd know a bit more about cars than you do.
The London derbies and the Man Utd game...let me see...we haven't won any of those games have we? What a mug!
Of course this is a marketing ploy, and it is a very clever one! I would recommend that it is rolled out next season for people, like myself, who cannot get to every game. Why not have different priced mini season tickets, letting fans go for cheap and cheerful, with Band D games only, a slightly more expensive mix allowing 4 Band D, One Band C and one Band B, a more expersive one still allowing a Band A game, etcetera. I accept that the Davids have been clever here, that's why I'm endorsing it.
If you have a season ticket, you didn't pay full whack for it. But if you are dave, which I very much suspect, I know you don't own a season ticket.
You work for Ford? Dealership or manufacturing? There's no way Ford could offer a 7 year warranty I accept, too many Friday afternoon cars made in England!
I wouldn't know. Ford cars arent made in England
No? I have no idea. I thought they had a plant over here. How do you work for Ford then?
Has Dagenham plant closed completely? Don't even build engines any more? Bloody foreigners, building better cars abroad rather than over here!
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