Just thought we should club together and congratulate Dean Ashton on securing that five year contract paying £65,000 a week. I am sure he had absolutely no idea that he was still suffering problems with that ankle when he made his mark on the contract.
Suggestions that he was threatening to leave on a Bosman or buy himself out of his contract, if not offered a new deal (with Tottenham rumoured to be interested), are surely well wide of the mark. Why would Ashton put a gun to our head if he had suspicions that he might not fully recover from that injury? That would be dishonest. That would be taking advantage. That would be exploiting the fans who pay his salary!
Dean would never do that would he? Let's face it, we would all have done the same in his position anyway, so how can anybody complain?
Good on you Dean, well done my son. True, we may have to sell Parker or Cole in the summer to cover the cost of your wages, but that's hardly your concern. I mean, you support Manchester United don't you, so why should what happens to West Ham be any concern of yours?
So, on behalf of all West Ham fans Dean, I want you to know that we do not begrudge you the £13,520,000 you will earn over the next 4 years without kicking a ball. Nor do we resent the £3,380,000 you have already pocketed from that contract extension. You deserve every penny mate after making a total of 43 starts for the club. God bless you son.
Since you are a fine specimen of what is righteous and what is morally acceptable....
What exactly do you think should happen here?
Not what should have happened, forget what has happened, I mean now. What should Ashton do? What should the club do?
Pray tell oh holy one...
As I say, Ashton should take the money and the club should pay up...unless they could prove that Ashton knowingly withheld material information when signing that contract. He did have his own medical team didn't he? Wonder why?
if I was Sullivan, that would be the route I would follow, seeking to prove that Ashton secured the contract extension under false pretences. I wouldn't pay the salary and would invite Ashton to make available all advice received from his private medical team. I would also want his agent, under oath, to reveal all conversations that took place between himself and Ashton in the months preceding the signing of the contract extension. Was Ashton feeling pain in the ankle? Had he been warned that the damage had not completely healed?
Who knows, with Duxbury gone, we might actually be able to win in court!
Now tell me, if that course of action saved us the money and meant we did not have to sell Parker, where would your loyalties lie?
Gold and Sullivan should offer him shares in the Hammers rather than pay all the above quoted amount of legal tender.
Would that be possible or not?
Why would Ashton agree to that? Even Curbishley, a West Ham fan (cough cough) hasn't gone for that one!
I know what you are saying there is no reason why he would accept that but still Davidx2 should at least make the offer!!
I suppose Dean might buy the treatment room, for old time's sake!
HF 1844 previous post Jim Phelps you prick Mission Impossible to get you to understand past the size of your warped over-sized ego is IMPOSSIBLE. I pity your wife and kids fancy having to live with this cnut she deserves a medal
You fcuking no nothing prick if the club wanted too they could have ask him to take a medical idiot. O by the way John Hartson's family still want a word with you. Why don't you have a go in a new at the soldiers that are returning injured and getting killed doing their jobs as well that would be right up your street too you sad little cnut
1938, Mission Impossible, of course! Sorry, I don't watch kids films.
John has made a good recovery. Pleased for him.
I think a parallel between Ashton and soldiers killed or maimed on a battlefield is highly inappopriate don't you? Yet again, perspective needed.
Widely considered to be one of the most iconic television series of all time, except by sad little no nothing cnuts who think it’s a film
I was always a "Man From Uncle" boy. What was it that Mission Impossible clashed with? Coronation Street perhaps? Something my parents insisted on watching, and in those days there was only one TV in the house.
Why so aggressive about a kid's TV programme?
In view of his perpetually injury hit career you would have thought management would have insisted on a medical before handing out a five year deal at £65,000 a week. How do idiots like Duxbury and Nani get into these high paying jobs? I am sure that if it could be proved that Ashton and his helpers were aware it was unlikely he would ever be fully fit again his contract could be severely reduced, and if he knew himself that he was unlikely to ever be fully fit again it should be reduced on grounds of false pretences. Anyway I am sure the D's will be examining all these possibillites
Are you serious?
Ashton might have had his own medical team, but we have a medical team as well.
You really think there is a possibility that Ashton signed knowing he could be retired in 18 months time? That's a very scinical world you live in and that would be an extremely embarassing route to go down.
I don't believe that you gnuinely would do this. You are just answering the question and offering a possible option. One that if you thought about it seriously, you should admit that really it's not the best way to go about it.
Firstly, stopping his wages because you think he might have signed the contract knowing he was facing retirement, would make us a laughing stock yet again... especially after the Davenport scenario.
I am serious. I have very serious reservations about all this. Read Ashton's comments. He was stunned to be offered a 5 year contract and the insurance company refused to cover the ankle. Why? Did they see the medical reports and ask the right questions? The point is, Ashton played as if he was still carrying the injury. He CHOSE to work with his own medical team. There is something fishy here.
Are you really a Hammers fan?
Why do you ask?
Your not a west ham fan. Your a wanker. I don't begrudge Dean Ashton the contract THE CLUB offered HIM and not the other way round. Also of course the insurance refused to cover his ankle because he'd already spent over a season out with a serious injury towards it.
So why am I not a West Ham fan? Because I would rather this money was invested in players who have a FUTURE with the club? Who do you support, West Ham or Dean Ashton? Your (correct spelling)logic is arse about face. If I wasn't a West Ham fan, I might be delighted that the club was losing still more money. Follow? Or is that beyond your obviously very small brain?
I really wish Ashton could have just sued Wright-Phillips or something.
if we are paying his wages why dont we get him to work for his money instead of paying him off.
To think my mother was so pleased that I came to England because of the high standards of education available to my kids Dear God poor delusional woman
For those that have experienced said educational system this comment is not aimed at Hammersfan
Deane - As someone who failed to include any punctuation in your last post, I would think twice about commenting on education in the future.
You're a disgrace HF an utter, total and complete disgrace - how I despise you and your negative utterances! I wish a pox on you and your ugly anti West Ham mouth.
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